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Venerina Conti

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Re :A scammer here in Adland
7/10/2006 2:15:46 PM

Larry, Andy, Deborah,


Thank you for posting ... Andy is absolutely right .... Never click on any links that might be in the email.  As I stated with the ebay scam, the scammers have sophisticated enough software to extract your passwords, account details and any personal info you may have on your machine.


Hackers are very clever.  I was in a chat room once, on the net, talking to a friend who was sending me some music files.  During our conversation a Hacker in the chat room managed to access my friend's computer and steal photographs, all this whilst we were talking.


Luckily, my firewall and anti-hacker program found the hacker trying to access my pc and gave me an alert.  So, please be warned that it is not just email scams ......


Take care

Venerina Conti

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Re :Now on a happier note...
7/10/2006 2:24:10 PM

Hello Suzanne


Yes sadly people do fall for scams ... some are so clever and so sophisticated you don't even know you are being scammed until you're either in the thick of it or it's finished ....


Be alert my friend ...


Take care and thank you for dropping by

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re :Now on a happier note...
7/10/2006 2:37:57 PM
Hello Venerina, Experience talk. Sometime ago I visited a site that was reporting scammers, spammers, fraud abuse, etc. After some weeks this had so many emails that he sent out spam letters to all this people who reported to him. They are more "clever" every time they appear. Pore people hear about money and they are crazy. "Maybe I should give it a try". Result: They lose 500-2000 dollars. Therefore it is better to report them directly to the owners of their e-mail. In this case 24 hours past, no answer from so now I am reporting this person to the Black Lists. Bye Bye ABN AMRO NEDERLANDS, If you weren't spammer you would come here to post your opinion. We Gave you a chanse. Cordial Regards Georgios
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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re :A scammer here in Adland
7/10/2006 2:42:51 PM

Hello Venerina,

Thanks for the worning!

I wonder haw far are these Scamers decided to go, and most of it, what would ABN AMRO think about this "employee" of their?!  

This Dr Patt Williams should be some specie of a doctor.
Soon this "helpless" people wioll be going to assure as that the transaction is going to be "secretly insured" by...let's say...LLoyds, not to mention some tiny little insurance co., but a reliable one.

Oh, my; we sure have to keep our eyes opened and take care!


So, I'll change my "wish you the best" to "tacke care and be safe"!

With friendship,


Ana Maria Padurean

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Re :A scammer here in Adland
7/10/2006 2:47:57 PM

Hello Georgios,

I'm back here with a reply for you because, the most frightening in my opinion is that ABN AMRO is indeed a very important European Bank! And that's for real! Can you imagin that! I'm sure they have no idea about this employee of their! Do you think we should send the mail to them too?!



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