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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/26/2018 5:00:46 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6238 Do You Really Come from the Stars, January 26, 2018

God said:

How puzzling it is to you how Life seems to pop up in the raw? It so happens you are fashioned by every bit of Life, every incident, and, yet, how can this be? Really? Everything has an affect on you? Every incident in your Life, the lovely and the unlovely? Every person whose path you cross? Those who charm you, and those who besmirch you, the ones who speak up and those who say not a word, all those who seem to brighten your spirit as well as those who dash it? Really? Every word spoken across the world or whispered in your ear, early in Life or late in Life, every word spoken to you or spoken to someone else? Every word that gives happiness or troubles you? How can this be? Surely you are greater than the sum total of what you hear and see and think of?

You must add up to more than everyone who admires you or who drifts away from you, including every child who you went to kindergarten with. How can they make much of a difference to your Life?

Everyone who lives and everyone who dies, every stranger you pass by and everyone you say hello to, every sound you hear, every book whose title you glance over, every page you turn? Every cloud that passes overhead, every laugh, every cry, every shot heard around the world? How can this be?

Beloveds, you are developed from every color and flower that blooms and every scent you breathe and every drop of rain that lands on your nose or every puddle you step into? And, yes, of course, you really do come from the Stars and My Influence no matter how subtle.

Yes, you come from more than you know. You come from My Heart. Miracle of miracles, you are carried to Earth in the Palm of My Hand. You are A-Okay no matter how you might debate this.

The language that is yours to speak, you speak. You touch down in the country you are designed to touch down in. You reach the exact family you are born to. You are born from Fate, from shock, from surprise, from mystery, from trial and error, from any number of occasions, from adventure, and still you wonder about all the mystery that surrounds your exisence. Even so, you are just right. I dreamed you. You are part of a Major Plan. You are as you are meant to be.

You can't change your mind now. You choose yourself. At the same time, you may regret yourself. You might make new choices on another day. One way or the other, you land as you do. All the while, you wonder how it is you arise as you have in this express way. Ostensibly, you could have arrived by any number of routes, yet you arrive by one and not another.

Sometimes you are happier or sadder than you can believe. You fall into a certain career. You are blown sky-high. Sometimes you really don't have any idea of who you exactly are and how you could happen to arise as you have. You discuss all this with yourself for the sake of argument.

Nevertheless, as otherworldly as Life may feel to you, you do come up for air. You alight on Earth as you are supposed to for one reason as good as any other -- for all the sense you can make of it.

In terms of Life on Earth, you wonder how you really turn out. Is this all good news, after all this that you would never ever have dreamed of in a million years?

Can it really be true that you journeyed through Infinity? Will you really reach Home, and what will you make of it when you do? What becomes of you now when all is said and done?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/27/2018 4:37:29 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6239 The Three Little Pigs II, January 27, 2018

God said:

Harken to the NEW! Add the word New to your vocabulary. Be new. Ah, yes, release the old. The fact is that you are New today. Be a Breath of Fresh Air. Reach new Heights. Reach new Lengths. Introduce yourself to your Self.

See from a New View. Add New Layers to yourself Inclue New Dimensions. There is One Truth. There are no New Truths.

Beloveds, I state the obvious. Life in the World is ever new.

Today's day doesn't come again.

There is no same old. Never. No day repeats itself.

This is another way of of My saying to you:

"Wake up, Godlings! A New Dawn never before seen is dawning."

I continue now:

Newness is upon you. Remind yourself that you are in the midst of Life. Somersault yourself into Today. This is your chance right now.

Today spin Cartwheels, and why not?

You belong to Today.

Stretch! It is not for you to keep sitting in Life. Get out of your lawn chair. Keep lively. So long as you are alive on Earth, be spontaneous. This is how to greet Life. Do make something of it. Welcome Life, and give Today a new send-off.

Do you remember the story of the Three Little Pigs? They set off to seek their Fortune. Each Little Pig put a knap-sack over his shoulder and set off. The Three Little Pigs didn't lollygaggle around and wait for their fortune to set sail for them. Of course, Goodness in Life has the vitality to chase after you as well.

On the other hand, you can exercise get-up-and-go. You are not obliged to sit around in Life and just be idle waiting for the day to dawn.

How do you know that your anticipation won't awaken the Sun today?

Now, what then did happen to the noteworthy Three Little Pigs? How did they fare?

Actually, it dawns on Me now that the Story of The Three Little Pigs doesn't carry the theme I had in mind I beg your pardon. On Second Thought, The Story of The Three Little Pigs actually carries the theme of Safety First. Safety First also has merit. Right now I wish to carry forward the idea of Get up and go! Of Liveliness. Of Moving Forward to Something New, of a New Fairy Tale. You see the point I'm trying to make, don't you?

Of course, at first, the Three Little Pigs do go out to seek their Fortune, yet the ending of the story doesn't support this. We can just focus on the beginning of the story which isn't Staid and Safe.

