
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
10/31/2006 8:58:36 AM

Hi Neil,

You are back on your soap box.

I don't know if you are realizing that your argumentive statements of being an atheist are more prevalent in your posts than any other religious person's post about the religion.

You appear to me like a crusader for atheists. Isn't this what you are constantly criticizing in every religion? Forcing people around you to believe in what you believe without them ever asking for it? 

Starting the topic of being atheist in any conversation as long as there is someone to talk to?

In addition those who add religious remarks to their posts, have no intentions to argue or convince other posters about their religion. They say it more for their own sake or this is just their way of saying things.

I'm curious if you are familiar with "quantum physics" concepts (by the way this is real science). Einstein said that if quantum physics can be ever proven, than his entire work is worth nothing.

I recommend that you watch the movie "What the bleep do we know?" and visit the website here.


Bogdan Fiedur

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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
10/31/2006 4:09:28 PM
Well Bogdan 1. When you post a quote from a Atheist, (and you post quite a few of them) I simply inform people the person who said it was, or is, an Atheist. IT is called EDUCATION! 2. Nearly EVERY time, IF NOT EVERY time, I've made ANY other comment about religion IT HAS BEEN IN RESPONSE to some religious person sticking in some verse from the Bible. NORMALLY that verse has NOTHING to do with the quote you posted and has NO place there. 3. Yes, I do what I can to let others know THERE ARE ATHEISTS And a FEW of us are sick and tired of being persecuted by Christians! 4. MOST Americans (And more than a few Canadians) who are Atheists are SO AFRAID of what CHRISTIANS WILL DO TO THEM, they do NOT make it Public Knowldege they are Atheists. WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF OUR POSITIONS WERE REVERSED? Bogdan, YOU are a MEMBER of the group which OPPRESSES others, I am not. How would YOU like it IF NEARLY ALL Christians in Canada & the US were SO AFTAID of what Atheists would do them if they publicly admited they were Christians they did NOT do so? So EXCUSE ME me IF I am sick and tired of being a member of a minority which is constantly harrassesed by members of YOUR majority! And your comment about ME FORCING OTHERS to believe as I do IS really TOTALLY GROUNDLESS! (Actually, it is a STUPID comment) How do I FORCE others to believe as I do? A. Do I hold a gun to Christians heads and FORCE them to believe is I do? NO, I do not! A. Do I hold a gun to Christians heads and FORCE them to believe is I do? NO, I do not! B. Do I hold a gun to Christians heads and FORCE them to believe is I do? NO, I do not! C. Do I fire Christians from their jobs for not believing as I do? NO! D. Or not hire them JUST because they are Christians? NO! E. Do I boycott a persons business just because he is a Christian? NO! F. Do I pass laws making Christians pay for Atheist activities? NO! G. Do I put Atheist thoughts (like "Under NO God") on our paper money? NO! H. Do I put Atheist thoughts (like "There is NO God To Trust") in our Pledge? I. Do I LIE about the founding of the US? NO! J. Do I lie about the Prinicipals it was founded on? NO! K. Do I lie about the religion of the Founding Fathers of the US? NO! NOPE, IT IS CHRISTIANS who, other than "A" & "B", DO ALL OF THOSE! (Plus Christians do more things they should not as well.) So Tell me, Bogdan HOW do I FORCE anyone to believe as I do? Has an Athiest in the US, or Canada BEAT up a Christian JUST because they were a Christian? NO! And yet Christians in both the US and Canada HAVE intentionaly Harmed Atheists JUST because they were Atheists! Has any Atheist in the U.S., or in Canada KILLED a Christian JUST because they were a Christian? NO! And yet Christians the U.S. (and maybe in Canada) HAVE KILLED Atheists JUST because they were Atheists! And they HAVE TRIED to Kill others JUST because they are Atheists. Gee, do I yell and scream about a religion who has been Persecuting and Killing we Atheists for 2,000 years? ABSOLUTLY! AND SO WOULD (Most Probably) YOU IF OUR POSTITIONS WERE REVERSED! So try walking a few miles in our shoes before making less than intelligent comments about me FORCING others to believe as I do. Neil
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
10/31/2006 4:14:11 PM
Opps, I made an error" in the above, the "B" SHOULD have been B. Do I hold a gun to Christians heads and FORCE them to READ what I say? NO, I do not!
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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
10/31/2006 5:26:15 PM

My quote for today was.

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think."

How relevant is the fact that Disraeli was an atheist and what was the reason that you have posted about 6 other quotes stating that believing in god is pointless.

Nor the quote of the day suggested any relation to religion nor to atheists.

I think that being an atheist to you is more important than being itself since you bringing it up on every occasion.

When other people make references to god or religion they are not arguing with other members. They assume that saying words like
"Bless you" is a whish which can't heart anyone including atheist or members of other religions.

It is as good as saying "All the best to you"

Your comments usually are argumentive and 99% of the time are attempting to show that all religions are bad and being an atheist is a good thing.

As for me I don't really care if you are an atheist, Christian or Moslem.

What I care is what kind of person you are and how your being around enriches others.
I don't believe belonging to certain religion makes people worse or being an atheist makes them better.

Most people didn't chose their religion, they grew up with that religion.

Here is the ranking of major religions.

  1. Christianity: 2.1 billion
  2. Islam: 1.3 billion
  3. Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion
  4. Hinduism: 900 million
  5. Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
  6. Buddhism: 376 million
  7. primal-indigenous: 300 million
  8. African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million


Question for you.

If being religious is pointless/wrong how come that over 80% of global population believes in some type of god.
Are they all stupid?


You believe that all killings and bad things are done by religious people. The simple reason is that 80% of global population are people belonging to some religion and statistically there will be more bad things done by larger group by the same token there will be more good things done.

In addition being religious person doesn't mean you never do anything wrong. It only means that you know you have broken some of the rules of your religion and it is up to you to find way to reconcile it.

People will always be divided by either  languages, skin color,  geographical belongings, common believes or customs.

They will fight against each other if anything dividing can be identified.
They will look for allies if anything connecting can be found.
If they didn't have religions they would fight anyway.

The biggest wars to date had nothing to do with religions.
Even current events have nothing to do with the religion.

Religions were only used to unite certain groups against common enemy and to strengthen their souls.

I believe one has to travel a lot to be able to grasp this concept.
I lived in three different countries and visited close to 30 others.

I have spent months in India, Pakistan, Morocco and have been as far as Mongolia and traveled along entire former Soviet Union.

I've met people from different religions and backgrounds.
I've met good and bad people, but there were always more good than bad ones.


Bogdan Fiedur


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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
10/31/2006 7:40:42 PM
Bogdan AFTER you answer the questions I asked, I will answer the ones you asked. Neil
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