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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/11/2018 3:12:08 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6266 Pass Your gifts on Right Away, March 11, 2018

God said:

Alas, Beloveds, you may have a tendency to rue some of what you say as well as rue words that did not even occur to you to say. And, if you had thought of it, you may have missed the deadline.

Perhaps the person you want to say the words to has left Earth by now. Now you can only whisper to yourself as the Sun is setting, and you wonder where are the Days of Yesteryear.

You may well have glossed over your Heart at the time. Which is better or which is worse, to have not thought of a kind act in the first place, or to keep playing the same sad song over and over again?

Unspoken words hang over you like bills that you can never make good on. If only you had a stamp that you could stamp PAID on your Heart and be done with it... Only, you don't, and you simply don't know how to walk away from these unwritten debts either. How will you ever get out from under?

"Too late, too late," sayeth the Raven.

No one is chasing after you but you. You are the heavy debt-collector who leaves bills in your mailbox. You are the one who keeps knocking on your door. You are the one who has to stop filling your Heart with debts.

Believe Me, once and for all, debt-collecting is not My purpose. I cast off debts. And so must you.

Starting right now: Praise yourself for all the good you say and do. Beloveds, do Me a favor and let go of the past you belabor yourself with. What do you think letting go of the past means?

Sit up straight and say, "Nice," to yourself. And say it again and again until you believe it.

Being exists. All this that feels heavy to you is all imaginary anyway. Feeling nailed to the wall is no more than a soap opera you watch and leave on in the background.

Furthermore, what is this about your being too late? Recant to your Loved Ones, dead or alive, right now directly out loud or in writing. Do it. Be done with it. Let yourself off the hook. Be free.

In terms of the world, it's unlikely that you will finish with all you could have done or been. Let yourself off the hook. As it is, you can hardly keep up with emails. Demands on you are many. As I speak to you now, I look deeply into your eyes. Look into Mine and see yourself as I do see you.

Beloveds, pass muster on yourself right now. You're not just so-so. You are good. Accept the fact that you are not a saint, and let it be good enough that you be the best you can be in the midst of this far-reaching life.

You're not going to win all the races. This is fair enough. Stay away from making too many demands on yourself.

It's really okay to be 50% perfect. 50% doesn't mean you are sloughing off.

What must be accomplished is being accomplished with or without your foreknowledge. You are responsible for what you are responsible for.

In another sense, of course, everyone is responsible to everyone for everything, yet everyone, soon or late, has also to cast off his or her past from the confines of the world.

The next time you have the opportunity to say to someone in this life: "What can I do for you?" Go ahead and ask right then and there, and also answer, "Yes," right then and there and pass your gifts on right away.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/12/2018 7:24:31 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6267 When Flowers Bloom, March 12, 2018

God said:

Beloveds, you may think that all it would take to make you happy is to have every single desire of yours fulfilled daily. As yet, alas, not even in a million years, has this been proven True.

Courteous servants may be lined up every morning before you with all kinds of delicacies prepared for you to nibble on throughout the day.

You feel full at the moment -- so of what value are all the treats to you then?

Nevertheless, you have the appetite to answer all the lovely questions the servants have in store for you, such as:

"What time do you want to go shopping for your new car today?"

"What time do you want your massage this afternoon?"

"When do you want to walk through the garden today to pick flowers and berries to brighten your table?"

"What else would you like us to do for you today? Your word is our command."

Naturally, you think that having all your wishes fulfilled would indeed make you very very happy. This is gratifying to think about, no doubt. Indeed, thinking about what you long for does put sparkles in your eyes over and over again.

Currently, you may believe that if you have nothing left to desire, oh, My Goodness, you are on the road to happiness.

Beloveds, how many princesses in the world do you know that lived happily ever after?

In this relative world, you have heard of the rich child who has every toy in the world. He is bored. You have heard of the poor child who has only one rag to play with. He has happiness beyond measure.

Beloveds, you are your own happiness. When all is said and done, wanting, lacking, displeasure and ennui are your own Dream-Makers and your own waylayers as well.

True, all the gems in the world would give some happiness, yet the joy of all the gems in the world can last only so long. True, all the gems in the world could appear before you, yet when the day is done, objects can be only objects.

The idea of living in a palace seems joyous, yet living in a palace could be lonely. You might long to live in the house where you were born. Even as you may prefer to move into the house where you were born, living there might surely bring more unfulfilled longing to your Heart.

Who or what can give you all the happiness you seek but you? The Seeker is the Fulfiller. This is you.

