
Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 1:26:43 PM


It was my pleasure.  I like the title too. :-)  This can be duplicated in other forum sites like Apsense.  I'd like to try it there if that is ok with you.


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Jo Matthias

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 1:39:34 PM

Hello Kathleen,

So sorry that you are having this problem.....

I send this invitation out to everyone I invite....Unfortunitely it is supposedly garbled and I don't know how to fix that problem.....  This is what I send......

Hello ,

Welcome to AdlandPro, I would appreciate adding you to my friends list.

Here are some links that you may find helpful here at Adlandpro.

Pandas Pointers


A good link for useful information...

Here's a good link, it shows all the forum posts with pictures of members so we can easily click into a forum or find new friends:

This forum give a list of new members of AdlandPro, you can send invitations from the links...

This link tells you who is online and you can click their name to send an invitation...

Another thing you can do is join forums

You can invite others from the forums by clicking on their name/picture. 

Thank you,
Take care,



This looks good here, but I have been told that it is not very readable when sent to others...  These links are obviously good for new members, if they use them.  I wish I knew a better way....

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Jenny SJ

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 1:46:27 PM
Hi Kathleen,

Wise words and more so coming from someone who I know rads the forums she posts on BEFORE posting a reply.

I dont know if you remember Arthur's runaway hit forum in 2006 - "The Value of unread Words"  where he talked about just this.  We are not reading - which is another version of "we are not listening"

It is sad but true - people seem to come to forums with such a desire to post their ad or say their piece that they rarely bother to see what has happened before they arrived .

Now we have "three day forum" .in the majority of cases.  In other words - after three days it is all over bar the shouting - which doesnt say much for people's attention span here.  I am not sure if this is always true on other communities - but it is particularly notable at Adland.  If, of course, thery are read at all.

Duane has made an imporant point
It takes work, perseverance, and tact to succeed.
I love the last  word TACT.  Yes guy's - just the same as offline - if you are rude or impatient to people - - then dont expect them to want to work with you - however successful you maybe.

And, congratulations Kathleen.  You must have raised a very important issue to attract a post from our friend Rahul  (86 in nearly two years is not the sign of someone who offers his opinion often! LOL). 

Rahul I agree one hundred percent with you

It always comes down to relationship building. People who disobey forum rules
and use strong arm tactics to push product are not worth the time of day. Stick to
what works for you, stay literate, and prosper

Congratulations Kathleen - your forum should be compulsory reading for everyone.  Oh Heck - I'd forgotten - THEY DON?T READ!!


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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 1:53:32 PM


You hit the nail right on the head, and your final paragraph was a real knee slapper. LOL

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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 2:12:44 PM
Kathleen, What is the first thing a new person sees when they open Adlandpro site page? Pop-ups----one after another they see ads flying. Some people even spam their own forums with ads. (one ad after another, after another, pages and pages of themselves posting ads to themselves.) Therefore new people are following what they see. If this is an advertising site then they think this is the way to do it. All other undesirable behaviors we witness here are the same---they see a leader and they follow. I wish they saw Adlandpro as a business community and not a place to shove ads in our faces. I too send a letter which I cut/paste so that new people do not become discouraged. I send them to places to advertise in Adlandpro. I delete them but show them an alternative. "It does not go good to advertise on my forum by creating a new thread. No one visits. Your friends and mine do not get an invitation. I have deleted your ad but suggest you go to Gold Mine Advertising on my business forum. Here are some other ways to advertise. There is a whole list of advertising forum threads where you can post." unquote I merely change the first sentence if they have spammed my forum. I seldom get a spammed post on my thread, but I do delete with no qualms about it. None of my posts ever say "No ads"----guess what many don't read the post anyway.
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