Many people do not know this!
It was a Democratic Congress that voted to transfer 1000's of trillions that was in the Social Security fund over to the general fund so they could get their grimy little hands on it for their pork barrel projects. That was in 1978.
Would you vote for someone that believes in allowing 4,000 babies to be slaughtered every day?
How about voting for someone that believes it is allright to perform a late term abortion and then crush their head and suck their brain out?
Then if a baby survived an abortion, throw it on a shelf or somwhere and let it starve to death?
Would they decide to abort a baby if a test showed that it was a downs baby?
If you would vote for someone like that then you most certainly need to vote for Obama, Biden because they both support that. Obama stood before the Planned Parenthood and stated he supported them. (Of course they may have made a large donation to his campaign fund!