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It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
7/30/2006 10:48:06 AM

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Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and LaNell!

It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez

The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here at AdlandPro. Here is the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below:


How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?

To be chosen as Person of the week you:

• Are highly visible on the community

• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.

• Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members.

• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.


Folks, there’s a hurricane in the horizon and it has been sweeping people off their feet. This hurricane is Dr. Venerina Conti our POTW for this week. Venerina has only been here a short time but she has quickly won the hearts and respect of many here at AdlandPro. You will see from her Bio that she’s a very charming and talented Network Marketer. Congratulations Venerina on winning the POTW! Enjoy your week of praise and honor!


Here’s Venerina’s Bio:

Thank you John, Adland and everyone responsible for this truly amazing honour.  I’m afraid this isn’t going to be a write up as you probably expected … but hey … that’s just me!!! Heheheheh


It’s amazing, I only signed up, like everyone else, to promote my businesses and network with people and now I find myself with a “true love”, an adopted family, 500 new friends, a Star of the week award and a POTW award!!! Somebody pinch me please!!!


Well, everyone, I have to say that I do not stand alone here, this week, to receive this honour … right beside me, to share in this glory, are my closest and dearest Adland family, Marilyn L. Ali, Nan Herring, Georgios Paraskevopoulos, Kenneth Sword & Michael De La Cruz, whom I love dearly and who all share a special place in my heart.


Right beside them are my dear friends:  Chris Wiseman, Raymond Feller, Randall Pendland, Luis Miguel, Stamelos Mattheou, Dennis Clairmont, Cathy Walker, Caroline Schneider, Leroy Tate, Donna S. and everyone else who has supported me, encouraged me, believed in me and kept me here in Adland, this time, and who made all the difference.


I, especially, would like to thank all my team members, including you John, in the various Adland projects I am partaking in and all the wonderful people who have sent me so many beautiful comments and messages, read my articles, replied to them and commented on them, throughout the various forums in which I participate, especially Ildiko, Anamaria, Jenny, Florence, Joyce, Marvia, Melissa, Don, Beverley, Roz, Rosa, Rose, Panda lady (Mary), Luella & John, Peggy, Michael R, Roger, Robert T, Hortense, Juliana, Cheri, Teri, Mohammed, Larry, Lisa W, Max in Vegas, Richard, Claudio and many many more.  If you are not mentioned here, please know that I still thank you, and appreciate you, but with 500 new friends in 3 months, well ….the memory isn’t what it use to be!!! Not even with Ginko Biloba capsules every day!!!


My personal biography can be found here:


The weekly Parade of the stars – where I was featured a couple of weeks ago and which I am honoured to now be a team member of. 


My first assignment, as team member, was Karen Earll, who truly warmed my heart with her overwhelmed joy, which made this whole new experience a truly wonderful one.  Thank you Karen.


My professional resumè can be found here:


My main websites are:
(for business services and advice on how to start a business on and offline)

(For designer high-quality costume jewellery & Holistic Health Therapies)


I run a non-intrusive newsletter from this site.  It is posted about once a month and past editions can be found here:


Anyone wishing to receive it can sign up through the home page at

Or they can sign up to my blog and automatically be informed when it is posted.



I, also, have a Holistic Health Blog, articles are being added all the time, so please drop by when you have time, every now and then, the link is:

(Was my first ever attempt at designing a website hehehe … you can see the difference I hope!!!)


I have a whole bunch of other websites but I’m afraid that anyone wanting to know will have to get to know me and ask if they’re interested … it’s a ploy really to get to know people better!!! heheheheh



My roles here in Adland are:


Team member – (Designer) – Adland Community Newsletter


If you haven’t read it yet, the previous issues can be found here:


Bizzy Blogz – Adland Community Newsletter – Issue 1


Team member – Weekly Parade of the Stars – (mentioned above)


Team member – (writer) – Mysteries Unknown


Articles posted in the mystery forum:


“Atlantis – Part 1”


“Atlantis –Part 2”


And I promise the dedicated supporters of the forum that Part 3 will not be too long in the posting!!!