You are sad to think that you could live your whole life long and leave Earth without ever having known your own True Love or without ever tasting the fruit of every dream of yours realized before you fly off to other fields.

The Truth may be that there is a hole in your bag of goodies that leaves you wanting. More and more does give you some happiness, yet there is more to life in the world than more and more. The Bluebird of Happiness is said to be found in your own backyard.

I go further to say that the Bluebird of Happiness exists within you by virtue of the thoughts you tell yourself. Your own Happiness may be in your own Story in your own words.

Your Heart continues to hope there is more Happiness waiting for you that will still reach you by and by with or without notice.

Verily, much of your Happiness has been in looking forward to it.

Look, Beloveds, if you want to have flowers to bloom and to pick in your own backyard, plant your seeds ahead of time, yes?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/14/2018 10:39:19 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6268 Meandering in Life, March 14, 2018

God said:

Beloveds, where do you meander today? Do you you go along as you hear the Sun call to you or the birds sing to you, or the spheres of the Universe, or are you led by the Stars or by the singing of the Sirens, or you know not where or how you are called?

Do you follow a momentum already begun? Do you just take off as a puppy might and race through the fields? Wherever the scents lead you, you are glad.

Today leads you somewhere. If you are an eagle high in a nest, you don't worry about falling off a cliff or making a wrong turn.

Why then would a Human Being fear to fly when I am your Guide at your side?

The foolishness you get into are your thoughts wandering and weaving in and around. Let your Heart lead you to Me and our Mutual Fulfillment. Of course, as I say this, My Fulfillment is never a question. From My Perch, neither is yours.

You don't require a precise map in order to reach where you are going even when you don't know where you are going. You don't have to appraise your life ahead of time except to know that your life is your Bounty and Mine. You can know that We fly High. We will knowingly reach Our Fulfillment.

There is not a moment when the Vastness of My Heart is not instantly being filled with more and more. This is how to spontaneously fill your Heart with or without fair notice.

Here We are Godwriting together, Ms. Gloria, and who is Who and by what name are We called?

I ask:

"Whither do We wander? Whose Woods are these We walk in?"

I say, "These Woods belong to All once and for all. On Earth as in Heaven, We cohabit as One."

Are you certain Who is speaking? I AM sure. It's fine for you to go out on a limb, for, of course, this is a metaphor. The Earth is a limb, so to speak. The Earth may seem shaky to you. Remember that I hold up the Earth. The Earth is in My Hands, and so are you.

I wove the Universe. I wove the Universe and you in perfect hand stitches. You and I are One inseparable, and so are you and the Universe, including Heaven and Earth and the Firmament and the Sun and the Moon and Stars. Wherever We look, Oneness is looking at Itself.

How Creative I am, and so are you.

What a day this is. What an Adventure as One We are on. Beloveds, We have hardly begun, although We always have been hand in hand swinging Our arms and exulting in the Miracles of Love and Life.

Yes, of course, for some of the imagined time you may well have been distracted by details.

From the wilderness, how can a dog born on Earth from ages old be prompted to ride in a car with his head out the window, breathing in the air, taking it in with joy wherever the car takes him? This is amazing how a dog in a car on Earth rides as if a car is his natural habitat on Earth and to so enjoy the ride that he wants to have his beloved ride every day? Is a dog on Earth truly a dog from Earth or is he from somewhere else far vaster?

If a dog is vaster than where he is planted, what are you but vaster than all the limits and details that you roll around in?

May you also look out open windows and love your ride.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/17/2018 9:54:07 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6269 Thy Name Is Stillness , March 17, 2018

God said:

Sometimes you wonder: Is Life just for a laugh? You've heard the expression - cosmic joke. This must be associated with time, comme ci, comme ca. What is Life, then, after all?

Beloveds, you know that sometimes you bend over in laughter, and, sometimes, you can't even smile. Surely, you know that Happiness exists.

You call out to Me: "Dear God, please let Happiness be True."

And yet you ponder. You ask Me in the Silence of yourself:

"Hey, God, there seems to be Happiness on Earth. If something is real, how can its opposite also exist as Truth? Confusion seems to be the pot I am in. If there is no space, how can I possibly be in or out of the in-crowd or anywhere at all?

"Hey, God, can there possibly be Words that exist for what of itself does not exist? I am in a quandary. I am almost certain that I have been in a quandary on Earth from the beginning.

Draft Heavenletter written February 15, 2018 NO.3

"God, no disrespect to You, yet what is going on? Is it the Truth then that what is True, such as You, God, are not visible. Truth then isthat which is not visible to the ordinary eye?

