Hi Again Mary and all,
Geketa's message just sent a light bulb on! I like Geketa's idea about receiving an Etiquette Letter, and I now have an additional dea....... :-)
What if, in addition to the letter, there was a big announcement on the screen that everyone reaches as soon as they click the Networking tab. It seems that all issues have to do with Networking. The header/title could read:
"Important Networking Etiquette"
1. Public Forum Posts - Please READ Etiquette HERE to avoid having your posts deleted.
2. Personal Messaging - Please READ Etiquette HERE to respect your fellow networkers
3. Direct Contact Messages - Please READ Guidelines HERE to get the most out of your direct messages (i.e. imbedding urls, etc.).
In reading through other comments on the forum, it comes to mind that we do and will always have the 80/20 Rule.
80% of the people that join Adland will never do anything no matter how
perfect Adland is.......it is just a fact of life :-)
Thanks for a great forum Mary. We appreciate your hard work.
Cheers, Jill