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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/20/2018 2:11:18 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6271 A Secret to Happiness, March 20, 2018

God said:

Do you want to be happy? I never knew anyone who didn't. Wanna know One Secret to Happiness for happiness? A Trigger to set off Happiness?

Don't be disappointed when you see it. There is more than one secret to everything. In any case, if your happiness quotient seems to be dragging its feet, try this out:

Anticipate happiness.

Look for happiness around every corner.

See happiness.

Be happiness.

Go ahead and hug happiness to you.

That's it. This is a good start. Wind yourself up. Be open to happiness. Invite it. You never know where and when happiness will show up. Have happiness on your mind and in your Heart. Where can your happiness be hiding right now? Where does your happiness lie? Happiness longs to be with you before it has arrived and settled in.

I don't say that wishing makes all you wish for come true. What I am suggesting is a little different from wishing. Wishing for happiness seems to state firmly that you are lacking happiness and therefore affirms that you are barren of happiness. You are not petitioning for out and out World Happiness. You would be grateful for a little everyday cupful of happiness.

Beloveds, if you have a half teaspoonful of happiness today, be delighted with that half teaspoonful of happiness. Lick the spoon well.

Say: "Glory be, here I am licking this marvelous half teaspoonful of honey. This is quality honey. Happiness is the nectar of the Gods." The more you say, ‘Thank you,' the more honey flows to you.

Think of getting up in the morning as you did when you were a child on Christmas morning. You were all agog at what was to come.

Maybe before you go to bed tonight, write a list of what might make you happy tomorrow morning. Sure, go ahead, and make a lot of the material objects that might make your Heart leap. Also make a list of the non-material happiness that could come running through your heart and bloodstream.

Whose knock at your door would your Heart be thrilled to see? To begin with, think of only those who are still alive on Earth. I suggest this so you won't be inviting a whole line-up of sadness and nostalgia to you.

You might even like to think of someone who might be annoyed with you. A light and easy reconciliation could make you happy; why not?

Now, foresee when the dear people arrive at your door, what do you want the first words they say to be?

What will you say then, or will you be the first to speak, or perhaps you simply throw your arms around your friends and perhaps say: "Son of a gun, where have you been all this time?"

It's like this. You don't start baking a cake until you have the idea of baking a cake first. At first you may think of baking a pineapple upside down cake like your mother used to. Then the thought of a cranberry nut bread like you used to bake occurs to you. And then another thought peeks in.

Usually, first, before something comes to fruition, a thought of it arrives on its own.

Continuing with this theme:

Whose voice would you most like to hear?

What good news about this person would you like to know about?

What three words might you like to hear today?

What three words would you most like to say today?

What book might you like to reread today?

What surprise would you like to find in your mailbox?

What headline in the newspaper would you like to read tonight?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/22/2018 5:36:59 AM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6272 An English Country Garden, March 21, 2018

God said:

When it comes right down to it, there are times when life shakes you up and may leave you weary. Of course, you would love to be clear about life, what it is doing, and what you are to do with it. Too often you may feel you are treading choppy waters.

You really don't want life to put you to sleep, yet you wouldn't mind doing more paddling downstream in a canoe. You would like to lean back and look up at the Light of the Sun and sweet white clouds by day and a slip of the Moon and the sparkle of Stars by night. You know you don't want raging storms. April Showers are okay. You wouldn't mind a little dry spell either, not too much. You would really like Life on Earth to be clear sailing with only a few small doses of mystery here and there, nothing startling, life made of clear blessings and good fortune, the kind of good fortune that is plain and simple, fortune that engages with you and don't chew your nails about.

Even on your canoe ride, you want the Earth solidly under you. In the life you would choose, there would be no cliffs to fall off.

You have more of an acquaintance with insecurity than is to your liking.

You would skip all the battle hymns of the republic. No sad songs for you. Only happy songs for you, and dancing around the maypole and Santa on his way.

You would keep much of Life on the ready in your pocket, while some of life you would skip over. You would like life to be somewhere over the rainbow and made of light-hearted handsprings and not have to have to carry an umbrella and long for the Good Old Summertime.

There are songs, and there are lyrics that run through your head. You wonder how Life lent itself to song, and you wonder how songs and lyrics exist. What would Life be like without all these songs to run through your mind? What songs has the world forgotten that you never heard? What songs will come after that you will not have a chance to sing?

