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Jim Allen

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Re: An Obama chronology
11/3/2008 9:45:04 AM
Question: What is America's first line of missile interceptor defense that protects the entire United States?


    Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard.


    Question: What is the ONLY National Guard unit on permanent active duty?


    Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard


    Question: Who is the Commander in Chief of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard?


    Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska


    Question: What U. S. governor is routinely briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism?


    Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska


    Question: What U. S. governor has a higher classified security rating than either candidate of the Democrat Party?


    Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska


    According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out. This is a woman used to keeping secrets. She can be entrusted with our national security, because she already is.


    Now you DO know! 

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Re: An Obama chronology
11/3/2008 9:48:13 AM

Hi Geketa:

Hope all is well with you and yours.

I like others here in Baltimore, and across our great nation are concerned about the " history " of Mr. Obama. Personally, I will not vote for anyone who agrees that a living human child can be left to die on a table in a darkened hospital room , law or not, it is immoral and barbaric, to say the least. Nor will I vote for a man who enages covertly with known criminals, and those who seek to undermine all that our forefathers and those who sacrificed their lives to protect.

Still, and even if he does become a resident of the White House, I will pray for him and his family everyday. It is the least I can do for his children. With what I am reading in the paper and here on line, it is becoming more and more clear that they are destined to become fatherless, and his wife a widow. Sad as that sounds.

I can remember the day my mother woke me from a sound sleep telling me....

" they shot the president "....

I hope this country never ever has to have that kind of news as part of their history again... in this case...should it can look for riots in our streets and total choas around the world.

May God have mercy on us all.... please. 

Jim Allen

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Re: An Obama chronology
11/3/2008 9:54:00 AM
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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: An Obama chronology
11/3/2008 12:32:20 PM

Venceremo Brigades was a Cuban spy operation

Trashing Camelot:  Obama’s pal Bill Ayers Violated JFK’s Cuba Embargos

 By Marinka Peschmann, Special to Canada Free Press   Monday, November 3, 2008

imageWhen news broke that Senator Barack Obama’s Chicago education co-chair, the unrepentant Weatherman terrorist, William Ayers dedicated his book, Prairie Fire—The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism, to Robert Kennedy’s assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, a collective shudder was felt. But that vile dedication grazes the tip of Ayers’ Anti-Kennedy antics. Declassified 1976 FBI files disclose how Ayers, and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, subverted President John F. Kennedy’s U.S. embargos against Cuba.

Senator Ted Kennedy designated Obama his brother’s rightful political heir, JFK’s daughter, Caroline, avowed Obama would be a President like her father. Their dynastical endorsement and legacy passing to Obama over Hillary Clinton effectively anointed the candidate from Illinois, shrouded by radical associations, as the head of the new Democrat party.

Following is a quick look back at history, and some of Ayers’s deeds mocking the Kennedy legacy the FBI documented:

On April 17, 1961, the invasion of Cuba—the Bay of Pigs, begins. With the support of the U.S government, Cuban exiles invade to overthrow Fidel Castro’s Communist regime. They are defeated by Castro’s army. President Kennedy is criticized for refusing to authorize air cover to support the invasion force. In the wake of defeat, Nikita Khrushchev’s USSR steps up its support of Castro’s Cuba.

President Kennedy reciprocates by stepping up pressure against Cuba, and issues Proclamation 3447 – Embargo on All Trade with Cuba, on February 3, 1962. It reads in part: “Whereas the United States…is prepared to take all necessary actions to promote national and hemispheric security by isolating the present Government of Cuba and thereby reducing the threat posed by its alignment with the communist power [USSR]…. Hereby proclaim an embargo upon trade between the United States and Cuba…” Full text here

In the summer of 1962, Nikita Khrushchev, in defiance of Kennedy’s declaration that missiles fired from Cuba could result in a full-scale attack against the Soviets, covertly installs ballistic missiles in Cuba. Upon U.S. discovery, in October, the Cuban missile crisis ignites and the face-off between the U.S. and the USSR puts the super-power clash on the brink of nuclear war. The crisis ends in November, when the U.S. agrees to not invade Cuba, and the Soviets withdraw their missiles.

But the FBI files confirm that Castro, mistrustful of the U.S., sets his sights on another American defeat. This time to derail an American victory in the Vietnam war. Why? Because Castro feared that a victorious U.S. would return to liberate the people of Cuba from his oppressive regime.

That’s where Ayers and Dohrn and their kill-the-imperialist-pig ilk came in handy as Castro’s pawns. As previously reported, Ayers and Dohrn traveled as part of the Venceremo Brigades, ostensibly defying Kennedy’s February 1963’s travel restrictions to Cuba.

The Venceremo Brigades was a Cuban spy operation tasked to recruit “individuals who are politically oriented and who someday may obtain a position, elective or appointive, somewhere in the U.S. Government, which would provide the Cuban Government with access to political, economic and military intelligence.” (Canada Free Press)

But the Vencermos Brigades were used for other purposes too. Ayers recruited American students to help boast Cuba’s economy, by enlisting them to work in Cuba’s sugar economy to export to the Soviet Union—another violation of Kennedy’s embargos.

The FBI report provides an example. It was July 29, 1969, when Ayers, in a speech at the University of Oregon, discussed the role of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), (SDS split off later to become the Weatherman), in the Venceremo Brigade.

In response to student’s questions about the Vencermo Brigade, Ayers said this:

“In November and beginning January, SDS was involved in sending 150 people, both times to Cuba to cut cane, to cut sugar, as part of Cuba’s program to create, to put out 50 million, or what is it 100 million…tons of sugar.” Ayers said. “They are not being paid because they are not honkeys who need to get paid in order to do something, in order to serve the people… there will be about 75 SDS people on each trip and about 75 people recruited from the Black Panther Party and Young (illegible) organizations, and other black and brown organizations that will go to Cuba,…by going to work to create and help the Cubans create a solid economy in the face of the economic boycott by the United States, in the face of the constant threats from the United States, in fact a couple of invasions that didn’t work because the Cuban people were too well armed and well educated.

The Venceremo Brigade,” Ayers expanded, “is an idea which is an attempt to show the people of the world that…all American’s aren’t solid in their support of the economic boycott of Cuba, and so we are going to go and we are going to attempt to…help the Cubans in their efforts.”

Embargos against Cuban remain in effect, and Ayers and Dohrn, the unapologetic Marxist radical terrorists from the 1960s, freely admit they’re as Marxist today as they were then; Marxist communists who launched Obama’s political career. History has a way of creeping up and colliding with the present. The Kennedy’s Obama endorsement will inevitably become part of their legacy—perhaps the tragic part that not even Obama can wipe clean. 

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Marinka Peschmann is a freelance writer. She’s collaborated and contributed on books ranging from showbiz to true crime and politics.
She may be reached at:

Marinka Peschmann, Special to Canada Free Press most recent columns
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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Nick Sym

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Re: An Obama chronology
11/4/2008 2:08:57 PM

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