Hi Jonathan,
I am praying for you. Depression is a very difficult thing to face.
While I KNOW it's virtually impossible for you to get out of bed because of this, it's extremely important for you to work on getting up and moving around as much as possible. Even though it feels completely impossible, I can tell you that it will help if you can do it.
While there are many things that can bring on serious depression, (and I hope you are having ongoing medical support), stress can also be a very strong factor. If there are things in your life that have recently created serious stress for you, you most certainly need to deal with that stress, even if it means reevaluating your goals/priorities in life.
I've read your "about me" and it may point to a key to your present struggles, as you state that you have done a lot of studying and are now trying to do something totally unrelated. That can be very scary and stressful. However, if it's what you really want to do because you enjoy it, then it could also be big part the healing process. Always do what you enjoy doing, not what you think you have to do.
You will also find this community to be very caring, and with many others who can relate to you and understand what you're going through. You're not alone.
God bless,