Now I have an opportunity to say you don't always have to be practical. Not at all. This is exactly what I am saying. In case you might like this fairy tale to its conclusion in defense of making Life secure more than an adventure, let Me tell you the denouement:

In the tale, there was a big bad wolf. Of course, there was a Big Bad Wolf. Of course, I want to convey to you the opposite of danger. I want you to think of security and not danger whatsoever. Forget about the Big Bad Wolf. Get off the track of danger. Enough of that.

So, if you do want Me to tell yoy the rest of the actual story, here it is:

In looking to avert danger, each of the Three Little Pigs decided to build Houses that would keep them safe from the Big Bad Wolf. One Little Pig built a house of straw, another of twigs, and the Wisest Oldest Pig built a house of brick which protected all the Three Pigs and led to the demise of the Big Bad Wolf.

My preference is that you venture forth to seek your fortune and put fear aside. Follow My guidance, okay?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/28/2018 5:30:56 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6240 A Seeker of My Knowledge, January 28, 2018

God said:

You may have played around with the idea that, in the manner of a genie, how I might bestow upon you the whole contents of My Creative Intelligence just like that. Ho, ho, what a plum this would be for you in this world, even as I say once again, Beloveds, that, because of Our Oneness, all My Children already possess the Totality of Knowledge natural, yet may not have it so quickly at the tip of your tongue.

In your daydream of such an explosion of Knowledge in the world, it may not have occurred to you that you could be overstepping? Taking too big a bite in one swallow? That you could fry your mind? Be blown away?

Beloveds, assimilating and understanding are not quickies. You can't just sit down and absorb an encyclopedia all at once. Something has to settle in, and you to get comfortable. Something has to click.

You don't want to stuff your mind. As a matter of fact, your mind is already stuffed.

You do desire accrued wisdom that goes beyond information.

Having directions in your possessions isn't the whole story. You want to accommodate the directions and reach your destination. Your Heart yearns for more than information. Your being able to recite an address itself isn't quite enough.

A comparison We can make: For instance, when you desire, why do you? What are your deeper motives? There is more to a baby than its a birth. What do you do with the baby from then on? Basically the care and handling of the baby depends on you. The birth is a specific part of your relationship. There is more to come.

You and the baby serve each other in a mutual exchange. You and the baby benefit each other. We can call the process growth. You serve the baby, and the baby serves you. You fulfill the baby, and the baby fulfills you. Each of you give each other a lot, and you each gain a lot. Neither of you reap all the rewards. There are blessings to go around as you share a relationship.

I ask you, when you are a seeker of My Knowledge, what are you expecting Me to bring to you? What more do you want? What are you really seeking? What are your reasons for seeking? There is something you are looking for to fill your heart, something beyond curiosity, beyond glory, beyond the ordinary world.

I don't pry so deeply into a Godwriter's desires. Godwriters want to come closer to Me. It is the knowledge of My Heart that Godwriters yearn.

In the case of Godwriting, I don't even have to ask what Godwriters are looking for. It is clear that what Godwriters really want is to come closer to Me. This is different from wanting to claim My Knowledge.

Generally speaking, a Godwriter's want to know Me, is desiring that We hold hands. This is good enough for Me.

I ask questions in this Heavenletter to those who want instant knowledge because I desire that you know your own answers. Please seek your answers for yourself. It is you yourself who learns from your answers. Access to Me goes beyond all accumulated Knowledge.

Godwriting, on the other hand, comes closer to My Heart than any encyclopediac pursuit, do you agree?

Godwriting brings your Ear close to My Heart, My Heart that seeks you. I make a distinction between Heart and mind. Of course, I do.

Hey, it is fine for you to seek All Knowledge. I ask you what you want all My Knowledge for so that you know more what your premise is. What is in your Heart beyond what at first may have beckoned you?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/29/2018 8:35:56 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6241 Twiddling Your Thumbs, January 29, 2018

God said:

There may be value in twiddling your thumbs. In every exercise and every movement you make, there is value. In crying, there is value. In laughing, value sings to the High Heavens.

Of course, in silence there is value. In everything under the Sun, there is value.

In every dance, in every song, there is value. In all the nursery rhymes, there is value. In hop-scotch, there is value. In pattycakes, there is value. In cartwheels, value abounds. In standing on your head. In shaking your head Yes, there is value.

There is more value going on than you have any idea of.

In every beat of your heart. In all activity, and in all repetition, there is more going on than you know.

Goodness and mercy are heard around the world.

You are either tightening or loosening yourself. Embracing has value. Playing solitaire has value. Playing poker has value.

Winning or losing both have value of one kind or another, like it or not.

Tension has value. Rest has value.

Thinking has value, and spontaneity has value.

Hot soup has value. Whipped cream has value.

You have value, more than you have any idea of.

