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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/26/2018 5:26:24 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6276 Before the Sun Sets, March 26, 2018

God said:

My Friend, what and where are you setting out for? What do you want to be your path or paths in the world and, further, on -- to Me? What is your general direction as you see it?

At this time, there is no need to look for a map or an exact plan. Be assured you are not going down a garden path, as it is referred to in the world as going down the garden path meaning led astray, if I understand correctly, and I am sure I do.

Going down the garden path may be impromptu and off the usually trodden path. It may be considered a wrong turn or a wasted path to travel. This idea comes from a point of view that cares most about accuracy, when, in fact, what may be considered down the garden path at the time may be right down to business.

I, Myself, am not very businesslike. I am more heart-like, and I ask you to explore. To Me, exploration is worthwhile. To hit the exact apex of your life right on the nose first try isn't something I see as essential.

I say: "Let's see. Let's find out. Beloved, you don't have to be in a big hurry or any hurry at all. All will come in its own time."

There may well be those of My Children who have one path to follow. There are many more who, before the Sun sets, will also have many side roads to take before they get onto the straight and narrow. There may well be possibilities that are well worth your travels which you might at first think of as off the main route, as you see it, merely sitting by the wayside, not worth dallying around in. Beloveds, for all you know, you may not recognize what essential path you may already be on.

With focus on achievement, you may miss an avenue you don't want to miss. You may see a road as a detour taking you out of your way when it may actually turn out to be the exact path you are meant to take.

Finding your way in the world doesn't have to be a quickie. It doesn't have to be at lightning speed, nor does it have to be a sure thing. You don't really have a race to win. As a matter of fact, what race is there to win? Even, if there were a race to win, you don't have to be a whiz-bang at it.

You don't have to rush. You don't have to be Johnny-on-the-Spot, just, as in summer, you don't have to pick all the flowers at once. I favor the idea of: All in good time.

At the same time, you don't ration the flowers you pick forever either. By and large, Nature favors that there are always enough flowers to go round for everyone as it is. Easy does it! Anyway, you definitely don't have to be the fastest kid on the block.

Have confidence that you will cover all your bets on Earth as well as spiritually all in good time. No one knows all the answers or even all the choices. Even so, you will find yourself at the right place at the right time. You cannot know everything, nor do you have to.

As you progress in life, picture yourself in a canoe in still waters. Lean back. Stop rowing for a while. Dribble your fingers in the cool waters. It doesn't matter all that much when you arrive. You will arrive, and you will arrive as you are meant to.

See you!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/27/2018 10:54:27 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6277 The Highlight of God’s Being, March 27, 2018

God said:

Beloved, you are the Highlight of My Being. You are what I am about. You are My focus. You, your life etc., do not require so much of your attention. Inasmuch as you have Me in your corner, why would you be so focused on your specific life to the extent you are?

Of course, one likes to hear: "Life isn't all about you."

Nevertheless, this is good advice. There must be better ways to say this. Here are some I think of:

"Love your brother."

"Serve God with all your Heart."

"Be true to your Self."

"Life carries far more magnificence than you may as yet see."

"Self covers a Great Range."

"Look Higher."

"The world is Vast."

Beloved, seek your Heart. Assemble it. No more dissembling. Seeking your heart is finding out where it already exists and what you want, and what you want to be and Who You really are. You are not what you have thought. You have not yet fully embraced yourself. You have been a little standoffish, unwilling to troll the depths of yourself in the event you would have to sustain a recognition of yourself that overwhelms you. How can you possibly be all that God says you are?

You fear you cannot keep up with Me and your Self. You fear that I see a mirage of you beyond your ability. You cannot possibly be all that I say you are. You fear that you will misplace the nitty-gritty of you. You're not sure you want to make room for this phantom of your Self. Maybe you really just want to hang out in your old bathrobe and slippers. You don't want to be glorious to the extent that too much might be asked of you.

You may no longer desire to be shot out of a cannon. You don't want to be outstanding. Why would you really want stardom? You wouldn't mind the accolades, yet you don't want to be beckoned to go on stage. You may really want to slouch and not be called on. You would gladly stay in the background. You might gladly roll over and go under the covers and leave it at that.

Maybe it's enough for you to know that I, God exist. You might be left out of it. You might rather admire Me than see a refashioning of yourself. You don't really want to be singled out and called on.

