
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/2/2006 2:07:01 AM
BOGDAN, Since YOU asked me a question, I assume you would like me to answer it. And yet you have, SO FAR, refused to answer the questions I asked. So Please Answer them. Thank you! Neil
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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/2/2006 10:21:58 AM

Hi Neil

Here are your answers.

How do I FORCE others to believe as I do?

A. Do I hold a gun to Christians heads and FORCE them to believe is I do?

NO, I do not!

You don't need to. You come to other forums and whenever person references their god in whatever context, you attack them for being religious and blame them for every bad event in the current and past history.
This would be equivalent to a person coming to a conversation where several nationalities are available and telling them how their countries suck because something wrong happened there somewhere in the past.

A. Do I hold a gun to Christians heads and FORCE them to believe is I do?

NO, I do not!

You can't hold a gun here because we are in an online conversation. On the other hand I have seen in other discussions how out of line you were. You were throwing insults and you were swearing at the other parties. You were telling them how little intelligence they have since they didn't agree with you. I have also seen how you belittle others in the discussion. This is called verbal abuse.

C. Do I fire Christians from their jobs for not believing as I do?


You call people names when they don't agree with you every single time.  Wouldn't you fire them if you had such powers?

E. Do I boycott a persons business just because he is a Christian?


You come to my forums to only say that someone was an atheist (not a Christian) or just to show how you hate religions if anyone makes any reference to god. How different is this from boycott. You had never anything positive to say unless the quote came from someone who was an atheist.

F. Do I pass laws making Christians pay for Atheist activities?


Do you pass any other laws?

G. Do I put Atheist thoughts (like "Under NO God") on our paper money?


You put your thoughts about being atheist any time you can when coming here and probably more than that. If you had the chance to put it on the money I bet you would.

I. Do I LIE about the founding of the US?


I don't know. Do you?

J. Do I lie about the Prinicipals it was founded on?


You tell me. Are your principles the same as your country was founded on?


Did I answer your questions to your satisfaction?

Now you go.



