I don't know the secret to this personally. I think Pepe the dolphin gets them for me.
Seriously. I get my best results from writing good, keyword rich articles that end up on page 1 of the search engines. Funny, I can't seem to do this with my web page...much.
I include the picture of me swimming with the dolphin and get lot's of reads and lot's of comments...about the dolphin. Not a lot of signups though. I think they stop at the top of the page when they see the dolphin and skip reading the article.
Kidding...IdeaMarketers is one of my biggest referrals.
Here is one of my articles that has been read over 1600 times:
I'm thinking of changing over to the picture of me kissing a small turtle in the Caymens.
I think it's in the articles(rapport) and I think it's in the freebies. An introductory web pop-up offering free ebooks if the prospect signs up for a newsletter. Capture their name/email/etc. Then send them a special offer about 2X per month.
I read from one of my collegues in another forum that her signups increased 3X using this method.
Haven't tried it yet. Don't normally like pop-ups.