You might rather sneak out the back door. You would rather be surprised rather than to even know what I, God, think of you.

You are not yet ready be in the limelight. You don't want to disappoint Me. You don't want to be in a situation where too much is expected of you. You don't want to be a leader and climb a ladder that could topple over with your weight on it.

You may wish to be less than you can be rather than the most you can be.

No one needs to know your name. You don't mind being nameless. You like My Name to be heralded. You are happy to be backstage. When push comes to shove, you would rather see others' Light before your own. Are you sure it is your Truth to be anonymous?

You're not sure you want God to favor you because that puts a star on your sleeve. You don't want responsibility on your shoulders. You never wanted responsibility. You would rather hide under your bed.

You ask Me:

"Please, God, allow me to serve You behind the scenes. I will sweep the ground before your feet. Hallowed be Thy Name."

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/28/2018 9:45:56 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6278 To Go Gown a Garden Path, March 28, 2018

God said:

Dear Friend, as you set out in life, what are you setting out for, do you know? Do you have any idea what you want your path or paths to be in the world and, furthermore, your path to Me? What is your general direction as you see it? Don't be premature. As yet, you have no need to look for a map or an exact plan and attempt to follow it to a T. You will come across your path, or your path will find you.

The expression to go down a garden path means to go down a path that will lead you astray. If I understand, and I am pretty sure I do, going down a garden path is impromptu and off the usually trodden path. Going down a garden path is seen as a wrong turn or a wasted path to go down. It just doesn't quite come off according to some elusive standard. It may mean you are off the grid.

Such efficacy comes from a judgment that says accuracy is of prime importance. In Truth, what may seem to be off the beaten path may be right on track. You just don't see this as yet. I, Myself, am not so businesslike. I am more heart-like, and I delight in your journey. Exploration is worthwhile. It is wonderful. To hit the exact apex of your life right on the nose isn't exactly Freedom. You are a Journeyer in life. You are a Discoverer who who finds out as you go along. Beloved, did you think you were to be an expert? I speak of Freedom.

Here's what I say: "Let's see. Let's find out. Beloved, you don't have to be in a big hurry or any hurry at all. All will come to you at the right time."

There may well be those of My Children who have one path to follow, no questions asked. There are many more who, before the Sun sets, have side trips to take before reaching the straight and narrow. What at first may seem to you as not worth dallying around in, for all you know may be your essential path, and, TA DA! you are already walking on it.

Finding your way in the world doesn't have to be at break-neck speed, nor does it have to be a sure thing. You don't really have a race to win. As a matter of fact, what race is there to win? Even if there is a race to run, why do have to come out the winner? Who says you have to win it. What exactly is the gain in winning?

We can compare this to how it is in summertime. You don't have to pick the flowers all at once. Nor do you have to ration the flowers you pick in order to conserve them. By and large, Nature favors enough flowers and fruit to go round for everyone. Anyway, you don't have to be so skilled.

Have confidence that you will cover all your bets. Both Earthwise and Heavenwise, no one knows all the answers or even all the choices, do you agree? Even so, you will find yourself in the right place at the right time. You cannot know everything ahead of time, nor do you have to. As it is, you cannot miss.

Picture yourself in a canoe in still waters. Lean back. Cease rowing for a while. Dribble your fingers in the cooling waters. It doesn't matter all that much when you arrive. You will arrive, and you will arrive as you are meant to.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/1/2018 10:56:04 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6279 Who Cannot Be Right or Mistaken?, April 1, 2018

God said:

Because you think someone else, your son or daughter, for example, ought to do something the way you believe is right, no matter how sure you are, be cautious about taking over. To mention your view is one thing. What anyone else ought to or should do from your view is beside the point. Someone else's life isn't fair game to order around.

Of course, you are well-meaning. You believe you know better. You cannot know. You cannot know because you do not perceive the deeper waters. You don't know all the connections and all the whys and wherefores. You may be confident. Even so, you are flying blind. You do not know and cannot know all the behind-the-scenes' activity. You do not and cannot know another's road in life no matter how convinced you are. You see as you see. What you see as disaster may not be. What you see as proper may bring misgivings. Be careful about taking over another's life.

