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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
2/2/2007 4:48:56 AM
Billy, This is an honor to have you make your first post here. The situation you mention might well be taken up by the administration. The administration is very receptive to suggestions and concerns. They will be most happy to look into your question. Scroll to the bottom of this page and look for "contact". Many good things have come out of this discussion as we did not just complain but actually worked out some solutions. The latest solution is being worked on right now on the subject of monitoring forum abuses. Bogdan and William are setting up a committee. Thanks for stopping in.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
4/6/2007 12:48:51 PM
Hi Everyone, Bogdan has done it again. We had suggested that new people tend to leave before getting to know all about the tools available here in Adlandpro. He has created a Community Buddy Program, where you people can access a page with volunteers listed who make themselves available for answering questions. go here to register
Diane Bjorling

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
4/6/2007 2:06:05 PM
Dear Mary....everytime I think things are settled, I then get an e-mail like this and all I can do is shake my head in puzzlement and a sigh of ..not again.  The old adage of "if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem" is so very true.  The fact remains that we are human and will err..that being said..there is no doubt we are a global community..we assume..presume..hold over others we have that right??  of course not..but we do it anyway!
Because of different cultural values, language barriers, prejudice,fear of the unknown, or supposed simple moral superiority..problems will always be there..just a fact of life.  Can there be any real resolution?  Man has been asking that question for centuies..and we may preach forgiveness..understanding..being open minded..and just letting others to be themselves and who knows maybe one day that will happen..I will continue to do as I have always done and do my best to be fair minded and to give people a chance.  I will say that we could make such strict rules..kick people out etc.,  but to me that is extreme -in such cases of smut or any form of law breaking, then of course it must be dealt if ands of buts..
Isn't it sad that we as the human race have not grown up enough yet..sheesh!  As the Beatles song said.."Let it be"...
Light and Peace to all of you
P.S.  Adland is a place of sharing ideas..all ideas..from music..must we be so rigid that we can not simply  share and respect??
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
4/6/2007 4:54:53 PM
Hi Diane, Hope you had an a great read here. We presented situations and low and behold answers were found. Just see what a group of likeminded people can accomplish when we seek to find answers. Glad you stopped in.
Rusty Yancey

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
5/8/2007 3:39:14 PM

Hi Mary! I'm not sure that I am posting in the right place ..maybe this has been addressed elsewhere, but thought I would put it out there anyway. Last nite when I went to check my profile, I was surprised at first...then I got scared...all of my keywords were gone on my main profile. I actually thought maybe someone had hacked my  'file and changed the keywords. So I was going to change them back to what I had...but the more I went thru setup, I realized I couldn't. It has some checkboxes, and generic words that you can choose to use. I checked a few other profiles and they are all same way. I feel that part of the uniqueness of the Adland profile has been lost...I had always looked at others profiles to see what their interests were...and had important keywords on my profile.

Just my two cents worth... 