You wonder what the music in Heaven really is like. Do writers of songs and poetry exist in Heaven? You are sure there must not be machinists who make sparks and farmers with their back to their plows. What crops would there be to plant? What flowers to pick? What mulberry bushes to dance around? There would be no mistakes to make. Only more goodness to reap.

What fun would there be?

A halo must weigh nothing, and you would never take it off, now, would you?

You wouldn't wear shoes.

You wouldn't have to pull up your socks.

There would be no books to read, no plays to go to.

What will you think about when you are in Heaven?

There are no vocations in Heaven, nor would there be vacations.

Are days measured in time? Most certainly not.

There would be no time to while.

No hours to count.

No oranges to squeeze.

No dust to wipe off.

Do the angels miss Earth, or are the angels too busy being angels?

What is it like to be free of debt and worry? You would love to try this out even as you are not sure how much you truly want to be without cares. Still, you would like to give life a whirl in an English Country Garden.

In an English Country Garden

How many gentle flowers grow
In an English country garden?
I'll tell you now of some I know
And those I'll miss I hope you'll pardon.
Daffodils, heart's ease and flox
Meadowsweet and lily stalks
Gentain, lupine and tall hollyhocks
Roses, foxgloves, snowdrops, forget-me-nots
In an English country garden.

How many insects find their home
In an English country garden?
I'll tell you now of some I know
Those I miss I hope you'll pardon.
Dragonflies, moths and bees
Spiders falling from the trees
Butterflies sway in the mild gentle breeze
There are hedgehogs that roam
And little gnomes
In an English country garden.

How many songbirds make their nests
In an English country garden?
I'll tell you now of some I know
Those I miss I hope you'll pardon.
Bobolink, coo cooing doves
Blackbirds and the whirlwind thrush
Bluebird, lark, pigeon, nightingale
We all smile in the spring
When the birds all start to sing
In an English country garden.

Robin, don't forget the Robin.
Lyrics by Nana Mouskouri

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/23/2018 1:24:40 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6273 Depending upon Happenstance, March 21, 2018

God said:

Yes, often days on Earth seem like skirmishes to you. You want more of a day, or you want less of it, depending upon happenstance and your view.

You are not always hard to please. I understand that you do deal with every day as best as you can at the time.

In retrospect, you may see alternate roads you could have gone down. You could have been less cranky and resistant to life. Some days, not every day, you could have been less thrown by life. About some days, you could have even come to shrug your shoulders and say: "That day wasn't so bad after all."

Of course, there are days you still mourn and wish they could be undone. You would much rather have days that don't rile you. In some cases, you wish that you not rue your own deportment.

I would love to get you onto more evened-out paths. You, too, wish you could be more mellow. In this case, life would not run over you to the degree it seems to. Oh, yes, Beloved, if only your putting down life in the first place could be of the past and no longer continued. If only you would meet life more than you confront it.

At the very least, life is paving the way for you. Life is clearing the path. You don't want to play the victim, nor do you wish to be an assailer. You can swim in life in any direction you want. You don't want to give the impression that you are expecting heartache today.

In your mind, you often fault life. You would love to be on an even keel with life. How you would love to be at peace with life rather than at swords with it. Compared to you, life is the Giant, and you are not. And so you feel bound.

In going over some days of the past, you seem unable to rewrite a better script. This is the thing. You put yourself at the mercy of life. There is nothing you can do about it. You see yourself taken advantage of. You are unable to try to put a pretty face on life.

At the least, you may feel addled by life. Of course, you would love to be comforted by life. Meanwhile, you may be on life's back, for life could be getting ready to hassle you.

You would try out another world to live in, yet you don't know of another world to switch over to. Even if you were sure that another world existed, you are unsure that you dare to leap over to it.

You are the person in the story of the Lady or the Tiger who has to decide which door to open. In your case, it may seem you have no choice of which door to open. It opens itself to you before know it. Sometimes you feel that you are offered Tiger or Tiger and never offered apples or oranges.

Any day can bring a thunderstorm or a blizzard or a drought. You don't know what you may wake up to. You have no conscious choice. You don't want to sound ungrateful. Life has been good to you now and then no matter how much it left you shaking in your boots. You would love a guarantee.

Beloveds, you see the bits and pieces of life when, all the while, there is a whole world there. Make a large sweep of your cowboy hat in front of you and offer life a grand welcome. And give life a good chance to respond to your welcome.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/24/2018 6:53:38 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6274 Imagined, March 21, 2018

God said:

I was going to ask you what is on your mind. Then I thought better of it. Hmm. Let me refresh My question.

