I will have to agree with you, it is an unsolidcited form of advertisement,
There is another thing that can become quite anoying and that is the people that send posts several times a day.
Even though some of these posts have some valuable information it can become quite time consuming if a person takes the time to read all of the information in the post.
When I first began marketing and learning about the "Drip System" (where you drip information on prospects) the Standard Rule is a two day interval.
Any more than this it becomes anoying to your prospect. It is recomemded that after you have established creditability then maybe once a week is enough.
Most of the time when a person sends me an ad (Blantant) I will do one of two things, I may just delete it, or I may reply with a thank you telling them thanks for sending their Advertisment as a Personal Email, and suggest they purchase the paid ad service that Adland provides.
One of the strange things about these mailings is the # of friends they are mailing to!!!! Many times I will check their profile, or it will show they only have 1-3 friends they are mailing or posting to.
Now with the Adland (reasonable and cost effective) they could be reaching in excess of 30K members.