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Deborah Skovron

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Re: Question On The P.O.T.W.
6/14/2006 2:00:08 PM
Hi Linda, You raise a good point, but there are a lot of members in Adland. Some are more active than others. I think by giving them the exposure as POTW this might be an impetus for them to be more active in the community. I was POTW, but I don't have any forums up. I try to go to forums and post and take part in the conversations, and whenever I can I try to be of some help to members who need it. I also make a point of voting and inviting new members to be friends. I don't think we should say that certain people can't be nominated, if they are members of the community and want to accept the nomination, they should be allowed. It is all about who votes for them. And by the way, we have a new forum called "Adland's Weekly Parade of Stars". Marilyn Ali heads it up, and we have a wonderful team who helps out. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Re: Question On The P.O.T.W.
6/14/2006 2:04:18 PM
Hi Linda, You have definately brought up a good question here. As others have already said, "John and LaNell are doing a very good job with what's already been done with POTW". Sadly I've also noticed that lately somee are using this forum to vent their opinions and frustrations out on whoever seems to be in the spotlite at present. With over 312,000 members, there's no way that John and LaNell can easily weed out the negative comments and attacks that may get placed in the forum. There will always be differences in opinions wherever we go, so why create problems just because you weren't chosn for the spot (not you personaly my friend). We are all supposed to be mature, rational adults, not a bunch of quibbling school kids. If you want to start a fight (or war) there are plenty of conflicts going on in this world already. Go joinb those instead of starting more here. Thanks Linda for letting me give my point of view here. It's going to be very interesting to see how far this thread does go. your friend, Steven
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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Question On The P.O.T.W.
6/14/2006 2:08:40 PM
Hello Linda, A nice discussion began here in this forum. This feature is nice one and you know because you went throught the procedure as I did last week. To be honest there are things I don't like in POTW procedure or better say things I want to change if it is possible. Today it is possible to vote even if you aren't a member in AdLandPro. I discovered that long time ago. Remember when Sarka and Cheryl fought for 5 days hand in hand and suddenly something happened last two days. I reported what I found out at that time. Same thing happend again and again. If I tell more there will be fight here and I don't want that. What I ask is if it is possible to have this nice feature internal in AdLandPro. Active or not. Well it depends on how you see this. A) There are people having many friends 4000, 5000 even 7000 and can not win the POTW or they aren't even nominated. Why? There are answers to that. 1) They did not want friends but a long downline to recrute people in their programs. I wonder if a person with 4000-5000-7000 people is capable to support the and help them up. It is impossible. 2) They don't care. There is a forum topic in my Birthday's forum made to congratulate a "friend" with more than 5000 people in his circle. He did not even come over to say a "thank you: to them whos sent him birthday wishes. B) There are members not having a forum but they are very active in other forums. Some people are charismatic, they can set up a topic like a hand clap, others can't You are lucky, over 1700 members in one of your forums. that is very good. C) There are forums with difficult subjects as example last topic of Arthur Webster's. A very good topic and successful but difficult to handle and few decide to join. Few people are ready to go there to jump in the discussion there. I will congratulate John and LaNell for the POTW Feature. They saty neutral and that counts. Their work is great and most appreciated. Warm Regards Georgios PS. My son told me about your message earlier today, I was very busy. PPS. My translations gave me 340.00 Euro today.
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Luella May

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Re: Question On The P.O.T.W.
6/14/2006 2:29:45 PM
Hello Linda, All I can say is that POTW was brought to us by John Sanchez and if you have any questions, he should be the one addressed. The people on the list were nominated by someone. They must have contributed to Adland to be nominated in the first place. I say we accept whomever is on the list and voice our opinion by voting for our choice. Kindest regards, Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood
Re: Question On The P.O.T.W.
6/14/2006 3:00:45 PM
I have to agree with some post here about your participation levels at Adland. There are so many. I referred people here for the free emails, traffic, etc. Not just the forums. I know there are alot of people here who were nominated just from referring and are highly active in their own businesses. Or others who use all the tools and services here and that's it. Ever since I've won, it's been nothing but WORK. I use to be very active here, but once my business started taking off, I haven't had the time to visit and had to redirect alot of my emails. And then once I got with MySpace and other communities like frappr and it's been busy.. busy.. busy.. for me. I'm glad I have to as a friend too Linda, because you've always been there for me, and that's why you're one of the best. Just today I got an email from a woman who wanted to join MomsWin but was already in the wellness company, but didn't have any online support. I have no problem presenting for her, but she still needs a website and marketing tools, but she didn't have alot of money yet. She uses but that's it. So.. of course I sent her to Adlandpro and veretekk to get her on her way. I will still help her establish her business online even if she's not my personal sponsor. You just have to Pay It Forward in this business, and those are the ones that get nominated. No matter what there participation level is.
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