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Melissa Fulwider

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Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
8/3/2006 8:50:06 AM

Dear V,

I was so excited to see you were selected as POTW!  You deserve this honor and I am very excited for you!  Keep up the great work and I am so glad that you are my friend!


yours for the future, melissa The Adland Interviews :
Venerina Conti

1305 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
8/3/2006 11:54:29 AM


Thank you very much my dear friend for your kind words and PMs ... you were greatly missed here ... I am glad you came by ... I was getting withdrawal symptoms!!! hehehehe

I am honoured to have you as a friend ... YOU keep up the good work too ... you're doing a brilliant job ...

Might I just say that you are also the Master of Suspense? ... I am biting my nails to the bone waiting for this "exciting news" ....

Thank you and a big big hug to you


Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
8/3/2006 12:06:05 PM

My Dear and Respected Friend Dr. Venerina.....!

"Congratulations" for being "elected and selected" as the "Person of the Week".

You really deserve for this Honour.

Enjoy the "Lime Light".

May God bless you with all "His Riches" (Amen).

With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers.......!

Your Ever Loving Friend,

Mohamed Gani.

Venerina Conti

1305 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
8/3/2006 12:25:16 PM

My dear friend Mohammed,

Salam Al-Aleikhum ... Namaste ...

Thank you for the kind words and the PM ....

You were greatly missed here my friend ... I am glad you came by ... It wouldn't be the same if you hadn't come to celebrate with us ... You bring Dubai and all its wonderful memories back to my heart ... Thank you ...

Marhaba and God Bless you too my friend



Cheryl Baxter

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Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
8/3/2006 10:48:18 PM
Hi Venerina,

Glad to see you win the honor of POTW!  I haven't been online a whole lot lately, but I do keep up with a few things here at AdlanPro & it's the greatest place to be named as Queen for a whole week!  Hope you are ENJOYING your queenly duties.

Take care,

Cheryl  ;-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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