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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/2/2018 3:11:28 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6261 Deeper than Language, March 2, 2018

God said:

It could be said that We, you and I, the One of Us - isn't it interesting how We navigate in language? - We speak, communicate, or We can say commune on a level deeper than language. In a sense, We can say that language of itself is "all talk."

Deeper than language - the Source of Language -- We can perhaps call it pre-language. We can say that the Source of Language is Being, and Being is powerful in and of itself. The Power of Being may arise as a vibration, and so it can be said that vibration is the precursor of speech. Speech is a fill-in. Speech is written between the lines.

In the world itself, much is unspoken and understood very well. All that a sigh can convey, posture, a look into someone's eyes, somehow feelings conveyed before words and before thought, beyond continents, perhaps even beyond understanding. Not everything has to be put into words, yet a word is meant to be a caress across the airwaves.

Ah, it could be said that We speak silently in Golden Light. I am tempted to say in powerful lightning bolts yet silent and without drama. There is no gasping.

What is known for sure is that there is something called communication which includes understanding, yet which is beyond figuring out.

How connected to breath is spoken communication.

Of course, all understanding connects to Soul -- to and from Souls. Soul to Soul - far beyond intellect. Intellect can be considered a mere hierarchy.

Beloveds, all communication arises from a hush of stillness. Of course, rather than say people communicate, We can say that communication is from one mountain top to another.

It can be as if words are communicated from your fingertips as well. Certainly communication also includes communication from yourself to yourself and back and forth with or without agreement.

Communication may be heard. This is like a door that slams, or like a creaky door that needs oiling. There is a speaker or a conveyer, that which is conveyed, and a listener who receives the message or may not.

With what tenderness communication is to be given and with what gentleness it is to be received. A speaker and listener give themselves to the extent they are able.

Babies babble. Something is conveyed although the message cannot exactly be pointed to. In a sense, adults also babble. Nevertheless, a hand is reaching out to touch another.

My Cry is: "Hear Me, hear Me."

In a real sense, a babbler also says: "Hear me. Please notice that I am here, asking to be heard, to be seen, to be recognized, waiting for a nod from you that says: ‘Oh, I know. I know you are here, and I make room for you in my heart.'"

Is it so hard reach out to another Soul and to touch another's heart as if your life depends on it. It does. Yes, says the heart to simpleness of understanding. There is no science to it.

Godwriting is not a science nor can it be. An artist does not paint by numbers. His vision is invisible and undeniable. It pours out. One color is chosen here and not another. The artist does not know beforehand for a fact what he is going to paint and what it will look like. There is a "gotta" to art from within the artist that comes from somewhere. Godwriting is an art. There is no goal but itself.

I do not prepare what I am going to say to you, and, yet, I say it. I speak al fresco, so to speak. Extemporaneously -- and yet all is known. Godwriting comes from a well in which you dip an unseen dipper and drink.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/4/2018 5:20:48 AM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6262 Two Sneak Thieves, March 3, 2018

God said:

"What is time supposed to be anyway, this haunting phantom that takes up so much space in Human Life? I believe it is said that time makes the world go around. Time certainly seems to. I have wondered more than once if all of the world is but a Merry-Go-Round, a spinning wheel of time that hovers over us mortals at our expense, somewhat as if a terrorist holds us tied and bound without release."

"How I would like to surpass time and get out from under it. Oh, to think to have no time pressure, no urgency, no lack of time even as I desire there to be no time at all while You, God, say time doesn't exist anyway except as an illusion. Illusions are like theories that change, and time, which never is, can stop on a dime."

"Time that does not exist may be a nuisance. At the same time, most of us are not eager to skip life on Earth either."

"Nor is there space for time to exist in but illusion. Time and space are like two sneak-thieves that consume me nevertheless."

Yes, Beloveds, I say time and space occupy your beautiful mind again and again.

You have wondered about cleaning and dusting again and again. Of course, you do appreciate having a bed to sleep in and a soft pillow.

Time isn't the truth. There is no foundation to time, and yet you hear a tick-tock and see sands that run through an egg-timer. All the while - while is yet another word for time - time is hurry-scurry and, as best you can tell, to no avail.

Infinity, however, is no time at all, yet Infinity seems like it is Eternal when it is a non-moment of time, some kind of fill-in for life. In an active sense, life is also illusion. You wonder if life is a kind of Stand-up Comedian, and the joke is on you.

Certainly, you ponder a lot about specious time.

Look how in lifetime, time is circulated and recirculated on holidays and birthdays. Even if there are sciences made of dates and days and months and years and millenniums - the sequence of your Life and your good fortune told by it.

