Thank you for coming by. Nice to see you .....I hope this helps someone. I have been scammed myself Twice ... once in a very big way .... I even went as far as Paris for a meeting .... so I know quite a bit about how the Internet scams work. Since my trip, I vowed to try and catch as many of these people as possible.
Thank you for mentioning the banks .... On that note I think I should warn people that there are quite a few bank scams going around.
You get an email saying all kinds of things:
1) That they are upgrading their services, so you need to log into your account following some kind of link.
2) The paypal one usually says that your logos have not been updated or some mumbo jumbo to that effect....
3) That you have not logged in for quite a while, etc etc etc
My advice to all is .... do not click on any link in the email. If you are in doubt as to whether it is genuine or not, then please open your browser and log into your account that way .... If there are no notices in your account then delete the email without further ado .... and/or report it to your provider or to your bank.
Be safe friends.