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Cheri, Winston, Deborah, Martha, Kathy... html/website unit
5/8/2006 2:47:52 AM
Hi! Thought I'd start a new thread for your questions re; the newest unit and website package. What I'd like to do with the final version is add an FAQ file with answers to common questions. So, if you have questions as you're going through, just post them here! : ) P.S. You did receive it by email, yes? : ) Linda
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Re: Cheri, Winston, Deborah, Martha, Kathy... html/website unit
5/8/2006 10:01:11 PM
Hi Linda, Here's one I asked you about earlier in an email that I think might be worth putting here: When you design your site should you stick to the normal HTML convention or the more stricter XHTML?
Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: Cheri, Winston, Deborah, Martha, Kathy... html/website unit
5/9/2006 1:36:53 PM
Hi, I had to come in and tell you how excited I am. It took me a day and a half, but I have "Mary had a little lamb" with my breaks and in different colors. I know a lot of you can already do this, but to me it is like the first time I didn't get woozy in my gross anatomy class. Yea, Yea, Yea!! I am off to learn how to do lists. Wish me well. Your Good Friend Debirah
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Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: Cheri, Winston, Deborah, Martha, Kathy... html/website unit
5/9/2006 1:38:06 PM
Oh my, I was so excited I misspelled my name. LOL Deborah
BrandName Kidswear starting at $2.65. 12 Page Book thats creating miracles...FREE Where Money Grows Like Kids
Re: Cheri, Winston, Deborah, Martha, Kathy... html/website unit
5/10/2006 5:47:59 AM
Linda, What I've looked at so far looks like you are making html very easy and not scary. I just wish it wasn't growing season. I will have to wait awhile before I get to play with it. Martha

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