If the ground of Earth is not True, then you may cry out:

"Ahem, does this mean that flowers with beautiful colors and scents do not really exist?"

You cannot believe that such samples of Beauty do not truly exist. There are Essences of Flowers as well, after all. They do not change. It is easier for you to believe in flowers than to believe that you yourself or anyone else exists in the world really. You have full confidence in flowers. They smell so good.

You are aware that people you hardly know, when their bodies die, you miss them. How you miss them. How can you miss which never was?

Can Soul go into the category of time and space? Surely, there is no such thing as Soul-less.

If there is no space, is nothing then solid under our feet or under or above in the Stars?

At the same non-time, you know that something of you exists. You know surges of Love exist, and there are moments you are caught in awe of Love's grasp.

You may feel sure that I exist. You may be certainly sure I exist no matter what.

You may feel sure there is more to Life than empty emblems.

What a mix of Truth and fiction Life seems to be. Books are written about life and photos taken of it. Can it be that everything is Light actually?

If there is Light, does it mean that darkness exists? Or is darkness a mere Word? Can any Word be only mere?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/6/2018 6:43:15 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6263 Echoes of God's Words, March 6, 2018

God said:

You ponder:

"Does emptiness exist? You have heard that the core of a seed is emptiness? How can that which is vibrant and fertile and empty perpetuate life? Is DNA emptiness? Is emptiness that which makes DNA ready to carry on life to more than one precise destination? Is emptiness what Innocence amounts to? Are questions part of existence? If Yes, how does life get away with this, for from one question inevitably arises another?"

Further, you ask:

"Does DNA carry life on into Infinity? Does DNA stay Whole forever? Is there no end to Wholeness? Does Infinity mean no end to it? Then it must be that there is no end to life, for it is seeded Infinitely."

"Why are such thoughts coming into my empty head? How on Earth do such thoughts spring up from one like me who knows nothing, not with certainty, that is. Can it be that I was actually born with Knowledge and then let it fly off without actually grasping it?"

"Hmm, are my thoughts of my DNA flown like dandelion puffs to the air? Of course, it is no surprise that air plays an important part in life. Air carries life and perhaps DNA so that life as DNA continues."

Now I will speak for you again:

You tend to think that you must be playing dress-up when you pull on a royal robe because you're sure royalty doesn't belong to you, not in a million years.

But what if royal robes really are yours and you do more than play dress up? Look in the corner of the robe that you are sure doesn't belong to you, and you will see your initials sewn in there.

You are sure the idea of you as royalty is preposterous, yet what if it is True? Unimaginable, yet True? What can life not be attributed to, when I say that even all those seen as nonentities are Great Beings? You passed by your gloried Self, somehow wearing unseen robes of Great Stature unbeknownst to you yet never forgotten.

Hey, Beloveds, what if you do have the eyes to see, and incredible as it may seem to be to you, your eyes are wide open, and they see afar.

Or, what if you are a Godwriter? Blessed be you. A Godwriter simply hears the Echoes of My Words. You are God's beloved dummy who hears My words and babbles them without knowing what they mean, or, you are the last to know. So what if it all is without your knowing, so what?

When you take a walk in the woods and sniff the flowers, and you are happy, how much happier can you be? What if you are simply falling under My Spell? Isn't this good enough? Or isn't this even Great?

This is all I ask for you, and this is all that you ask for yourself. Perhaps even far more than you would have asked for, actually far far more than you would have asked for, and yet, more than what you would have asked for has been thrown in your lap, and you picked up all the bread crumbs or simply followed their path and find yourself where you never knew the official name for where you find yourself now. It might have been called Nowhere, yet, Beloveds, look at yourself now. You are Somewhere.

At the same time, you are well aware that you are not at the end of the tunnel. There is no tunnel, yet you arrived Somewhere, even undocumented. Inasmuch as you got here, who cares about documentation?

I say it is documentation enough that your fingers touch My Hem, and I am as happy as ever.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/10/2018 1:51:52 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6264 God Is Your Destiny, March 9, 2018

God said:

From the Cloister of your Heart, came I. You found Me. This is Word and Deed as One. You thought that I had found you. Yet, never were you missing from Me.

You stumbled on Me. Somewhere in the Cloisters of your Heart and Mind, I appeared. You think Cloisters must come from somewhere within a nunnery. Beloveds, you can come near to Me from anywhere. There are no limits.

The fact is I will have My Will, and you are My Will. You, whoever you may be or think you are or think you are not, you are a beautiful woven cloth of My Will spread on Earth. I ask all to harken to Me.

Come forward. Be bold. What you may call bold may well be simple Naturalness untrammeled.

