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Lisa Westberry

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Re: Question On The P.O.T.W.
6/14/2006 3:16:15 PM
Linda, Very Interesting!!! Luella said it perfectly!! My feelings exactly. Regards,
Carla Carey

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Re: Question On The P.O.T.W.
6/14/2006 9:04:29 PM
HI LINDA, I agree with Luella and Linda, if anyone has a problem, take it to John! Thanks, Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Re: Question On The P.O.T.W.
6/14/2006 10:06:56 PM
Hello Linda, Why didn’t you ask me this question personally? Am I not the one who created the Person of the Week forum? Is it not my forum to run as I wish? The only other people that have any say so in this forum are Bogdan and LaNell, Bogdan because he provides the prize and the front-page exposure and LaNell because she is my partner in the forum. Would you like me to come over to your forum and tell you what jokes you can and can’t post? I created my forum to uplift and honor people but a few people for who knows what reasons want to turn something that I created for good to something that is a war between groups with in Adland. Yes, I know that one of the reasons this trouble is being stirred right now is because some non-WOSAT members can’t stand to see a WOSAT members win. WOSAT members are also AdlandPro members and everyone who is on the nomination list for the POTW polls was first an Adland member. I didn’t nominate all the people on the list so I don’t know what the problem is. I’ve only nominated 2 or three people since we started the polls, all the rest have been nominated by their friends at AdlandPro. One of your best friends is another person that is causing problems for LaNell and I, I won’t mention her name but she knows who she is and so do you. Your friend has been campaigning against all the WOSAT members and her ex-husband who is on list for the POTW ballot. I’ve heard from more than one person that your friend is campaigning for her friends in other communities mainly Direct Matches, which is unethical and prohibited. The POTW award is for members of AdlandPro. I can’t help it if people nominate their friends that aren’t that active in the community but they did it because that person was kind to them. I posted the criterion for nominating people in the nominations forum, it’s there for everyone to see and that’s not the only place it’s posted, Bogdan posted it also for everyone in the Person of the Week Program page: Now, imagine what would happen if I told people “no you can’t nominate so and so because they aren’t active enough”, how many people do you think I would offend? The only way I would feel comfortable telling people that they can’t nominate someone is if I new that the person they are nominating is someone that is disreputable or a troublemaker. I created the POTW forum to honor people who promote a positive atmosphere at AdlandPro and who are helpful to other members of the community. Theirs is currently over 30 people on the nominations list so it takes sometimes up to 3 or 4 weeks for the same people to show up on the poll again. Each poll I try to place the people with the most votes from three polls back since I can only place 10 per poll. People on the current poll are most likely to see their name again on a poll in 3 weeks if they don’t win. Remember, I didn’t nominate all these people, I believe there is only one member left on the nominations list that I nominated. Now I ask you, why are a few people causing problems for LaNell and I when this project was intended for good? Has LaNell or I done something wrong or evil that warrants these types of forums, which question our handling of the POTW forum? Why weren’t we first approached with this question? Why make it a public event, is there a secret motive behind this? Yes, I think so. Not everyone is in the dark here about the secret motives. Most people approve of the way we have been handing the POTW forum and say so each week. Only a handful of envious people try to stir trouble for us. Are you going to be one of them? We have been friends for a long time, why didn’t you come to me first? Does it have to do with your best friend who has been stirring trouble behind the scenes? If she continues I will expose her for the fraud and troublemaker that she is, enough is enough. I’ve spoken to her numerous times about the problems she is causing in the community and I have pleaded with her to stop but she continues. If you side with her she will just drag you down with her. If you have any more question you know how to contact me, lets not do our laundry in a public forum. John Sanchez My Blogs Goodwill Ambassador WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals. If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!
Craftie Linda

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Re: Question On The P.O.T.W.
6/14/2006 11:45:50 PM
Hi John I am sorry I do not know whom and what you are talking about. This is my opinion and I have invited friends too come a long and voice theres as you have yours. I have deleted Neils post as he is not very nice calling friends liars. Thanks Linda
Chris Wiseman

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Re: Question On The P.O.T.W.
6/15/2006 4:21:53 AM
Hang on folks!....We have a community that we can be proud is second to NONE! It is a very large community and as with any large community sometimes troubles come along. It is how we handle these troubles or I prefer to say challenges that counts. If I had an issue with a member of my staff I would take them to one side or in the office and address the issue privately...not for all to see. Linda, I thank you for raising an interesting forum and from the responses already it is going to be a popular one no doubt. My view is this should have been addressed in private not in a forum. But that is just my opinion. Everyone is invited to share their opinions and that's what makes this community wonderful. I would like to think that we will not create wars (as someone quite rightly said we have enough of those already) We need to work together as an awesome TEAM. I for one am very proud of Adland and what it has achieved. I'm sure great things lay ahead so lets enjoy and move on TOGETHER. Thanks for sharing Linda
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