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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/31/2018 3:18:06 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6243 The Changing of the Guard, January 31, 2018

God said:

On the surface of Life, everything changes. Everything seems to change before your very eyes. Nothing stays the same. Nothing stays. You have to keep catching up. Business is no longer as usual.

In the Depths, Life is ever Eternal and never-changing. This is the Eternity you keep hearing about.

On the level of the ephemeral world, nothing stays fixed. In one sense, Life, what you call Life, is shifting sand. It never stays where it was.

You race along. You desire to get caught up or are being caught up to.

You are in a time warp. You want to catch up with time, or you wish to get past it.

All the while, you hear Me say that time does not exist. Yes, I have told that you that Life, Life Beautiful as well as Life fractious -- Life, altogether is illusion right from the get-go.

Of course, the Magnificence of Life also exists down to Earth.

Nothing has to be momentous, nor is anything denied its momentousness.

You are the one who sees. Who knows how well you see yourself, if at all.

You would be glad if you were truly conversant with yourself or would meet yourself half way.

Here you are again wondering what Life, your Life in particular, is about. Where are you going? Are you getting anywhere?

Sometimes you feel you are in a deluge of getting somewhere all the while that there is no such thing as anywhere.

You would love to fly to the Moon and land on all the Stars and to be Columbus who discovered a New Land.

You would love to wake up in Heaven at the shake of a leg. Yes, you yearn for a New Land on Earth, and where is it? Where has it been? What is holding up this New Land. Does it exist?

It must be here somewhere. Time for you to discover New Shores. Yes, that could be it - New Shores. New Acquaintances. No more embargoes.

Once upon a time, you thought your feet were on the ground. Sometimes you feel that your feet hardly have hardly grazed the ground. You sure don't know what to make of it.

You might like to be Mercury who flies free. On the other hand, the freedom you crave could be disconcerting.

You cannot find yourself at the same time you can't hide yourself any longer either.

You are quite clear you are not meant to be a reporter of the news nor a discoverer of it.

You belong here on Earth somewhere at the same time it seems implausible that you belong aimiably anywhere.

What is your investigative mind to investigate and what for?

While you are on the topic, what amounts to anything anyway, and why would you risk it? If all is illusion anyway, why go there? Yet you do. You do again and again in your dreams and with with the possibility of more.

What is before you? And what is behind you? With what do you compare? You have just come off the boat. You would call off your search for tomorrow if you could, or you would get started in your search if you had any idea how to.

You do not believe that the Moon is made of cheese.

You do wonder if a even a nodding acquaintance perhaps?

Are you an explorer or are simply a map follower. You would like to come to a conclusion. So far, you are still up in the air yet not like an astronaut. You would be on target if knew where that might be. You would report to headquarters if you could find it.

Meanwhile, you will just mosey along as you are out of sight and out of bounds. You will peek out at the world without much aplomp.


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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/1/2018 4:34:20 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6244 How Many Times Must God Remind You? , February 1, 2018

God said:

There is no such thing as in the Nick of time. Nor is nothing too soon or too late. All is when it is. This is one way to look at Life, you understand. Certainly, no tears require being shed. It's a fine idea to stream toward that all is just right. This one idea alone will smooth out your Life. Life on Earth isn't frittered away whatever you may say of it.

As in the fairy tales, everything is just right. You are just right. And everyone is the Fairest of All.

Let go of all assigned barriers to your Lives, Beloveds. You can take perfection to too high stakes.

Consider, what if you are just right as you are. Even if you have faulted yourself or been faulted all your Life, sit back and relax today. Put a stop to all the critiquing. Belabor yourself no longer.

Look, I, God, say you are okay, VERY OKAY. I accept you as you are today. My only objection is that you are too fussy. Beloveds, in My eyes, you are Golden. What if I am right, and you are the One mistaken? In fact, you can bet on it.

Pat yourself on the back even a little bit.

Where did this idea of Ultimate Perfection come from that seems unreachable for you? Who set that idea in motion? Not I? If I didn't, who did? If you see yourself as ultimately misbegotten, then you are indeed mistaken.

Be Kinder to others, and kinder to yourself. The two go hand in hand.

Be more welcoming to yourself. If I can welcome you, can you not also welcome yourself heartily, and welcome yourself again and again? What is all this unwelcoming and bedraggling you about?

Every day doesn't have to be a grand test of acceptance. Beloveds, what is wrong with you that you often start out discontent and displeased. Who told you this is the way to be? Not I.

I request that you be serene instead. Good grief, be easy to please. I made you. I am an Artist. I am not a flop. Look at the Beauty of Nature that surrounds you. Are you really going to tell Me differently?

Take a look at the common dandelion. Does she not wear a beautiful yellow? And is not every petal sensational? I mean, c'mon!

