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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/29/2006 9:07:22 PM
Hello all,

When a person comes to AdlandPro, naturally, the first thing they need to do is create their profile. So far, we have available these settings to choose from when stting up our accounts.

Community Messages:
Community Reports:
Direct Messages:
Bulletin Messages:
Online Live Forum Notification Options:
Message Posting Mode:
Note: This mode of editing and / or posting forum messages uses more sophisticated user interface that allows you to format text without knowing HTML formatting tags. Usually it uses a bit more of the bandwidth and CPU time.

I wonder if there could be a way for the ALP team to disable all of this and have a O Read Terms of Service and it goes there to that page, they click a box acknowledging they read them, then default back to this profile setup area and another O Read Forum Etiquitte. It follows the same process and comes back here and last choice O Read Use of Send Me A Messege. Repeat checkoff from that page and default back to here and then it activates all of the above options.

Just an idea.

Dave Cottrell

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/30/2006 5:03:56 PM
Hi Mary, Thank you for the invitation to this forum. It has been most interesting and worthwhile to read through all the posts. There definitely are troubles that need to be shot (lol!) here on the Adlandpro community, but do not lose hope. As a member of several other communities on the 'Net, I have seen some pretty serious abuse elsewhere. While things sometimes seem to drag out in controversial forums from time to time, in my opinion, Bogdan has handled them quite well. As a business owner, myself, I have had to deal with many situations over the years. One of the most common challenges that a business owner has to deal with is relationships. What is quite frustrating is a very common human trait. Adults want to be treated as adults, yet they behave like children when they face anything that encroaches on their comfort zone. When one member of a community, or an employee of a company, or a member of a club, has a problem with another, the proper way to deal with it is for that person to privately go to the other person and try to work it out. The next step, if the first one doesn't work, is to go to the first person up the line (the foreman/woman, local club president, forum owner, etc.) and try to work things out. Only when the last two have failed do you need to go any higher (business owner, area rep, etc). In NO case should any of the problems be aired publicly. Bogdan is exceptionally fair in the way he runs our community. He could arbitrarily close down any discussion at the first sign of trouble (or possible trouble), and protect himself and his business this way. However, he has given everyone the respect of allowing them to conduct themselves as mature adults. Ken really hit the nail on the head: As a forum owner, I feel it is our responsibility to monitor what happens in 'our house'. Your topic of discussion is yours and you can control 'the meeting'. We have settings in the control panel to make our forum public, private, invite members, ban a member, etc ... It is still the responsibility of the individual to privately communicate with another individual when trouble arises between them. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the forum owner, NOT the community owner, to deal with problems on the forums. It is irresponsible of forum owners to let destructive behaviour continue on their forums. A little controversy and/or debate can be healthy for the whole community, but public insults, attacks, and humiliating posts are never healthy and need to be stopped by the forum owner immediately. So... If I was going to recommend a change in this community to Adlandpro's management, I would suggest that the forum owners be required to be more accountable. This could be done by warnings, restrictions in privileges, and ultimately by suspensions for forum owners who refuse to exercise their responsibilities as owners. Trying to make every member behave is like trying to carry water in a paper bag full of holes, but requiring forum owners to behave responsibly is much simpler, and, in fact, quite doable. God bless, Dave
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
1/1/2007 2:29:06 PM

Hello Mary and everybody who participated in this thread.

First I would like to wish everybody that your new 2007 is a year in which you find all the ingredients (or the important ones) needed to get you closer to the ultimate goal which we all have, (called Happiness, or whatever this means to you). That you find motivation and inspiration which will utilize your full potential and that you enjoy what you have by sharing it with others.

I found this thread as a very interesting discussion and probably the opening door to more discussions which could help us defining how we can better utilize resources this community offers. Due to holidays I have been away or partially unavailable to continue this discussion.

What I would suggest to Mary who started it that she gathers all points raised here and combines them into one document which we then can analyze point by point and attempt to address it either through farther discussions or specific solutions in the system itself.

I'm looking forward to such list.

Bogdan Fiedur

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
1/4/2007 8:54:33 AM
Bogdan and all those who read this thread, "If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem". That is the kick off for our solutions section of this discussion. I have created a forum thread with includes solutions for: Advertising On Adlandpro---Correct use and how to do it. What are you doing Here anyway--survey that Bogdan suggested. Why have you come to Adland--meeting people's expectations Forum Etiquette--what will attract people and keep them using forums. The itchy finger Virus--Content and frequency of forums Take responsibility for Actions--Keeping scammers out Best Forums--make nominations for good forums Ok, the ball is in your court. Which of the problems would you like to take on. Create a forum thread and put it up. All these solutions can be found at: "That is the answer....but what is the question?" contributors are: Linda C, Jenny S, Mary H. Ken-blogman Who else wants to help. We have a group forming to educate new comers. Interested?
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
1/26/2007 11:22:20 AM
Hi everybody, Michael Caron had suggested that we do something to show our support for networkers who are other than American. It was the feeling that only the Americans are being remembered on holidays. Michael has also found a solution to assist English Second Language persons here in Adland. He has created a forum asking for people to serve as translators. People are coming forward and will mentor those with English as a second language. This is a good way to help our friends feel comfortable working in an English speaking business. Several of you are promoting his forum thread, " Hola Amigos-Amigas..." Marilyn and Ken, Bog-man sent special notices to promote his thread!! Way to go guys (gal). I took one of my forums and made it a forum to promote goodwill, community, and understanding for all nationalities. Celebrating Our Different Cultures Anyone is free is post to that subject but it would be best if you sent it to me to post. More visitors would come. If you know of any holidays we want to remember just pm me.

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