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Jill Bachman

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/29/2006 5:25:05 PM
Hi Again Mary and all,

Geketa's message just sent a light bulb on!  I like Geketa's  idea about receiving an Etiquette Letter, and I now have an additional dea.......  :-)

What if, in addition to the letter, there was a big announcement on the screen that everyone reaches as soon as they click the Networking tab.  It seems that all issues have to do with Networking.  The header/title could read:

"Important Networking Etiquette"

1.  Public Forum  Posts -  Please  READ  Etiquette  HERE  to avoid having your posts deleted. 

2.  Personal  Messaging - Please READ Etiquette HERE to respect your fellow networkers

3.  Direct Contact Messages - Please READ Guidelines HERE to get the most out of your direct messages (i.e. imbedding urls, etc.).

In reading through other comments on the forum, it comes to mind that we do and will always have the 80/20 Rule.  80% of the people that join Adland will never do anything no matter how perfect Adland is just a fact of life  :-)

Thanks for a great forum Mary.  We appreciate your hard work.

Cheers,  Jill

John Partington

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/29/2006 5:29:55 PM

Hi Mary,

I second Jill's proposal and I also think this should be put into place asap by the Adlandpro management in the new year!

Best Wishes


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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/29/2006 6:19:52 PM
Jill, you are so bright that I can see you here in Ohio. We have an etiquette idea. What do you think? Did we cover all the points. The other two suggestions could become a project for anyone interested in doing so. Bogdan, would this work.
Geketa Holman

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/29/2006 7:51:17 PM

Hi Mary ,

Please bear with me if you will as I would like to explain something to you as to why much of the improper postings accurrs .. first of all .. not every one in Adlandpro is your friend meaning on your friends list, therefore they do not see your forum.. nor do most of them look for such a forum.. second I would venture to say .. 99% (even though I don't have statistics like John S does ) of the people that join Adlandpro don't even bother to read the TOS terms .. why ? Because they know they contain rules.. and many of them believe they already know what is right and what is not when posting to a forum., some do they just choose to ignore them. I was new here once and had no idea how things worked I spent weeks reading and being overwhelmed with invitations to be friends.

I think if memory serves me right I got 25 within the first hour .. now mind you I was still reading and trying to find my way around. Then the next 3 hours I was bombarded once again, with invitations to forums.. that first few days I could not post to anything I was busy learning and accepting invitations.who's fault was that ? I think the forum owners not the persons. Now onto why most people don't post to forums of this nature .. this is just my opinion nothing more .. they see problems and many are so self involved believing this an a business op community they really could care less as long as they are getting their desired results.

 No matter how much you trouble shoot you are still not going to fix all the troubles.. however I do believe the efforts will be not in vain if we try hard to educate instead of criticize those that make mistakes.I therefor blame much of this on those that have been here and do not take time to teach and train new commers.  Oh, by the way .. my name is Geketa ..I said this because when you replied to my post you didn't even address me by name .. but hey this is a long forum and I figure you made a human error.. hugs.. :)



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/29/2006 8:37:44 PM
Geketa, When I joined there were no pop-ups. I would guess that when you were trying to learn your way around your photo was popping up and people seeing a new face clicked on it and send immediate invitations. That could have scared you away real fast. I very much remember receiving my first invitation as I sat and was a picture of a child, with invitation to become friends. Geketa, You brought up a very valid point. No one warns you that your mailbox will fill up with invitations and forum notices. Not sure of a solution to this so let's hear it from our readers. By the number of posts here, one would conclude that unless they are affected by what we have discussed, they quickly moved on and did not post. This is not your average forum thread where you read in 30 sec. and post a reply in 10 sec. Thank you for taking the time to return here. You gave us a perspective of a newcomer. That helps to understand the frustration new people must feel. Almost everyone here in this forum thread has been here a long time and learned the system as it grew. There is a forum with over 7,000 visits that shows how we all had to learn about popups called "Cool or Confusion" in my Shared Ideas equals shared success forum. For several days we worked through it with people venting their frustration.

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