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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/3/2006 9:21:45 PM
"You come to other forums and whenever person references their god in whatever context, you attack them for being religious and blame them for everybad event in thecurrent and past history." THAT IS A LIE! And it is due to either your poor reading comprehension skills or your memory is so poor you have NO clue what the true is. Next, if seems you have NO CLUE what FORCE IS! IT IS NOT FORCE TO WRITE YOUR THOUGHTS WERE SOMEONE CAN READ THEM OR NOT! The rest of your babble is so illogical, untrue and totally ridiculous I am not going to wast my time answering them. I am going to post what I was and then I am done as I will not put up with people who lie, exaggerate and show a lack of logical thinking skills as badly as you do.
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/3/2006 9:50:44 PM
"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think." "How relevantis the factthat Disraeliwas an atheist" ---------------------- I NEVER said it was relative to the quote you posted. I said I was EDUCATING people to the fact he was an Atheist. A FACT which most people do not know. DID YOU KNOW HE WAS AN ATHEIST BEFORE I POSTED HE WAS? And one to the reasons most people do not know of the MANY very famous and very successful people who were, or are Atheists is because religious reporters and historians do not tell the truth. Notice the subtle discrimination in the way you and others spell "atheist"? While you capitalize the names of all the religions, the words Atheist and Agnostic are only capitalize by me and a few others. THIS WILL CHANGE! ----------------------- "what was the reason that you have posted about 6 other quotes stating that believing in god is pointless." While I ALREADY ANSWERED THAT when I posted them, here is the answer again. It was because two Christians had included quotes from the Bible in their responses. ------------------------------ "Nor the quote of the day suggested any relation to religion nor to atheists." I NEVER SAID IT DID! ----------------------- "I think that being an atheistto you is more important than being itself since you bringing it upon every occasion." ---------------------- Well Bogdan, it seems you need to take a course in either reading comprehension OR how to improve your memory as I DO NOT Bring It Up on EVERY occasion. Which you can PROVE to yourself by going back over ALL of your Quotes I have responded to. (And if you went over ALL the other posts I have responded to, you will see I have responded to many things in which I NEVER mentioned ANYTHING about religion.) So Bogdan, YOU ARE VERY WRONG when you say I bring religion up on EVERY Occasion. In fact, IF you do sufficient research, you most probably will find I bring up in less than 25% of my responses, --------------------------------------- "When other people make references to god or religion they are not arguing with other members." --------------------- I NEVER said they were "arguing with other members" Still, they are PUSHING their religion on others. There is NO valid reason for them to be constantly quoting the Bible or talking about their god OTHER than to indicate how great they think their religion is. Note: MANY Adland people NEVER bring up religion when they post. They do not bring up their religion because they either are not so programmed they believe they are compelled to do so OR they have the common sense to NOT include religion where it should not be in the first place. IF others did NOT bring it up FIRST, the odds I would bring it are nearly ZERO. ---------------------- "They assume that saying words like "Bless you"is a whish which can't heart anyone including atheist or members of other religions. It is as good as saying "All the best to you." ---------------------- Then they should SAY: "All the best to you" OR as I do: "Please, Take Care!" I say that as while people can not control IF they have a nice day or not, they CAN take care to protect them- selves from whatever. Are you telling me saying "Bless You" is more important than reminding people they should, "Take Care"? ---------------------- "Your comments usually are argumentative' F.Y.I. An argumentative person is one who argues JUST for the sake of argument. I can NEVER ever remember my doing that in my entire life. I very seldom argue over a disagreemt on a MERE "opinion" as there is no reason to do so. Rather I argure with those who are wrong on THE FACTS! And when I disagree with some thing, it is because my education and my varied life's experiences indicate to me what they said is wrong. I do NOT ask others to be wrong nor do I make them BE wrong, I just point out when they are. And IF I do not point out they are incorrect not only do they continue to be wrong, all others who read what they have said MAY believe what they said is correct. I have Hoax after Hoax sent to me simply because those who send them are "too busy" or "too lazy" or "too clueless" to take the time to verify IF they are true or not. So I take the time to inform those who sent it to me they forwarded me a hoax and would they please inform all those they forwarded it to as well as whomever sent it to them, IT IS a Hoax. I LOVE when someone can PROVE I am wrong. If I am wrong and someone does NOT prove to me I am, I will just continue being wrong on that subject. And being wrong is not acceptable to me. ----------------------- "99% of the time are attempting to show that all religions are bad and being an atheist is a good thing." SORRY, I have NEVER said ALL religions are bad and I would not as I do not know a sufficient amount about ALL, or even most religions. And being an Atheist IS better than believing in things which break the laws of nature (Nothing can be "super-natural") physics & common sense. Better than believing in things which are illogical, irrational and non-provable. Being an Atheist is better as we are not hypocrites saying we have some system of laws we follow and then do not follow them. Being an Atheist means you do not have some religious brain washing messing up your mind so much you refuse to accept proven scientific FACTS! A. Like Evolution is both a PROVEN theory and a PROVEN Fact. B. It IS a proven FACT Homosexuals are BORN that way. D. It is a PROVEN FACT countries which have mandatory comprehensive sex education classes have LOWER sex crime rates, lower STD rates and LOWER rates of un-married teen age mothers. WHO DENIES THESE FACTS? Programmed Religious Robots do! Being an Atheist is better because I do not know of ONE case where one Atheist has ever even beaten up another Atheist much less KILLED them (like religious people do by the MANY THOUSANDS) due to a disagreement about Atheism. And Atheists MUST be smarter, harder working, braver and better than religious people are as WE DO NOT NEED ANY GODS HELP to succeed in life or to fight disease or to accomplish what ever. It seems religious people DO need their gods help to do those things. ----------------------- "As for me I don't really care if you are an atheist, Christian or Moslem." ------------------- (Notice how the capitalization Christian and Moslem DIS-RESPECTS us by NOT capitalizing Atheist? Like we are not as good a religious people.) Well Bogdan, while it is nice YOU do not care, it is too bad so many, to most, Christians do not feel the same way you do. IF they did, then MOST American and Canadian Atheists would NOT be AFRAID to publicly state they are Atheists as they ARE NOW!. And there would NOT still be Witch Trials going on in the