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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 8:08:53 PM
Oh my Georgios, So that is what you look like. You look every bit as handsome as Genesis or Zeus. It's a shame to lose what explains the theme of your forums. That did not happen to me as Pandas don't help others. It was just easy to spot among 39,000 other picturers. Panda's don't cook either so the Adlandpro cookbook was not identified with the Panda.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 8:12:59 PM
Hi Nap, Yes, found on yahoo talking to people in China, Russia, USA, El Salvador. He is secure there. And you jumped right in and helped Linda. I will need your help to get my picture in. Oh, you won't believe how sharp I look!!!
Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 8:16:26 PM
LOL Mary, You are too funny :-) Actually I liked the panda but I am sure I would like the real you if you ever decide to let us see. How about the government being able to see your face from space with their satellites when you are out and about. Perhaps those veils are not such a bad idea for women AND men. David
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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 8:16:52 PM
Ildiko, When my picture is put up are you sure that it is me??? Truthfully, I trusted all those who used symbols as I never felt they were hiding anything. Many of us considered them creative people. As for me, I could not get my picture in here. Dah?Either Nap or Leon helped me get the panda in. Beats me how I did it.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Missing-Lost-Kidnapped
6/30/2006 8:22:52 PM
Hi Roger, We don't have any ulterior motve. It was just fun. It was a conversation piece and brought many interesting friends. Comments were made comparing our little characters. That built a bond between us. Yes, we do care about each other. It was hoped by posting this that we could laugh about our plight. So I personally laughed and cried. Your are getting to be a regular on my forums and your opinions are appreciated