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Re: Cheri, Winston, Deborah, Martha, Kathy... html/website unit
5/10/2006 10:01:48 AM
Hi: ============================== Oh my, I was so excited I misspelled my name. LOL ============================== Deb, your posts just made my day!! What a feel good! Also... thanks, Martha, for having a look already, too. Your response was exactly what I was striving for when I wrote it - to make it easy instead of scary. : ) Linda
Re: Cheri, Winston, Deborah, Martha, Kathy... html/website unit
5/10/2006 10:23:44 AM
Hey Winston; =================================== Here's one I asked you about earlier in an email that I think might be worth putting here: When you design your site should you stick to the normal HTML convention or the more stricter XHTML? =================================== That's a loaded question today. I've had my share of debates (some amiable, some not) with other developers about W3C compliancy and some of the other programming conventions. There are great possiblilties with some of the alternate methods to html because they are the programming methods that will work in conjunction with newer technologies. For example, if you want people to be able to surf your site on their cellphone, the coding needs to be different than for a browser. But, even in saying that, there are still HUGE compatability issues. To use an analogy - let's say a group of citizens got together and decided the laws of the country are too confusing, so they decide to create their own laws. The group grows like mad and soon half the country has "adopted" the new laws. Cool... but it doesn't matter one bit if those "new" laws don't stand up in front of a judge. And that's what's happening with W3C compliant code. There are NO regulations requiring Bill Gates, Andreessen or any other browser owner to make their browsers according to W3C rules. Just last night I tried to buy a book from a site that's W3C compliant -- unfortunately it's not IE or Firefox compliant because the buy button gives errors in both browsers. Until they get Gates on board with W3C (and everyone follows) - I'm not advising anyone to become W3C compliant quite yet. Given the options, I'd much rather be BROWSER compatible than W3C compliant because at least then I know that the sites I create work in the browsers people are viewing them in. : ) Linda
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Image Uploading
5/10/2006 12:26:51 PM
First Glitch I've run into: I had to create an "images" folder - no problem Uploading an image to that folder on the other hand doesn't seem to want to work using the instructions you've given. When clicking on "upload" the poor old puter just hangs. Any suggestions?????
Re: Image Uploading
5/10/2006 2:55:26 PM
Hi Winston; Have you already gotten to the screen where you select the images? Or do you mean when you click on the black "upload" arrow? L P.S. So are you seeing the parrot instead of GoDaddy now?
Flag of Winston Scoville

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Re: Image Uploading
5/10/2006 4:39:26 PM
Hi Linda, Good timing. Couple of updates. The problem I was having with the pic upload was when I got to the screen where I Browse to select the file. I'd get that done then click on the "upload" button. Then things would hang. To resolve it temporarily, I uploaded the file to the public folder (where your index file is), then moved it into the images folder from there. As for the GoDaddy screen: At work, I have no problem regardless of the address I use (i.e. either or At home, well that seems to be another story! LOL When I type, I get the GoDaddy screen. When I typed - the GoDaddy screen When I typed - the GoDaddy screen I changed the .html extension on the file to .htm and used the same address and was able to access the parrot page. Now I can access using Is that as clear as mud or what???? LOL

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