Beloveds, what would you like to have on your mind right now?

The arrival of your own True Love?

A chance meeting?

To find a hidden treasure?

To wake up tomorrow and weigh ten lbs. less?

Snow? To make a new friend?


Simple joy?

To find a genie had cleaned your fridge?

To be able to eat whatever you want and stay slim?

A new puppy?

To find yourself transformed into a new person?

A list of all that you like about yourself and makes you glad?

If I were to ask you to say what's on your mind, would I have opened a floodgate of woes? This would have been a mistake, for of course, it's time now to take your leave of woe. I mean, this is long overdue. What do you want woe hanging around for?

To know what matters in life?

To speak of what you want and not speak of that which you do not want?

To be a blessing to all who know you and to yourself?

To get on with life?

To light up the world?

To light up one single life today besides your own?

To give life freely without recompense?

To think big and never small?

To live your Truth. To speak your Truth. To never tell a lie, no matter how little, ever again?

To speak well of others?

To speak well of yourself?

To love ahead of time?

To break boundaries?

To surprise yourself?

To uplift the world?

To keep secrets?

To look forward to life?

To progress?

To be amenable?

To be farsighted?

To serve God and only God?

To honor thy mother and father?

To respect all?

To no longer try to change anyone else?

To leave myself free from nagging as well?

To smile?

To have a good time wherever I am and whatever I think of?

To imagine?

To have dreams big and small?

To come closer and closer to God?

To venture forth in life?

To sweeten the world?

To be my own person?

To not get in anyone's way?

To perceive everyone as God does perceive?

To be all I want to be?

To envision even greater along the way?

To be all God wants me to be. Why not?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/26/2018 2:07:53 AM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6275 It is all Water Under the Bridge, March 25, 2018

God said:

Increasingly, you feel yourself going deeper and deeper into life. You can't put your finger on it, yet you feel this to be true. You like this idea. You are enlivened by this idea. At the same time, you are at the same shaken by it.

Sometimes you feel that you float in life. That you don't touch base. How you would love to. As it is, words pop up from somewhere - it must be from somewhere within you, yet how? Why? And must they?

Now that you think of it, where are words stored anyway. There are words, often names, that you know very well, and cannot pull the word up at the moment, try as you may, and then some words you consciously would not want to draw out, not important to you, don't matter to you - and, yet, here they come spilling out.

They lurked somewhere within you, but where? How did they get there?

What is remembering about anyway?

Honestly, you wonder what memory is for. Of course, you do see its worth when you want to make your mother's recipe for pea and barley soup. You would like to have that recipe on the tip of your tongue.

In terms of life, you remember a detail here and there that you had forgotten about, and what is all this for? What is any of it for, you ache to know. Why do certain thoughts pop up when they do? Sometimes thoughts pop up that you wish wouldn't.

Is remembering no more than stuffing a rag doll? Is remembering only a filler, and why do you care?

Sometimes your mind feels crowded, and your house too.

You have a crowd of memories, and some seem useless and unfulfilling. Sure, there are thoughts you would like to pull out, yet you have no system. Do you have mental file cabinets and colorful folders?

Even if you knew where they are, what orderly use could you make of them anyway?

Are there shelves to put boxes of memories on?

This isn't the first time you have wondered about when you leave Earth, where do your memories go, the poignant memories as well as how to spell a difficult word.

Then there are the cry-worthy memories. May they go in peace.

It is all water under the bridge.

With all that is going on in the world, why are memories on your mind now?

You would rather invent something new for the good of the world or to rewrite your life as fiction, which I have told you that life really is in the first place. You might wish you had kept a record of all the great books you have read though you never did.

You could fill a wheelbarrow of your memories - yet where would you dump them?

In some respects, you would like to rewrite this life you are walking through now, when it gets right down to it, what would you undo? Embarrassment? Ignorance? Love unrequited? Would you really change the other characters in your script? What would you cross out when it comes down to it? Whom would you add - a fairy Godmother? What would you dare to erase? What hem would you take up? Where would you find the dress anyway? It all seems like too much trouble.

You also wonder what your next life will be like? What would your new name be? What work will you do? Where will you live? In what country? You ask yourself wordlessly in which country would you want to live. Actually, you're glad you don't have to think of it. You have too much on your mind as it is.

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