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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/4/2018 1:50:01 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6281 Now in the Present, April 4, 2018

God said:

You may have been incubating for a while, and now it is time to move on. Today is here to move on in. Today is the time to get on your horse and ride off, NOW in the present, no longer sometime in the future.

No longer are you to wait for sometime, for sometime is now, this minute, right now, not in a minute, not later, not yet. No longer are you for one minute to dilly-dally. Get right on with it now, this minute. You have dilly-dallied enough. Strike the match now.

For all purposes, now the starting bell rings. This isn't rushing when you've been pondering this long. Take action. Do it or don't. Ride on your horse today before your horse drags you behind it.

Don't store anything up for later, for later becomes a heavy load and drags you down. Don't say you will do it. Do it. Leap to do it.

Otherwise, you become a laggard. Either you get life into action, or you hold it back. There are not to be any long-blocked actions. Action is, or it is not. If you say you are going to bake a cake, do it in the moment of impulse. Get the ingredients together and stir them. Then you put the cake in the oven. You don't debate baking the cake. You don't debate about when to take the cake. The time is now. The time is now, that is, if you are truly meaning to bake the cake and have it in time for supper.

A new motto: A cake not baked is never eaten.

Be assured I am not telling you to be reckless. I am saying that if something is to be done, you are the one to do it, and the time is now. You know I am not telling you to race ahead. I am suggesting that you get down to it. You are not a fluffy cloud floating across the blue sky and taking so long.

Turn the oven on. And if the cake is to bake for twenty minutes, stick a toothpick into the cake, and if it comes out neatly with no crumbs attached to it, then take the cake out to cool. You don't cool the cake before you bake it. Get going.

There is good purpose in giving thought to what you are to do, yet enough thought is enough. You can think a thought to its demise. This is not to say you are a lazy bones. This is to say that sometimes you hang around too long and waste the daylight. Light the fire. A cake won't bake until you turn on the oven.

Cake batter can't jump into the cake pan on its own. The cake pan can't pop into the oven without your giving it a hand-up.

Once the cake is baked, you have no delay in tasting the cake. Indeed, it's a fact that you may be unable to wait an allotted ten minutes for the cake to cool before you taste it.

Whatever you are doing, get on your horse now. You don't bake a cake longer than its allotted time unless you are forgetful. Don't delay getting the cake in the oven. For Heaven's sake, hop to it. Let nothing hang over you. Realize your intentions. If a deed is yours to do, do it.

Have no more delaying tactics up your sleeve. You have too many is what I am saying. Don't tell. Show. It's not okay to keep life at a stand-still. When the time comes, do the deed then and there. All the reasons in the world are not meant to be excuses. If you tell yourself you are going to do something, then jolly well get up and do it. Yes, I'm speaking to you.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
RE: Heaven Letters
4/4/2018 3:12:05 PM
Many good points, Myrna

God's New Series - Heavenletter #6281 Now in the Present, April 4, 2018

God said:

You may have been incubating for a while, and now it is time to move on. Today is here to move on in. Today is the time to get on your horse and ride off, NOW in the present, no longer sometime in the future.

No longer are you to wait for sometime, for sometime is now, this minute, right now, not in a minute, not later, not yet. No longer are you for one minute to dilly-dally. Get right on with it now, this minute. You have dilly-dallied enough. Strike the match now.

For all purposes, now the starting bell rings. This isn't rushing when you've been pondering this long. Take action. Do it or don't. Ride on your horse today before your horse drags you behind it.

Don't store anything up for later, for later becomes a heavy load and drags you down. Don't say you will do it. Do it. Leap to do it.

Otherwise, you become a laggard. Either you get life into action, or you hold it back. There are not to be any long-blocked actions. Action is, or it is not. If you say you are going to bake a cake, do it in the moment of impulse. Get the ingredients together and stir them. Then you put the cake in the oven. You don't debate baking the cake. You don't debate about when to take the cake. The time is now. The time is now, that is, if you are truly meaning to bake the cake and have it in time for supper.

A new motto: A cake not baked is never eaten.

Be assured I am not telling you to be reckless. I am saying that if something is to be done, you are the one to do it, and the time is now. You know I am not telling you to race ahead. I am suggesting that you get down to it. You are not a fluffy cloud floating across the blue sky and taking so long.

Turn the oven on. And if the cake is to bake for twenty minutes, stick a toothpick into the cake, and if it comes out neatly with no crumbs attached to it, then take the cake out to cool. You don't cool the cake before you bake it. Get going.

There is good purpose in giving thought to what you are to do, yet enough thought is enough. You can think a thought to its demise. This is not to say you are a lazy bones. This is to say that sometimes you hang around too long and waste the daylight. Light the fire. A cake won't bake until you turn on the oven.

Cake batter can't jump into the cake pan on its own. The cake pan can't pop into the oven without your giving it a hand-up.

Once the cake is baked, you have no delay in tasting the cake. Indeed, it's a fact that you may be unable to wait an allotted ten minutes for the cake to cool before you taste it.

Whatever you are doing, get on your horse now. You don't bake a cake longer than its allotted time unless you are forgetful. Don't delay getting the cake in the oven. For Heaven's sake, hop to it. Let nothing hang over you. Realize your intentions. If a deed is yours to do, do it.