Both emptiness and fullness give value. Hot and cold give value.

Every location in the world has value that another location has not.

There is, indeed, goodness with everything under the Sun.

Cold hands and warm hearts have value.

Value does not have to be conscious Perception and the imperceptible also have value.

Every motion either tightens or loosens. Everything affects everything.

Writing by hand is good. Typing fast is good. Slow is good, and speed is good, or it is not. Reading is good. Not reading is also good. Good is in how you see it.

You don't have to have a niche.

You don't have to be a success. You don't have to be popular. You don't have to be a recluse.

You don't have to climb a mountain. Uphill and downhill are both give good flavors.

Whoever you are and whatever you are or are are excellent.

Find much to appreciate. Spurn nothing and no one.

Playing pick-up sticks is for something. Looking out the window is good.

A particular purpose doesn't have to be known. Regardless, all is known. You may be sure about something that you really aren't.

Be glad.

Call out my Name or not. It's your call

Play a musical instrument. Play. Work.

Go uphill and downhill.

Easy is as easy does.

You don't have to do anything because it's good for you.

Anything can be good.

Rote is good. Well-intentioned is good. Sparkling is good. What does it mean to do good?

Where are you going if anywhere?

What am I to you?

You are abounding. All is never said and done. There is much pending. There is nothing to accomplish but Joy. One way or another, your cup is full. Love spilleth over. How did the expression to spill the beans arrive? Who first said as neat as apin?

Why do you want to know people's names? Yes, what is the importance? Yet it is.

Who and what are you anyway, if anything or?

What is the purpose of a riddle? Must riddles have a meaning?

Must everything have a meaning? What does meaning mean?

Who says you have to hold your horses? Why? I ask.

What is counting about?

Is everything nonsense? Is very seriousness necessary.

Why does the mention of Stars bring Happiness? Why does a night sky without Stars seem less?

Must heads be on straight?

Why are curves more favorable than straight lines?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
1/30/2018 7:14:54 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6242 The Miracle of Healing, January 30, 2018

God said:

Within Healing lies a relationship through which confidence is imparted. Without effort, something passes through the doctor who imparts healing and the patient who absorbs healing. It is also possible that it is the patient who creates the healing the doctor brings. Something happens that is beyond calculation. Which one is the healer or the healed isn't so easy to say.

A cheerful attempt at camaraderie and determination to heal and to be healed go only so far. Healing cannot be reproduced or manufactured. It cannot be faked. Healing comes just like that. It comes when you are not looking. There is a connection between the healer and healed. It is definitely not style We speak of. It is not about impressing one Will upon another's Will. Not at all.

Christ was not looking for a name for himself. In healing, domething deep happens, or it does not. What happens is above the world.

A buzz happens. Healing arrives. It is the embracing of two souls. It is communion. Christ was innocent of healing.

How did Christ heal?

It is something in his Will to heal, yes, yet more than in his Will, or, in My Will, or anyone's Will. It is something about Christ's Consciousness. It doesn't come from a book. Christ does not require an X-Ray. From a spark of connecting, and, yes, awareness, his healings were all simple and humble. They are passing in front of Us or had passed before We knew it. It was no great event It simply happened.

Christ did not bow down to any illness. He did not revere any illness. He didn't study illness. He did not set out to be a Great Healer. He desired to touch. His hand of healing was like a hand simply flowing through water. There was no effort in his bless-ed healings, no obstacles to his healing possible. There was no urgency within Christ to heal, not even a necessity.

The crux of Christ's healing is that he did not see illness. He did not see an illness that had to be healed. Illness did not exist for him. Naturally, his simple healings went beyond any mechanics of healing. His healings went beyond the physical body.

In his healings are the Peace that passeth understanding. One Soul meets another the same way that two stars might meet in their own Light. No darkness is there to be seen or commented on.

It could be said that it was Christ's Love that healed, yet I take caution in saying this, for Christ's Union of Love goes beyond what is generally called Love. There was no striving for Love. There were no professions of Love or hints of being loving or attaining a quality of Love. Love was the same as the Sun's coming out. There it is. The sun happens to shine.

There is no waiting for a healing or prompting healing energy to come. Christ's healings were healings of Consciousness. There is nothing evident to be examined.

Christ doesn't see a trace of illness. He never avoided looking at illness. He simply saw through a doorway that was easy too look through.

Something passed through during a passage of healing. What passes is not an attempt at Union. It is Union. Whatever happens isn't a learned activity. We can say that it is a gift that passes between two beautiful souls without any -to-do, in the Same Way Two Stars might come out and incidentally light the Night Sky.

That which is called Christ's healing arises of itself. A healing heals you before it dawns on you. Love is so-far-passing the notice of your heart, it is a mist. It isn't even a mist.

A healing isn't named or attended to, yet something happens that elevates the consciousness of the world and elevates it still to this day.

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