
Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 5:07:54 PM


I understand your point.  It does look kind of silly to talk to one's self in a forum.  It gets even more disturbing when they answer themselves. LOL.

Like you say though, when new comers see all this inapropriate activity in forums, they think it is acceptable.  That is why we who are more experience in this type of communication need to patiently educate the new comers as to what is acceptable.

How do we do this?  Well for starters check the reports link at the top of the page and click on the new members' list and invite the new comers to be friends and offer them help in getting them oriented correctly.  You by no means can force this on them; because they must want the help we offer before we can help.  However, knowing that there are people who are willing to help will cause them to come out of their shells and ask the questions they may have been too afraid to ask without that offer.

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Jenny SJ

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 5:54:12 PM
Hi again Kathleen,

I have to admit you and Mary have made a point about people spamming their own forums. I'd never thought about it like that.

I think what Mary meant by people spamming their own forums, is repetitive posting when they aren't getting any visitors there except themself.  Maybe they do it just so their post will show up in the pop-ups or of course on the post-history pages.

But I dont think this is a very big problem anyway - because, apart from wasting bandwidth - it doesnt do anyone any harm if the forum belongs to them - maybe it makes it  boring and is probably counterproductive for that reason - but harmless.

I see you haven't lost your sense of humour - but we cant keep blaming everying on Television! LOL (or the internet! LOL)  We do have an off switch. And your comment on moderated forums has just had me laughing out loud  "how can we moderate a pile of chaos"
.  Come on girl, it's not  THAT bad.   And the ability to read isnt really the problem - it's the willingness to use it.  PLEASE  DO NOT POST ADS  is not a very long sentence after all.

The only solution that I can see is to take Duane's advice and learn from more experienced people when we are new.  And set a good example when you are posting when you are more established - one that demonstrates that YOU at least have read the forum before answering and haven't just come there to clock up another post for the list or to say your piece and run.  Teaching by example is still one of the best ways.

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Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 6:51:04 PM
I must throw in another two cents.

Before inviting someone to be your friend READ their profile! I can't get over how many people send me invitations without ever READING my profile. I can tell, just by reading their invitation, that most have no clue.

Here's a little something to remember: Building relationships is of a personal nature. You get to know someone as a person; like making a friend. You find out about what they are interested in and what they are all about; all the while, they should be doing the same with you. We are talking about a Friend's List, right? Well, how do you make friends off line? Think about it.

Through the process of establishing a friendship, you will naturally exchange information on your respective businesses. That is just a matter of course, and it is the proper course to follow.  Slamming ads at people is only going to alienate them. That is a step backward, not forward.

Make your invitation a letter of introduction about yourself, NOT what you're selling.

It's friendlier.

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Nick Sym

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 11:56:54 PM
Hello Kathleen

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Arthur Webster

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/4/2007 2:04:34 PM

Hi, Kathleen,

Echoes of yester-year but there is one aspect in all this that is relatively new and very, very insidious.


How many roogoos now promote the posting to forums as a valid form of list building and advertising?

How many programmes are sold every year to locate and post to forum boards? The posts look human but the lack of pertinence to the forum is a dead give away.

How many programmes promote 'click of the mouse' fortunes from your 'list'. Need some money? Post to your list. Oops, your only list is in Adland so lets be honest and say 'spam' your list.

This is no longer a true business community because the infrastructure is so  compromised by all the off site 'teaching' tools that newbies can no longer sort fact from fancy.

We also have to accept the fact that many new wannabe internet marketers are so desperate to believe that what they have read is the truth that they will blind themselves to the sight of the bleeding souls lying by the way.

They promote simply because they do not have the sense to consider, first of all, what it is they are promoting. As for understanding it - that is another country all together.

The very first rule for all Adland newbies should be - "Learn from the material Adland provides for you. It isn't there to fill a web page - it is there to help you."

The Old coot 

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