Have no more delaying tactics up your sleeve. You have too many is what I am saying. Don't tell. Show. It's not okay to keep life at a stand-still. When the time comes, do the deed then and there. All the reasons in the world are not meant to be excuses. If you tell yourself you are going to do something, then jolly well get up and do it. Yes, I'm speaking to you.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/5/2018 3:43:48 AM
Hi EVelyn,

Great you enjoyed them. I have been reading these Heaven Letters for 5-6 years and I have received a lot of help with them.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/5/2018 2:15:15 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6282 From Wherein Arises Anger?, April 5, 2018

God said:

God knows you don't want to be angry. Beloved, you don't even want anger to simmer on the back burner of your stove.

You have seen others rein in their anger, yet it seems that you have run-ins with your own acknowledged anger. Sometimes you feel outright irritation and anger. It doesn't seem to matter how much you don't want to be near anger. You keep trying to kick your anger away, and, here you are, immersed in anger time and time again. You come to wonder if you are actually civilized at all. What are you bemoaning that makes you feel so angry again and again even as you cry out that you absolutely don't want anger which, regardless, seems to repeatedly rise up within you. You recognize that it is within you that the flames of anger are fanned.

That your anger is righteous anger doesn't make it any better for you. You want the overriding sense of anger to be gone. Anger squelches you. You simply don't know how to quell your anger at the same time as you don't want to ever have anger rise within you again.

You do understand that the anger you feel is your anger. When you feel the insurmountable waves of anger, no matter how self-righteous you may feel, you don't want want anger. Self-righteous or not, what do you want anger for? You really don't believe that anger of any kind serves you. What could anger serve, if anything?

Anger doesn't really even serve your ego. Your army of anger diminishes you and your life as you know it. Fie on anger. You simply do not want it ever again, yet you don't seem to know how to rid yourself of it. You don't want to pass anger onto anyone either. Nor do you care to waste time debating the rights and wrongs of your anger. There are no designated trash heaps to dump your anger in. There are no regular pick-ups where wasteful anger is picked up in the trash on Friday mornings.

You don't want anger. Period. Nor do you desire to foist your anger onto anyone else no matter what. No matter how much there may be just cause for anger, you fervently desire to keep even one spark of it.

Anger just seems to foment anger. You cry out to have your anger removed, and removed once and for all, removed now and forever. Yet, here you are with anger clinging to you.

You want to be free from anger. You definitely don't want to stuff your anger in a box and keep it in the back of a closet.

You don't see anger as a necessity at all. There are so many pleasantries afforded you and freedoms as well. You want Peace. Peace to you in this angry moment adds up to you with Freedom from anger. You would love Pure Peace, yet right now you would applaud even a little Freedom from unholy anger. You would settle for absence of anger. You would be so grateful for that for no more tooth-clenching anger.

You don't feel this is asking for too much. Even so, you don't feel capable of fluffing off anger. You would do anything to remove anger, your own personal anger, and anything to remove anger from the face of the Earth. You don't really want just to toss anger off a cliff somewhere. You don't really want to stifle anger. You do desire anger to disappear.

And then what? You start to feel weak-kneed? What would replace the streams of anger in the world then? Even as you desire with all your Heart that anger be gone, you wonder where would angerlessness leave you?

Fervently you say:

"God, without emotion, what will life be? Will vitality back out along with anger? Without anger, would I be without momentum? What is up with this, God? Would I become stone cold?"

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/7/2018 2:55:31 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6283 Ask for the Moon and the Stars, April 6, 2018

God said:

What does anything mean? The weather has a meaning, yet what is its meaning and what does it mean to you when all is said and done and what for?

What means the month of the year? What does it mean to you, and what doesn't it mean to you and why should or shouldn't it?

For one thing, no matter what spot you are in, you want to know you exist. You want to be seen and heard, and when it's your turn, you want to have an obit with your own name. Are you asking too much to ask to be seen and heard more than once in a while or merely mumbled?

Why not be noticed every day rather than once in a while? You want to be noticed on every occasion rather than crying out in the wilderness as if you are of no accord. Why can't it be taken for granted that you are a bona fide person heard and sung every day. If you are not noted, why aren't you? Are you simply at the whim of every other? Is a postage stamp worth more than you with your own Heart and Soul? Who decides this, if you please?

It seems to you that, when all is said and tried, a 3-cent stamp may hold more value than your beating Heart. Yet how can this be? Is something the matter with you? For what possible reason are no more than one of the masses? Why on Earth would you be considered a blank face? This makes no sense that you can be the only one who isn't seen very much. You do not ask to have your praises sung to the Highest. You do not ask to be at everyone's beck and call, just a little nod here and there. Is this asking too much?

You wonder what you are doing here on Earth? Does everyone wonder what you are doing here? Without notice of you, you feel obliterated from the Universe, as if your name had not been called or your name utterly forgotten when your time came. Are you simply noted as Ol' What's His Name, not even forgotten, just never seen or heard, no more than a cipher? Is that what you are? A cipher sad but true? Can it be that you simply weren't listed? Were you to never to have your turn?

You are not asking for the Moon and the Stars, for they seem to exist very well without your seconding them. It is only you who has no X for a marker. You were sure you had a real name. Never were you supposed to answer to: "Hey, there."

You are, at the very least, one blade of grass in a big field. You have a contribution to make. You exist. God made you too, and He did not make you the least. You appeared. You are here. Of all the Infinite numbers of Souls on Earth, why would you be left out? What is so unremarkable about you? Did you somehow fall overboard? Say not so. Were you just hung on a clothesline and left out to dry? Where is your birth certificate? Is your name not written down somewhere? Was your name never written? Doesn't anyone ever seem to bend his face to you in observance of you? Are no sad songs ever sung for you? Are you all said and done and simply just over as if you were never taken any account of, no more, alas, than a fly on the wall?

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.