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Re: I need your prayers and advice
10/31/2006 9:50:57 AM

Hi Jonathon,

I've been through it myself. Once when my best friend died needlessly. It took me months to get over it. It was almost impossible to function normally. I spoke to my family doctor about it and was prescribed a "non-addictive" medication. Taken once before bedtime it helped me to rest and wake feeling rested and calm. It also helped me to think clearly making it possble to move on with the next stage in life. If you haven't been to a physician yet, then you should. It is up to You to take the necessary steps to break the Now problem and look for the future. If you'd like to chat my msn is: 

In response to your aboutme page. Are you upset because you are not using your degree because it's really what you want to do? Or is it because you majored in that field and it's not what you want to do now?

If it's not what you want to do, it dosen't matter. Many people have a major they do not use. Mine were Early Childhood education and Commercial Art. I don't use them now because I work from home full time. But I Know they were beneficial. Number one, I had several semesters in psycology and socialology. These have made it possible for me to understand my kids and what makes them "tick". A big deal when you have kids! It also helps me to deal with people no matter what the circumstances are. So you have to keep in mind the Positive side of your education even if you don't use it and move on to what you really want to do.

If you do want to use philosopy....You may be able to earn money from home with an informational website. Write ebooks on Philosophy.Or affiliate for products of philosophy. You just have to decide what it is you want and start researching to make it possible.

Believe in Yourself, You are capable of anything!
Your friend,

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Re: I need your prayers and advice
10/31/2006 10:18:14 AM
Hi Jonathan,

May God bless you and take care of you in your time of need.

I do agree that you should access medical advice and counseling.  Lots of times the medication can really help right away, to at least help us get a grip on ourselves. 
There is not 1 cure all for all of us. 
 Please stay strong and rely on God to take you through this.


Re: I need your prayers and advice
10/31/2006 10:49:48 AM

Hello Jonathon

   I have suffered most of my life with depression. I have been in and out of treatment for over 25 years and have only, in the last few years, been able to finally feel like I have conqured my depression. I can assure you that if your depression has reached a point where it has confined you to bed, there is probably very little that you can do on your own to alleviate your symptoms. It honestly sounds to me like you have reached a crises level and I believe that your best bet would be to seek proffessional help. I also know that this can be very difficult to do at times though. Many people don't have access to mental health facilities or insurance to cover the cost.

   Jonathon, I have many resources to help people find help. I have also been advocating for change in our mental health system in my forums here at AdlandPro for a long time now. If you think there is anything I might be able to do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me either through a PM or email at Whatever you do Jonathon, please don't try to get through this on your own. At least get an initial evaluation at a mental health facility. Good luck to you Jonathon.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
Visit the Billallys Pub network at:


May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: I need your prayers and advice
10/31/2006 2:43:50 PM

Hi Jonathan,

Please know that prayers are being said for you right now.  I'm very sorry to hear of your current situation and would as the rest here, suggest talking to a professional.  We all battle with some type of depression or other, yours seems very severe.  Please see the sun shine today, my is a new day.  Embrace the possiblities and reach for more step at a time.  my yahoo ID is weckerly17  IM me anytime!!

Much Luv,


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Re: I need your prayers and advice
10/31/2006 3:01:13 PM

I Jonathan.  I have had clinical depression since I was a little girl.   So it has been a battle all my life.  When I was little it wasn't even anyhing anyone thought about.  My Mom was in the mental hospital and we weren't suppose to talk about it or no one would want to be your friend.

I got help when I was 16 years old and took tranquilizers for years.  It was better than nothing.

I finally got some anitdepressants in the 1990's and they work for me.  I am still taking them.  I take generic effexor and generic wellbutrin.  I also need to exercise every day and eat a well balanced diet.  I also take supplements.  The exerecise is really important and the good diet and supplements. 

I hope you are seeing a doctor about this Jonathan.

Hang in there and I will pray for you :)



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