U.S. ----------------- "What I care is what kind of person you are and how your being around enriches others.' ------------- I will compare my "Good to the World" to others and beat the heck out of MOST of them. Let's see, I put in over ten years (active duty and active reserves) in the military protecting the freedoms of Americans. As a lifeguard, I saved more than a few lives. I've either broken up, or helped break up many fights. I have put my physical well being and my life on the line for Black civil rights and in the protection of others. I serve on juries and vote in elections. I volunteer my time in attempting to get certain candidates elected. I have worked to free people who have been wrongly convicted and jailed. Unlike most people, I ALWAYS run toward any problems to see if I can be of any help. It makes no difference if what I am running toward could get me badly hurt or killed or not. (The last time was last week when I ran to help people on a boat which was just beached.) I've given over FIVE gallons of blood & would have given more only my having cancer stopped me from giving for years. I have volunteered to be (and was) a member of a real possie and to fight dangerous fires in which I had no stake. (Meaning no home or property to protect.) I have have been the chairman of United Way drives in a large corporation and help raise many thousands of dollars. I have given money to charities and hundreds of dollars worth of Noni Juice to those who could not pay for it. (Since I was/am living on social security, it was something I should not have been doing.) I go out of my way to help others when I can. The bottom line? The world is better off because I am in it. ----------------------- "I don't believe belonging to certain religion makes people worse or being an atheist makes them better." You are right. The simple membership in a religion does not make a person good or bad and Atheists can certainly be bad as Stalin and some others have more than proved. Yet, following the teaching of a religion DOES make otherwise good people bad! And it happens ALL of the Time! Do you think Moslem Children would be willing to go out and blow themselves and others up if they were not indoctrinated into the Moslem religion? Do you think Eric Robert Rudolph would have blown up Abortion Clinics, Gay Bars and the Olympics in Atlanta, Ga. killing all kinds of people he did not know had he not been indoctrinated in the Christian religion? Have you EVER known of a Buddhist who committed a terrorist act? It does NOT happen as the Buddhist religion does not teach the KILLING of others. Do you have a CLUE how many times the Bible instructs it's believers TO KILL? (28 times I know of) A "GOOD" Christians is supposed to KILL ME for what I have written here. And I am supposed to respect a religion which tells it's believers to KILL ME? GIVE ME A BREAK! ----------------------- "Most people didn't chose their religion, they grew up with that religion." You are EXACTLY RIGHT! They were PROGRAMMED into the religion of those who brought them up and THEN they go through life not only BELIEVING their religion is THE ONLY RIGHT ONE, they are WILLING TO DIE AND TO KILL for it! And MOST of them do so without ever seriously questioning the validity of their belief. The difference between believers and many, to MOST Atheists in the US & Canada, are the WE DID QUESTION and that is how we became Atheists. ---------------------- "If being religious is pointless/wrong how come that over 80% ofglobal population believes in some type of god." YOU HAVE ALREADY ANSWERED YOUR OWN QUESTION! (And I am surprised you do not know you have!) YOU SAID: "Most people didn't chose their religion, they grew up with that religion." THAT is WHY most people ARE religious! THEY HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED TO BE RELIGIOUS! "Are they all stupid?" NO, JUST PROGRAMMED! ---------------------- "You believe that all killings and bad things are doneby religious people." THAT IS NOT TRUE! WHY ARE YOU LYING ABOUT ME? I'VE NEVER SAID NOR HAVE I EVER INFERRED IT. ---------------------------- "The simple reason is that 80% of global population are people belonging to some religion and statistically there will be more bad things done bylarger group by the same token there will be more good things done." SOUNDS GOOD! ONLY IT IS FALSE! Let's look at the U.S. where we Atheists make up, (depending on whose figures you are using) between 5 to 10% of the population. This means, according to you, at least 5% of those in jail should be Atheists. Well guess what, when they kept figures of the religion of the jail inmates LESS than .05% of them did not believe in god. Which means 99.5% DID believe in god! -------------------------- "In addition being religious person doesn't mean you never do anything wrong. It only means that you know you have broken some of the rules of your religion and it is up to you to find way to reconcile it." Well, their knowing they did something wrong, sure does not seem to stop them from doing more wrong things! The FACTS are religious people are NOT more honest, truthful, hard working, Kinder, more successful, braver, more caring OR have ANY OTHER positive trait more than Atheists! ----------------------------- "Even current events have nothing to do with the religion." CURRENT EVENTS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION? THAT IS A TOTALLY ILLOGICAL, IRRATIONAL, UNINFORMED, AND ASININE STATEMENT! WHAT PLANET TO YOU LIVE ON? THAT STATEMENT SHOWS YOU HAVE LITTLE, TO NO CLUE AS TO WHAT IS, AND HAS BEEN, GOING ON IN THE MIDDLE EAST FOR OVER 40 YEARS! YOU REALLY NEED TO LEARN THE FACTS! ---------------------------------- "Religionswere only usedto unitecertain groupsagainst common enemy and to strengthen their souls." COME ON, the groups they were uniting were, and ARE, RELIGIOUS groups! -------------------------- "I believe one has to travel a lot to be able to grasp this concept. I lived in three different countries and visited close to 30 others." Big deal, I have lived in three countries and visited 9 others "I have spent months in India, Pakistan, Morocco and have been as far as Mongolia and traveled along entire former Soviet Union." SO? Is this conversation about travel? "I've met people from different religions andbackgrounds." SO? Many have including me. ------------------------------------- Neil
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Re: Nurture your mind with great thoughts...
11/3/2006 10:13:55 PM
Hi Bogdan, Wow , hasn't this forum post been interesting and I'm not talking about the quote! Neil, firstly not all atheists feel the way you do, but then we dont have the bible belt in US (as Ive heard somewhere) . In Australia we all have the right to beleive what you want to , as it should be everywhere. No-one anywhere has the right to force you to do anything you dont want to, including reading someones post of how they feel. Dont get me wrong ,I love reading your posts and you are my friend. But I think you need to back off the religous/ non-religous , as it seems it has a hold and youve got so much more to offer us/community. To say that I was religous would be half true, I beleive that if you are good to others in your life, you get good back. I also like celebrating Christmas and Easter , the thought of family. But , the idea of one creator is Hollywood gone mad. The scientists have proven evolution, it's time for the religous to wake up and get real. Bogdan, I think your points were very interesting... Thanks Leanne Busby Tips for Building Your Business
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