I try to partake in as many forums as I possibly can and I apologise if I do not make it around to all.  It is not though ill-wishing or bad intentions, it’s just that I work, I study, I write and I run my business, so time is sometimes a little limited.  I know that I have arrived late in a lot of forums … but, as the saying goes, better late than never.


I have a forum here at Adland, which is dedicated to useful information for members, sadly there aren’t as many threads as I would like … but Chronos, (the God of time, is not always on my side)


However the existing threads are:


A warning about scams, for which, I thank everyone who contributed material.





A welcome “forum map”, as Joyce described it, where new members can find interesting forum links, to get them started here in AdlandPro.  I know how daunting it can be at first but please don’t give up.  That was my big mistake in 2002, which kept me away for 4 years!!!


Hopefully, by the time this is posted, I will have finished an article on Holistic Health and another on Ayurveda & “The three dosha concept” – Part 1. 

I have my dear, sweet friend, Peggy and a few other people to thank for that little push.


I try to help other members when they ask and I am hoping, in the near future, to put together a few more helpful projects in the future with some of my dearest friends.  So, Sam and Randall, I haven’t forgotten you … I’ve just been a bit tied up lately.


I love making new friends so never be afraid to invite me into your circle, never think that you’re disturbing me and if you have a question, I’m always willing to try and give you an answer.  If I don’t know the answer, chances are, I know someone who does.


Finally, a tremendous thank you to Bogdan, without whom, there would be no Adland, no new friends, no new Adland family, no “love of my life”, no POTW and I’d probably have a bauld head by now … but only he and Michael will understand that one!!! Heheheheheh

Venerina Conti


Does this lady know how to market herself or what? It’s refreshing to see someone who really has the skills of Network Marketing down to an Art form. We are looking forward to exchanging ideas with this talented lady.

Folks, if Venerina isn’t on your friends list please take the time to invite her.

Venerina, have a great week as our Queen of Adland! :-)

We love you! ;-)

Love and blessings to all of you from,

John Sanchez and LaNell

Dont for get to vote for the next 56th POTW!

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John Sanchez

My Blogs

Goodwill Ambassador

WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals.

If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!

La Nell !

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Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
7/30/2006 11:11:57 AM
Hi Everyone!  :-)  Congratulations Venerina! You are the Queen of the POTW forum. We love you!  Cheers! LaNell
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
7/30/2006 11:53:11 AM




A last nights’ recital to show the world all her beauties, her superiority in arts in knowledge and fair play made mankind anxious and sweet Venerina the modern Aphrodite felt that she was losing her power she asked for help to overcome the difficulties. First her lover and mate Ares a super warrior came with magic flowers, then her friend Pallas Athena with her wisdom, and later at the end Artemis with her silver arrows and her holy deer. At the end all the other Olympic Gods and Goddesses to joined them..


Hades, Charon and their company had to retreat and let Aphrodite get her CORONA a crown that she so well deserved after all her hard work for long time now. She was a spinter of the Olympic flame.



Venerina's  Activities


Power Forum Team member

The AdLander's Weekly Parade



Forum Team MemberThe Mysteries-Unknown Truth


Perhaps the most famous example of Aphrodite's influence is the Judgement of Paris, an event in which Aphrodite's actions indirectly caused the Trojan War. In recounting the events that preceded the Trojan War, the Cypris reports Aphrodite's behaviour at the marriage of Peleus and Thetis:

A master piece of Praxitelis

At the wedding, Eris (strife) threw a golden apple into the midst of the guests. The apple bore the inscription "for the fairest" a quarrel arose among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, with each goddess claiming the apple for herself. Eventually, they agreed to make Paris, a Trojan prince, arbiter of their dispute. All three goddesses offered Paris bribes; Aphrodite promised the most beautiful woman on Earth as his wife--this was Helen, wife of Menelaus, ruler of Sparta. Paris awarded the apple to Aphrodite and proceeded to abduct Helen.

Warm regards

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Deborah Skovron

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Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
7/30/2006 11:56:54 AM

Hi Venerina,

    Congratulations, enjoy your week as POTW.

Your Friend


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Re: It's Time For The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (54th Edition)
7/30/2006 11:59:20 AM


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