" Is it better that I do not question and simply not ask that which I have no solid answers to? Do I, who asks You questions, do I actually exist?

"Well, God, I may actually have no idea what I am asking and to Whom or What do I ask? If You and I are One, then do I ask Myself or at least ask a corner of Myself?

"God, I may just be jabbering and no closer to clarity.

"God, do I wait for Enlightenment to dawn? What did You mean when You said, as I remember: ‘My Dears, you are truly enlightened already, and you have never not been Enlightened.'

"God, I don't believe for one second that you are kidding around. I believe You. I believe in You. You are Truth. You aren't a Joker. Cannot be. I stand firm that You are indeed the God of All. You are True to your Word, and You are True to me and True to All. I am secure in You. You are God in Whom I Trust. You are not a Trickster. You are God, the One and Only. And, yet, miraculously, I am One with You, and You are One with me. You have said so.

"You are My Faith. All I require I have, and this is You. You are My Foundation. Nothing else is.

"Money is not. What a joke money is. It is hard for me to believe that every Human Being must have coin and/or paper in order to have Daily Bread. Even in movies, this seems like nonsense. God, You sustain Me, and I am sustained.

"God, what is all the big fuss in the world about anyway? The world is, or the world is not, yet You are always. You are Infinite, so then I must be Infinite as well.

"God, Beloved God, this is my Testament to You. Upon You, I depend. God, upon me, You can depend. We are Friends. We exist forever. We exist as One forever and ever. We can never not exist.

"This is Our Covenant. I know so. You have opened all doors to me, and You keep them open, and I am at Your Service. There is nothing greater than this -- that We exchange Our Fealty. We are ordained as One.

"Thank You, God, for Your Trust in me. Hallowed be Thy Name."

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/19/2018 7:02:27 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6270 Thy Name Is Stillness, March 19, 2018

God said:

Beloved, I put My Arms around you to hold you in place. To you, sometimes, unboundedness is akin to flying around in outer space.

You kinda yearn for railings to hold onto, walls to touch, something for your feet to abut on. Even as you crave all the freedom in the world, you feel wobbly without a base to stand on. How you want to be unbound, and then how lost you feel in outer space and away from the illusion of security that being glued to Earth does hand to you. You are grateful and ungrateful at the same time.

Indeed, you do want everything, including opposites. You may want to depend on opposites. You want apples and oranges to be One. You want Peace above all, while you may also crave excitement. You really don't want boundaries, yet you want something to hold onto or lean against or put your hand on. You don't like the precision of measurements or the Vastness of the Immeasurable. You don't want to stay still at the same time as you hesitate to go forward.

Unless you find footing, how do you know what forward is or what anything is or means?

You may want to escape to High Ground while you don't yet know how to walk on water any more than you know how to walk on air. As it is, you are betwixt and between. You don't want to be an ordinary mortal, yet you don't want to be out of sight or a wild card either.

You wouldn't mind reaching inner Earth, yet you don't want to be out of sight of the beautiful blue sky. As it is, you're not sure you want to exist in 5-D any more than you a want to exist in 3-D. You don't know how many D's for Dimensions there are, or if you want more choices at your discretion any more than you know you would rather keep flying or on land.

I do not tell you that you can't have everything, for even the reachless exists within your reach.

It would seem that instead of surrounding yourself with Angels, you may surround yourself with question marks.

You might prefer closed doors with words painted on them so you could know for a fact what you are opening yourself to and know with some security that there is floor beyond the door.

On one hand, you strongly desire Freedom. On the other hand, you are afraid to free-fly. You were never one to be like the heroes in the movies who jump from one building's roof to the other. You also aren't a friend to boundaries, yet you do clutch to the supposed security of them.

In terms of the world, security does not exist. The Sun is out now, and the next minute there is an unexpected thunderclap, and the world turns itself upside down.

Thus were loud decibels and lightening tossed to the Earth. The Gods of Thunder arose holding hammers and landed on Earth along with you so you would cover your eyes and ears. What is fear but division? What is smooth sailing but the Union of Oneness?

Be One with Me, and let Me be your anchor that keeps you safe wherever you may be. Come with Me. Come to the Emerald Isles. Come to Love, and partake of Beauty and Peace.

The Gods of Peace are not showy, yet they also exist. A God of Peace reaches you in a still moment, and so I, a God of Peace, tell you also: "Be Still." Beloveds. Hark the herald angels.

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