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Geketa Holman

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Re: Obama explains why he doesn't salute the US Flag
6/13/2008 1:24:19 PM
Hi Jim,

I was pleasantly surprised to see your smiling face in my inbox. Glad you enjoyed the opinions and post of the other members of this forum. They are each very intelligent folks and unique in personality. 

I must say I have to agree with the facts you presented on Clinton although he did have some of his own demons as well. But, I will not go there and it is not my job to judge him on a personal level .

Alan Keyses was part of the Regan administration .. I think he is the best kept secret in America today .  Ron Paul in my opinion would be like voting for Pat Paulson LOL 

Dear me! You are stretching it with the McCain / Clinton ticket  , "that dog just ain't ever gonna hunt." But stranger things have happened.

A write in vote for you would be a great idea, but only if you run with me as vice president .. ;)

Thanks a million for your input.


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Phillip Black

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Re: Obama explains why he doesn't salute the US Flag
6/13/2008 1:32:34 PM

Hello Geketa,

I know that I keep coming back like a bad penny, however, there's just a couple more things I needed to say.

First of all, I was referring specifically to the Barbaric, Government-sponsored Murder of Innocent babies under what the Leftists call "Partial-birth Abortion", a procedure which Mr. Obama supports by the way, and Mr. McCain vehemently opposes.  I agree that no President to date has had the backbone to take a stand and help stop Abortion.  That would no doubt continue with John McCain, or anyone else who is elected.


The only way to stop Government-Sponsored Abortions is to overturn Roe v. Wade.  The only way to accomplish this is to appoint Judges to all courts who have the backbone to stand up for what is Right.  At least with a Republican making the appointments, these Preborn Innocents stand a chance that one day, that might happen.  All we can do is Pray for that day.

Jim, I hope you're sitting down, because you will be surprised to hear that we may actually agree for a change.  First of all, I agree 100% that the "Administration" under the Clinton Presidency did many good things.  Not only with a Balanced Budget, but also with the first truly comprehensive, Welfare Reform that had ever been passed.  Notice, I said "Administration", not Bill Clinton.  He was surrounded by a Cabinet and Advisers composed of some of the most capable people to have ever served in Washington, at least in my recollection, thanks in no small part to Hilliary, who as I understand it, made most of the decisions.  Bill, I am afraid, was probably already busy with his multitude of other "pursuits", if you get my drift.

Which brings us to a second point on which we agree, a McCain/Clinton ticket.  I could support that idea whole heartedly.  I have told people for years that we need a Coalition Ticket, with each member handling what they do best.  A Democrat for Domestic Issues and a Republican for Foreign Affairs Issues.  Of course, I was thinking more along the lines of Senator James Webb Jr. from VA, however, Hilliary would be a good choice as well. 

One thing's for sure, it would put the brakes on the Obama train, currently on course for the destruction of our way of life, and I think most would agree that's what's best for the country.

Have A Blessed & Beautiful Day,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Geketa Holman

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Re: Obama explains why he doesn't salute the US Flag
6/13/2008 2:28:10 PM
Hi Phil,
I would NEVER think of you as a bad penny . First your a brother in the L-rd and we are not given an option, but a commandment to love our brothers.. You are always welcome to state any thing you feel or think in my forum you know that.

I just about fell off my chair you and Jim in agreement .. ! I love it ..

I do understand that McCain says partical birth abortion is wrong, but will he do anything about it ? Just my question here  .. you are exactly correct it is the roe vs wade decision that was made that would need to be overturned .. by the way .. it was in  against the constitution in the first place

Amendment 14 - Citizenship Rights (ratified July 9, 1868)

  1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
as it states in the 14th amendment the  presuit of LIFE, this right to life was given by the creator not man and our forefathers knew this very well.  How can an unborn child presue anything it they are terminated ,  The law that needs to be made is a right to life of the unborn child . No one has ever challenged the abortion laws on these grounds to my knowledge nor has it been vetoed  by the president which is in his power to do so if he were to choose this action.

Thanks for stopping back in it also allowed me to make a few of my own after thoughts known as well.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Dean Beaty

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Re: Obama explains why he doesn't salute the US Flag
7/5/2008 10:41:30 PM
Barrack's New campaign slogan......
Keep them out w/ Home Security... Put them out w/ Pepper Spray. Where YOU are much more than a Customer. And we are much more than a Webstore! To read more poems by Dean go to:
Geketa Holman

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Re: Obama explains why he doesn't salute the US Flag
7/6/2008 12:09:45 PM
Hi Dean,

The video did not show up you might want to try reposting it .. !

Why did Obama use the term "patriotism" and avoided using "nationalism"?

But while using the words "patriotism" and "nation" repeatedly, Obama avoided using the word "nationalism." Nationalism is a word that sophisticates hate, as they idealize the European Union's "post-nationalism" - forgetting how potent nationalism remains in Europe. Nationalism in popular culture is too frequently connected to fanatics who love their country so much they hate fellow citizens who disagree with them.

But both Zionists and American patriots know that nationalism, like religion, can be a force for good - or for ill. Nationalism distorted and perverted ended up degenerating into Nazism. Nationalism constructively channeled created the United States of America 232 years ago, and the State of Israel more recently.

By avoiding the term, was Obama revealing his identity as part of the University of Chicago-Harvard elite who look down their noses at the little people who love their country? Or was he simply being a smart politician and using the popular term "patriotism" rather than the more complicated term "nationalism"?

To those who see Obama as an Ivy League elitist who will be too Jimmy Carteresque, this speech can become one more link in their chain of evidence. But the speech also confirmed the impressions of those who see Obama as a smart, savvy, and eloquent visionary. This is the Obama enigma - and we hope that the campaign, with its many tests, will prove clarifying.

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one

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