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Geketa Holman

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Re: 7 1/2 Years Of George Bush
10/9/2008 2:14:53 PM
Hi Phil,

Yes, good to see you too, it has been way too long.

No sense beating around the bush .. when I got something to say .. just say it .. love the graphics .. let's hope all those numbers don't confuse the libby's .. they might have to take it to committee for six months before they understand and vote on it  lol

If your thoughts were to became a reality .. we are in big trouble mister ! I would find a cave .. and crawl in to it or .. see if I could move to the moon on the next space flight out of this world. Pelosi in charge of this country, would that mean she would turn off the lights and just go home if she got tired leaving us all in the dark .. oh, I forgot she already did that.

Thanks for your humor and stopping in!

Blessings and HUGS,


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Re: 7 1/2 Years Of George Bush
10/9/2008 3:16:56 PM

Hi Geketa,

I saw your thread and, even though I am not from USA ... I would like to say just one sentence :


Best wishes !!!


Branka Babic

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Re: 7 1/2 Years Of George Bush
10/9/2008 3:55:19 PM

Hi Geketa,

I followed Lilly :) ...

I like very much this article 545 PEOPLE By Charlie Reese but the question is WHAT IF... ? WHAT AFTER...?

These days, I think, all eyes world wide are watching for the news from USA . GLOBAL CRYSIS ... and the consequences of your banking collapse, feel all.

I am not enough smart to tell anything about candidates for president, but I have  a huge experience in FINDING A WAY TO SURVIVE.

In 1994 my monthly salary worths, at the moment when I get it, 1 egg. If I didn`t by it same moment, after a half of hour I can buy a half of egg. There was a joke that Serbian peasants will sell only boiled eggs - to be able to sell halves :( ...

I hope no one of you will spend such incredible creative days, months and years as I and 90 % of my nation have spent. But IF ... please just never forget THAT ALWAYS IS A WAY TO GO AHEAD ...

Fragrances and perfumes are so very important in my life ... but at first 7-8 years of Luka`s life, I have had even a shampoo so seldom. But ... I gave him a bath of love , laughter, and a lessons that LIFE IS ABOVE ALL!

Just to mention that, before became a refugee, I lived as a very rich and never missed anything.

Telling you all this just to encourage you to not effuse too much energy on politicians and their tricks. No one politician E V E R  worked for us.

Heads up , and love your family!!!!

With love,



Re: 7 1/2 Years Of George Bush
10/9/2008 4:04:47 PM
Hi Geketa

thanks for the invite, and I agree with you and everyone here.  I think the Dems have given us enough change.  As a friend of mine quoted:

"How about if they run on a promise of restoration rather than change. A restoration that would take us back in time to a place where things ran better, smoother and life was more enjoyable. Change? That, in truth, is what they have been giving us all along."

America had better wake up, before it's too late. Geketa, it's people like you & I, Jim, Peter, Bev and others like us that can help get these messages out there for the American people to see.  We have got to start harrassing the Media, and get them to start telling 'ALL the TRUTH', not their biased side.  They are electing our President for us, if we don't stand up and take charge.

Thanks Geketa, Just keep on Keeping on


Geketa Holman

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Re: 7 1/2 Years Of George Bush
10/9/2008 5:08:39 PM
Hi Lilly ,

You are so very correct .. no one has shown  any common sense .. every one knows this .. it's not rocket science !

Thanks for popping in.

Blessings ,


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one