Hi Kathleen Helen Here,
I too was involved in a scam which I though was ridgy didge. It is called freelotto as the same name as the reasl thing and they told me I had won a million dollars american if I could give them the TSN number which is the end of the stub of the ticket they had no such thing going I am out of pocket by 100 dollars aust. I do have a cheque they sent me from plasmanet for the sum of one dollar US. and all it is is a piece of cardboard with nothing on the back of it. They are so smart and the bank that they supposedly use is in New York.
Also I got an email from London England telling me that I had won about the same amount as you but I was supposedly to put some money in with my details etc., in fact I had one today I have kept them and if you would like to give me your email address I will send it to you.
Take care all my ALP friends there are some not so nice people out there allmy love Helen