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Re: What Are Our Own Perceptions?
6/13/2006 10:33:46 AM
Hey John, This is DEEP Stuff! Finding myself among Psychologists and Philosophers so early in the morning is better than that second cup of coffee. I can't say I relate very well. I think my problem has also been too much "Bravado" and that I can I run headlong into brick walls... lots of lumps on my head! I face every challenge with "How hard can it be?" without doing my Homework or Mastering the effects of timing. So, the pendulum swings both ways...finding a balanced approach to self-esteem and confidence may be the right way to go. Frankly I never boast about anything and rather not talk about myself at all, but that inner child is so stubborn like the Taurus I am, I don't know if I will ever find the middle ground. I guess fear is healthy if you can control it. Approaching girls scared the hell out me as a young man - I think I have mastered that one! Snakes, they give me the shivers still. Everything else is an adventure. Well my session is up, I hope I am cured. Thanks for Sharing and Caring, maxinvegas ============================================= Your Website Can Make You $100,000 In 4 Short Months Or You Can Kick Us To The Curb And Pay Nothing! What Do You Have To Lose? You Only Lose By Not Acting. Limited Offer. ============================== Get FREE Multiple Video Messengers
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Flag of Venerina Conti

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Re: What Are Our Own Perceptions?
6/13/2006 11:09:07 AM
hehehehehehe my dear Adland friend James, I am sorry but I could not resist posting an answer to you .... psychologists or no psychologists ... philosophers or no philosophers .... you are just one adorable, witty, lovable, hugable people .... It's always a pleasure to read you in the forums .... And don't worry ... that Taurean trait you were on about ... banging your head ... well that's common to all Taureans hehehehe ... my mum's one!!! All the very best to you and your wife... Take care Venerina
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Re: What Are Our Own Perceptions?
6/13/2006 11:11:10 AM
Thank you Luella and John, it's actually something very close to my heart ... so I hope it can help someone... The pleasure is all mine ... Take care and have a great week. Venerina
Re: What Are Our Own Perceptions?
6/14/2006 8:08:49 PM
John I'll agree and disagree. Some wounds are deeper than others, some more fatal than others. A young plant will wither and die faster than a more mature one, if faced with similar situation. Many times we give up our rights to soar.But sometimes we are helpless and it takes an Outside help to restore us because we've lost/put to sleep the Power within. In whatever Situation we find ourselves,we need God to see us through.It is he that gives us strength to overcome the "put downs"we encounter That threatens to break our spirit. He may use different means - A loving parent or friend; a counselor; A total stranger; a song, a book; to name a few. BUT YES WE Need TO DEVELOP THE ATTITUDE OF SOARING ABOVE OUR PROBLEMS. USE THEM AS STEPPING STONES TO CLIMB HIGHER!!!! Patricia C
Patricia Claricia 347 323 8853 For Health And Wealth -------------------------------------------- Other Stream For Education and Wea
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Re: What Are Our Own Perceptions?
6/16/2006 1:07:46 PM
Hello John, This is Luella. Yes, exercise gets those endorphyns in balance and gives you a lift, a sense of wellbeing, thereby raising your self esteem. And yes, it can help you to stay fit and active. I do my best also to stay in shape. My weakness is fried apple pie. Have you ever had one of those? A friend of mine made some for me while my mother was in the hospital. I will not even dare learn how to make them. Too tempting. Although, it is really easy, if you think about it. Kindest regards, Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood

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