Think for a moment. If you are not what you call bold now, when will you dare to be? Bold is authentic. If you are not already authentic, likely you were scared off.

The world feels that it has every right to stand in your way. Only in the world does it take derring-do to reveal yourself.

In Heaven, We are inseparable. What did you think Oneness was if not moving as One, or sitting still as One, or in the public arena as One, even appearing in Madison Square Garden. Yes, even in a boxing arena there is a garden that can lead you to your Destiny. I am your Destiny.

Right in this unheard of moment, you come closer to Me which is exactly where you are.

Yes, where you happen to be is right where you are meant to be. You came here. You got to be here, even as you aren't quite sure where here actually is. You have thought here to be many things, including even in the grape vines of Heaven, as you follow after Me, as you follow your own Lit Star to Me, your own Heart to Me. Of course, this is exactly what is happening.

Regardless, I have a Bright Star that you follow, and that you are compelled to follow by whatever circuitous route you do. The path to Me may indeed go around in circles. Nevertheless, your path will lead you to me. Never were you far from Me. Try as you may, and sometimes you do try to fly away from Me, you will find yourself right smack where you came from.

Isn't it peculiar that you may actively push yourself away from My Presence for one unseemly reason or another? I tell you to step right up. I take you by the hand or by your elbow. I don't have to lead you with incense or rose petals or one thing or another.

Your arrival at My Open Door is no surprise to Me, none whatsoever. It may indeed be a surprise to you and a surprise a long time coming. You may have flown under My Radar your whole life long. No matter, you will wake up to Me, Who Art your very Self. What took you so long, your Heart finally cries out, and you dance a jig as only Happiness can.

Whew, you arrived. Feel free to be excited at your arrival. It is a given, yet you can take it as a gift which it is surely is. It is a gift you give yourself. You don't know ahead of time how it will be wrapped or even wrapped at all. The thing is: This gift reaches you fair and square in Good Grace, just as I always knew it would. It was a foregone conclusion that you would know Oneness with Me. Hallelujah!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/10/2018 8:06:40 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6265 We are One not two, March 10, 2018

God said:

Hello, Dear Ones of Mine, here's My question to you first thing in the morning. Do you know how you feel as yet today? What will your answer be to My question about how you feel today? What do you think?

Well, Dears, there is a distinction to make between how you feel and how you are. We have two questions here and two different answers:

One question is: How does Life feel to you or seem to you to be like at this given moment? How has your morning been so far?

And, so, you might answer in this vein:

"Well, God, I had a rough morning. First, I stayed up too late, didn't sleep well, nicked my face while shaving, and, Truth be known, I don't want to get up and go to work and face the day. Besides, there's more I could cry on Your shoulder about and go and on. and there would always be more to tell, and I would never finish."

You may be sure I am aware of how the details of Life impact you daily and how much you long to be forthright. You don't want to be a Pollyanna who always smiles brightly. However, what you see as realistic tends to be a downer. You may feel honor-bound to describe what you experience as a hardship of one kind or another, and, so, every morning, you may feel like a soldier setting out on the battlefield. Some days, tragedy walks into your Life without any preparation.

The second question addresses how you ARE from the perspective of the True Reality that underlies all. From this Truth, here is your answer:

"Well, good, thank You, God."

You don't want to fluff off whatever hurts your Heart and brush it away. At the same time as you would like to lean on Me, you want to be independent and also considerate and compassionate with Me. I know this. And yet, as you set out each day to seek your fortune, you gulp.

Please know I am the Official Welcomer of you, Dear Ones. No matter what may hang heavily on your Heart and Mind, I am here to allay all the lonesome Hearts of all who feel let down, perhaps abandoned. I do not frown at any one. Remember that We are One! Let's embrace.

To Whom are you to pour your Heart out if not to Me?

Ah, Godlings, when it comes to Me, no matter what you may think is the matter and what you think you are going through, We are One not two. We are One and the same and not separate.

I say that if My giving you My ear gives you some ease, I am all for it. No worries for Me, and you will rise above worries about you in Silence.

When you come to Me, no matter what your request may be, I know you. I know you wish to understand Me and stand beside Me in Life. I hear your voice sweet, and I see beyond the heartache you presently trust in. Come to Me and feel Our entwined Presence. How to say it? Something Great passes between Us, the One of us. We speak One Language.

On Earth, there are eons of time to wander and roam in. Close to Me, based in Heaven, where We both sit as One, there is not even a split second of time to stray in.

Listen, from the Truth of Heaven, from the Reality I know by Heart and which you also have a deep acquaintance with, you are Beautiful.

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