
Jen Maxwell

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Re: If I only had 1 word to say in advice...I would say: READING!
12/31/2007 12:20:11 PM

Hi Kathleen,

You sure hit the nail on the head!  My estimate, even with those I'm in close contact with, is that 8 out of 10 people do not read thoroughly, or if they do they don't understand what they're reading.  Distracted perhaps? 

Kudos to you.

Happy New Year Everone!


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Nick Sym

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Re: If I only had 1 word to say in advice...I would say: READING!
12/31/2007 2:22:17 PM
Hello My Dearest Kathleen !

Even though I do not have the money to ever join any of your great offers I still like to pay my respects to a woman who seems to have such a drive and passion for her work as you do that for still having the time to be my friend I give you this big wet kiss - Happy New Year Kathleen always here for you !

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: If I only had 1 word to say in advice...I would say: READING!
12/31/2007 3:06:04 PM

Thanks, Jen!

Sometimes we see people who are superstars and then there are people who make zero sales, all in the same business.  The only difference is, the people who make more referrals and sales put in constant effort and a lot of them also study marketing books and read additional information in their free time.  I know a lot of people don't have tons of time on their hands, but just putting in a little bit of time toward reading and promoting at least several days a week really makes a difference!  Thanks for visiting and reading my post!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: If I only had 1 word to say in advice...I would say: READING!
12/31/2007 3:20:46 PM

Hi Nick!

If there's ever a new Goodwill Ambassador chosen, (I don't know if there ever will be a term limit on that) I know you'd be great at it!   You're not trying to get people to join any businesses, and your graphics really liven up all the forums!  Thanks for keeping up with almost everything that's going here all the time, people really do notice when you're gone for a few days!

As for my drive and passion, all my life I've had 5 older siblings disregarding much of what I do and say, so that has always been a driving force within me, just to do better than my best and prove them wrong in their opinions of people who are younger than they are and who work at home instead of out in Stress Land!   Working with other people will make us stressed out and overweight, and just going to work is a likelihood of getting into a car accident, see?  I'm right already!

If I was to say I'm working toward something, I'd like to buy my father's house in suburban Philly, but I don't know if he'll ever sell it.  I'd like to pay off my house here in Michigan, even though it's old and has problems, it's MY house and I'd really like it to be totally MINE and not the mortgage company's.   I don't know how long it will take for me to earn that much but having a big goal is more of a driving force than a small goal or no goals.

THANKS for being my good friend also!  Happy New Year's Eve and Happy 2008!



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Sheryl Loch

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Re: If I only had 1 word to say in advice...I would say: READING!
12/31/2007 3:30:36 PM
Hello Kathleen,
I saw your post pop acrossed the top & thought I would pop in with my 2 cents! LOL!
I do not get much by mail from my company. I do have the opportunity to read allot of articles related to my product though.
As for promoting - I do not place ads - I place info to get you thinking.
I also have been with the same business for over 2 years. I do not switch to a million things. I think to many people want FAST NOW results with little or no effort.
Ok, that is all you get for 2 cents. If you would like more I do accept nickels! LOL!
Have a wonderful New Year,
Sheryl Loch ~ allmylovecrafts

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