Would you really take total responsibility for another's life? You do not know when or where a snake bite might befall. It is not for you to push another's life around as though another's life is your own baby carriage you have all the rights to.

Everyone in life is free to follow his own path. In theory, you may nod to this, yet you may not in actuality.

It may be hard for you keep your hands off. Of course, you are caring. Truly, I wonder if you are as certain about your own twists and turns in life as you are about another's. You can only know so far as you know. You may not be the guiding light you wish to be.

Be cautious about grabbing the steering wheel from another, especially when it is his own car he is to drive.

The possibility exists that you are mistaken. You do not know where a turn in the road can take you or another. You cannot be so sure that you know more than the owner of his or her life.

In terms of friends, some may eat differently from you, and they thrive. Who are you to change another's eating habits? The thing is, you are making a guess, and who, in the long run, can say your choice is right and another's is not?

You don't know who is the right mate for someone else to marry. You can tut-tut all you want, yet you are not an expert on anyone's future. Who is? Who cannot be mistaken? Who has not been?

Who can determine with certainty where the golden brick road lies?

By and large, the chips fall where they may.

Who knows what the winning number in the upcoming lottery will be? No matter what you would like to be sure of, most decisions are toss-ups.

The educated weatherman does not always make the right call.

Guarantees do not always carry their face value.

Who really knows the future? It has been said that God knows. This implies that you do not. Nor do you have the wherewithal to know. Beloved, by and large, your knowing is hit or miss.

Beloved, desist from being so sure that what you believe will grandly improve another's life. No one can know for a fact. You cannot know with finality how your own life's decisions will turn out. No one knows ahead of time. No one is always right on the dollar.

The decision for you to make now is to allow others their freedom. I personally gave everyone on Earth Free Will. I do not give you the say to make decisions that belong to others, Beloved.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/2/2018 8:26:27 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6280 Being Yourself, April 2, 2018

God said:

To whom does your life, as you see it, belong?

Many of My Children grew up believing their lives belonged to others to whom they were accountable. There are those of My Children who perceived that their own lives were not quite theirs. They may have been encroached upon, and, consciously or unconsciously, assumed that their purpose in life was to answer to others' wills and to please and be what others wanted them to be. They saw their main purpose in life was to be in line with what the world seemed to want from them. They were careful not to make a mistake.

In retrospect, their young lives seemed to be primarily about subscribing to avoidance of mistakes and falling right in step with others' desires as a matter of course. This way of living sometimes pursued them, although sometimes they did wake up to what they now saw as bondage to others' wishes. They had sought to conform. From their fear of missing the mark, they may well not have had a clue as to their true selves.

If you were one of these children, you may not even have known at the time that you longed to be yourself. You had gone along with everyone else, as if other people knew everything, and you knew nothing. This appeared to you as the way of the world, and so you held yourself cramped in a double-bind, not even quite having the awareness that you were a person in your own right. Somewhere along the line, you had cut yourself off from yourself as if you were a know-nothing. You fell into that empty role by default. You were not looking.

However, you were beside yourself in that you watched your every step. You went through many motions in life with your eyes closed and forgot to greet yourself. You depended upon others' opinions for validation. In effect, you threw out your Heart and Soul out the window.

Even so, at some point, you may have seen yourself breaking out of this self-imposed reign of submission and sought yourself. No longer were you a baby bird in a nest. Now you became a fledgling breaking out of your shell. You began to catch glimpses of yourself. You began to see yourself in different light. You started to cash in on your Self. You started to look up and see with your own eyes and use your own voice and welcome yourself more the way I welcome you with a tip of My Hat. You started to fly and release yourself from your self-imposed confinement. You started to notice yourself and begin a relationship with yourself as you really are, more like the fruit on God's Vine.

Now your footsteps can be heard. Now your footsteps are heard. No longer are you dead-weight in the world. Good for you. You have a voice and you have a say in the world you live in.

No matter how long it took you to reclaim your life, know that no life is wasted. Even when you may not have fully filled your own shoes and hadn't sung your declaration of independence, your life was mulling itself over, readying to unveil itself.

I say it again: "No life is wasted."

Never mind what the world may say. At the best of times and the worst of times, you served a purpose. Even as you may have played a waiting game, you were serving your life's purpose. Even if you were in a coma, unbeknownst to you and everyone else, Holy be thou, you served the Universe.

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