Tell Me, how would you improve on what God hath wrought? Would you decide that a daffodil would make a better dandelion? A golden iris is also beautiful, no doubt. I am convinced that there is Beauty everywhere. Don't miss out on any of it. Keep your Heart and eyes open. Open wide. Miss out in nothing.

This is my heartfelt request to you. If you have been compressing yourself, stop it now. If you don't see Beauty everywhere, you are indeed missing out.

Excuse Me, Beloveds, what drop of rain is not beautiful and holds a treasure, what design of snow, what face on Earth is not poignant?

No one has to be like anyone else nor must anyone be vastly different. Here's the thing. Everyone left to his own devices is beautiful. You are beautiful. Are you going to tell Me differently?

Give up, foolish ones. Concede. End the argument right now. Lie down in the middle of the road, and I will show you of what Magnificence you are made from A to Z.

If every dandelion is filled to the brim with Beauty, what gives you the idea that any Human Being including you can trail behind? Wake up, Beloveds. There is no Beauty missing under the Sun. Ah, there are eyes that do not see. Now, do as I say, and you will see Beauty from the rafters. Hop to it, dear Ones of My Heart.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/2/2018 6:32:18 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6245 Reconnaissance Within Your Heart, February 2, 2018

God said:

What does Life have to be but what it is when it is? What you might call out to be done and over with and get out of the way are circumstances you perceive and may insist upon evicting as if you are the Queen of the Land. Beloveds, lay down restraints. You may line-up stated requirements. You may say you must have what you say you must have and absolutely must have or you can only be bereft. It's okay. You can request. Where is it said, however, that you must have all that you insist upon, or you will not play. You might lay down your cards when Life is for you to accept.

I am all in favor of your having your dreams fulfilled. This is a little different from your insisting that the Earth owes you. Dear Ones, you may not have the authority to require that which your dear heart mosts wants. This day may not be yours to concede. You may not have the right to call the shots. Beloveds, be not so hasty. Hold your horses.

Here is the point, Beloveds: At all costs, stay away from seeing yourself at rock-bottom, as if your heart has been withheld from Love and this you will not allow?

What makes you so certain that I am obliged to give you everything you want at your behest? If you don't receive everything on your list, by what law must you? Upon what Law do you base this? By what Divine Right must your wishes come true? If they do not come true, must the world turn into a tailspin and you be denied or unloved or in circumstances that you are too good for? Don't call yourself unappreciated and unloved because of a few farthings or unrequited Love? Do not empty your pockets and be so quick as to call out Foul Play. Don't be so quick to say that I have abandoned you. Beloveds, don't give up so quickly. Hold your judgment in abeyance.

I understand that there are shocks in Life that devastate you. I say to do a little reconnaissance within your Heart. You don't have to be so quick to cut yourself out of the race. You may be overwrought, yet this does not have to mean that all is lost. You don't have to yell "Uncle!"

There is more to Life than this very moment and more than the current emotions. There is more to Life than defeat. There is more to Life than your feeling abandoned. Dear Ones, do not throw yourself out for the punch so quickly

There is another Day around the corner. There is another Day to say Good Night to. There is another Dawn to rise. There is another Day Break. All is not lost even when you feel that all is lost. Beloveds, how many times have you felt that? How many times have you decided defeat too soon? You don't have to be so certain. Do you have some satisfaction in conceding defeat? Some kind of sense of pride in saying you're done? That you don't want to play any more. Have you removed yourself from the game with "So there! I'm out! I will no longer be trifled with."

Must it be that if you can't have all the Love and Fair Play you desire, or you don't want to play any longer at all, as if you declare defeat by taking pride in it? Can you not be more than a spoilsport who throws in your chips? Must all be lost because you declare it?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/3/2018 6:12:27 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6246 The Prince and the Pauper , February 3, 2018

God said:

You don't have to predict everything or anything about your Life, Beloveds. Life isn't about fulfilling your predictions. You aren't the Seer of your Life. You aren't at that place yet, nor do you have to be.

Of course, Life can beat a path to your Dreams. Dreams can come true. All dreams can come true. Invite all your dreams, yet not nail them to the wall. You who like freedom must also give freedom freely as I allow it to you.

Dear Ones, you don't have to sew up Life. You don't exactly have this privilege. It is not for you to regiment Life. Life doesn't have to be a foregone conclusion. Life doesn't have to be an ironclad promise fulfilled nor are you to feel crushed or ruined!

Give Life room to grow. Give your Life leeway. Go ahead and shake hands with Life, yet you can't always clinch it or nip it in the bud.

Life is for you. Dreams do come true. Your greatest dreams can come true, yet you want to give Life a chance to find its way. See what happens. Yes, you have Free Will, and Life itself has Free Will as well. You want to bend with Life and allow all possibilities to happen as they happen right in front of your eyes

Dear Ones, don't try to lock up your Life. Life isn't about taking prisoners. The more accepting you are -- the more freedom you allow Life -the more possibilities are free to arise within you. It's not for you to narrow Life down. It's for you to open Life up in the same way you turn the key lightly when you open a can of sardines. Yes, Beloveds, open Life up to its possibilities.

