WOW, the scammers have skipped from Africa, Nigera and London. I have received multiple letters of Benefactors dying or killed and left no beneficary's and I have been chosen from my IP address as a recipent. They make if very conviencing with the amount of money they are advocating and in order to receive the amount you have to send hundreds of dollars for processing. SCAMMMMMMMMMM.
Also, my IP address has been used as the winning numbers in the UK lottery, SCAMMMMMMMM. I have written to the controller of the UK lottery and they have advised that it was not real and to discard. They are trying to close them down and like you said, no one was hurt or no money had changed hands and there was very little they could do. The URL for lottery scamms is
The only legitimate Lottery club that is for real is the one listed here: "first mover advantage" start building your business at no cost, so you will be...
...Ahead of the Game for When the Games Go Live! It's about to explode. The market today (2007) is approximately worth $164 USD per second ($5.2 billion USD annually), and in the next 156 weeks is expected to grow to $412 USD per second – of every minute of every day, and growing.Follow this link to view the highlights movie NOW: return to the url above and sign up for the program.
Let me know if you take me up on the url so I will know of my downline.
Ralph Coppley