Consider yourself an acrobat who is most excellently limber. As an acrobat of Life, you can't be stiff-necked or stuck. Be a stunning acrobat of Life. Perfection is not the Name of Life. Nor is imperfection the Name of Life either. Life comes in many sizes.

Because Life may move up or down the scale to your mind - this doesn't mean that Life is letting you down. Lean into Life and rise High.

Life is an equal-opportunity employer. Everyone has as good a chance at Life as anyone, no matter how you see it. Anything and everything is possible. The possibilities are Infinite.

Encourage Life to blossom. Life isn't a sentence such as a judge in court would hand down. Life isn't a term that cannot change.

There are many ways a puppy can grow. There are many ways Life can reveal itself. Welcome Life as it occurs. Life isn't a sure bet, nor does Life have to be defined one way or another. Open to New Possibilities even when you are suspicious of them.

Life is more like: Anything can happen.

Give Life a nudge every now and then to see how Life may surprise you or startle you. You may dream dreams that you never dreamed of, and your dreams can walk in as big as Life. Life doesn't have to be an apparent soothing tonic. Sometimes Life jumps off a High Diving Board. Take your chances.

Remember the story of the Prince and the Pauper who traded places? Who was the Prince, and Who was the Pauper? Leave room to find out what you are made of.

Sure, you may have to go all around the block to find your own definition of yourself. You may reach the Summit when you are not looking. You may meet all the outer limits. Even boundaries may light you up and you find yourself enlightened along the way.

Change is the Name of the Game. Are you in? By all means, be in. Heads up, Beloveds. Let Life suit itself.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/4/2018 7:44:35 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6247 Would You Decide that a Daffodil Makes a Better Dandelion?, February 4, 2018

God said:

There is no such thing as in the nick of time, regardless of how you view the world, and all things considered. Nothing is too soon or too late. All is what is when it is. This is one way to look at Life. Life doesn't require the shedding of tears.

Lean toward the idea that everything is okay. This one switch alone will smooth out your Life. Why not smooth out your Life?

No Life on Earth is wasted no matter what the world makes of it. What if the idea of "less than desirable" is a mistaken idea. Because this seems so to anyone or everyone doesn't mean you have to go along with it. The world is still up and running. Let go of all the assigned barriers to your Lives, Beloveds. You are just right as you are.

Consider, just consider that everything is just right. You are just right. And everyone is the Fairest of All.

Even if you have faulted yourself or been faulted all your Life, sit back and relax today. Belabor yourself no longer.

Rely less on circumstances, Beloveds. In My eyes, you are Golden. What if I am right, and you are mistaken. In fact, you can bet I am right, and that you are mistaken.

Where did this idea of the Ultimate Perfection come from that you believe you are to attain? Who set this idea in motion? Not I? If I didn't, who did? If you see yourself as ultimately misbegotten, then you are indeed mistaken.

Be Kinder to others, and be kinder to yourself. May the two go hand in hand as One Heart.

If I can welcome you, can you not also welcome yourself, and welcome yourself again and again? What is all this lukewarm welcome about?

Every day doesn't have to be a test of your self- acceptance. Beloveds, what benefit is there for you to pin your God-given Life on discontent and displeasure. I made you. I am an Artist. Look at the Beauty of Nature that surrounds you. Are you really going to tell Me differently? Be My Guest, be easy to please.

Take a look at the common dandelion. Does she not wear a beautiful Yellow? And is not every petal sensational? I mean, c'mon!

Tell Me, how would you improve on what God hath wrought? Would you decide that a daffodil makes a better dandelion? A golden iris is also incredibly beautiful, no doubt, yet, nevertheless, there is nothing else in the world like a dandelion. I am convinced that there is Beauty everywhere. Don't miss out on any of it. Keep your Heart and eyes open. Open wide.

This is my heartfelt request to you. If you have been compressing yourself, breathe now. See Beauty everywhere. Beloveds, what drop of rain is not beautiful and does not hold a treasure, what design of snow, what face on Earth, young or old, is not poignant?

No one has to be like anyone else nor must anyone be vastly different. Here's the thing. Everyone left to his own devices is beautiful. You are beautiful. Don't tell Me differently.

Give up, foolish ones. Concede. End the argument right now. Lean against a tree. Let's have a tete a tete by the side road, and I will show you of what Magnificence you are made. We can start with any letter of the Alphabet.

If every dandelion is filled to the brim with Beauty, what gives you the idea that any Human Being would trail behind? Wake up, Beloveds. There is no Beauty missing under the Sun. Ah, there are eyes that do not see. Now, do as I say, and you will see Beauty hanging from the rafters. Dear Ones of My Heart, We are just beginning.

What cannot the two of Us Who are One not accomplish under the Sun or even at Sundown.

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