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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/5/2018 4:07:27 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6248 All I Ask Is to Be Free to Be Me, February 5, 2018

God said:

Beloveds, what would it take for you to be consistently happy for even one whole day? There are times when, truth be known, you really wonder what's going on and how much the world at large, if at all, acknowledges you. You may feel undervalued. You were born too soon or too late, and the world, alas, doesn't see you reflected in the Light that I, God, hold you in.

Of course, you have friends who value you as you are, and you value them.

There are other times - the way you experience it - when you feel forced to deal with the "establishment, or you are plum in the middle of the "system" wretchedly as you are being demanded to follow another's bidding onto a different track from the one you want to be on.

As far as you can see, you are supposed to be the customer, yet these erstwhile authorities seem to live in a world that overwhelmingly expects you to dance to their tune and hop to it. You hadn't realized that you were obliged to think as they thought, as though you were born to obey. What has the world come to?

At these times, you wonder what these paragons of virtue are thinking, or if they are thinking at all.

They seem certain you are supposed to be under their thumb, and how you want to live your Life seems to be beside the point, as if you have no right to make your own decisions for your own Life or for your own children, as if you are asking too much to be able to breathe for yourself. You feel you are being shanghaied. You say: "Heaven help me."

Sometimes you feel you may be living in a bizarre sci-fi story where you are crazily obliged to purchase a dog license. Is this really necessary?

You are not yet forced to take a flu shot so far as you know for the reason that someone else sincerely believes a flu shot is good for you, no matter what you say about it, as if it isn't your born right and you being offered a great favor.

Your Heart may cry out:

"World, stop ordering Me around. World, get off my back! Take care of your Life and leave me to mine. Since when do you see me as free game for you to order around. What happened to live and let live. No one has to breathe for me. No one is to decide that are to set my ideas are to be set aside.

Never in my Life have I been a delinquent or an upstart or dissenter. My inner hippie HA-HA is coming out. I might like to live off the grid.

"Self-Appointed Authorities, the last I knew, this is MY Life. I can still move my arms. I can still say No. Let me be me."

Sea Fever by John Masefield, England Poet Laureate, 1930

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by;
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.

I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.

I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/6/2018 6:10:37 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6248 Good Morning, Merry Sunshine!, February 6, 2018
God said:

My Beloveds, this is the Day I have made for you. Take it. It is yours. You would like Me to fill your Days, yes? Of course, you do! There are all possible kinds of Days to set before you. The Menu is Infinite, dripping with all kinds of exquisite Joy! By all means, partake of this Day. Stroll as you choose. Your walking style depends on you.

There is a splendid Line-Up for you. Today is indeed yours for the asking. You are next in Line.

Every day is like a Day of New Shoes for you.

Every day is a Raffle for you never held before. You are the Consigner of the Raffle. You enlist in every Day!

Come right up. Pick your ticket. Today is for you as no other day has ever been before. The potential before you is enormous.

From what Angle of the Sun will you see Life today?

Upon which Possibility or Inevitability will Today arise? Upon which opportunity never before revealed will today revolve on?

Upon which Revelation? Upon which Star does the Night shine on you tonight? Upon which Stone on the pavement. Which identified Century do you enter or depart when there is no such thing as time, and yet time is paramount to your heart in this puzzle you find yourself dazed in.

What is the Day you choose today like? Do somersaults in Blue Skies. Do you finding yourself on a Rebounder today. The World is your platform. May Today be your jumping-off place. You are not glued to it. You can jump on and off and go all around the block.

The Colors of the Rainbow are yours. We can consider today a Round-Up of Life.

Every day is a sculptured carving revealed. You get onto the Merry-Go-Round and rarely get off.

There never has been a Day like today. Today has your name on it. Do you see your Day Today in Blazing Colors? What else can a Day be in but Bright Light?

Today does not have to emblazon you. Today can be an ordinary sort of Day. It doesn't have to be spectacular. Nonetheless, there is no Day that isn't spectacular except in your divination of it. Even a hum-drum day can take off and dance itself across the horizon. Hurrah!

Today is a Day for the Taking. Swing Today forward. Make Today the kind of Dancing Day you would choose. This is what you do anyway. You don't have to huff and puff and blow the day down. You don't have to knock today across the Sky.

Beloveds, a Day is more than its Circumstances. A day is an Occasion, display the Occasion of it. You set up the Ramparts. You connect the Dots. You employ the Day. You describe it. You set it forth. You set up the croquet set. You get your Day going. Sometimes your Day seems hit or miss, yet every Day unfolds remarkably. You sign up for each Day. The Day may be set before you, yet you may dribble the day on and off the court and peek at it.

You may vouchsafe that you will have meetings, expected and unexpected, on and off the Stage. You make Connections. What an arrangement you make every single Day of your Life on Stage and how you sport yourself around the Block.

Welcome to your Day on Earth Today. Get a hold of it. Let's embrace and Shine Light on Today. Today is for Something. Never was this Day before until this moment in Heaven. You may have dreamed Today. If so, it is your Dream you Dream. It is your Song you Sing. Sing Today Well. Today is your Day. You etch it on Earth. What Name will you Name Today, Merry Sunshine?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/8/2018 2:56:41 AM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6249 Life Forevermore, February 6, 2018

God said:

What is all this pre and aft? What is this non-meaning of time as if time were marbles tossed before you? What is it exactly that you believe you must hold onto as if for Dear Life. There is nothing you have to keep and hold onto except as you say so. It is safe to say that there is nothing that you must hold onto.

We can just as well say that Life is for the ever-passing by of it. In fact, it does seem that Life cannot be held in place or held onto whatsoever. Life is passing by as We speak. We accompany Life until Life scoots on. Is Life a when or a where or is it neither anyway.

Life seems to be a passage, sometimes longer or shorter. Somehow, Life hangs together, even as Life seems to some kind of Configuration around Life abutting it as if Life mattered most of all. It sure seems to. Life has certainly been for the pondering of it. Nevertheless, you scratch your head plenty. What is the meaning of it all?

It is too difficult to imagine there is no meaning to Life. Somehow you do know that Life and the People in your Life matter. Life is for something. It cannot be for nothing. Cannot be. Under no circumstances can there be no meaning to Life. Life has to be far more than water over the bridge. Anyone must know that.

Life does not have to be documented and justified. No one has to hang on to meaning or make something poetic of Life, or do you? Yes, you have to know there is meaning to Life even as meaning parries itself and not quite pass you by. You do know that the meaning of Life rests on People. There is something about People you can't quite put your finger on. A Landscape is groundbreaking, yet People must be the upshot of it all.

In Life, there is something vast and important shared even when you don't know how to quantify or qualify it.

Absolutely, there is something absolutely amazing about Life that flies around you or you fly through even as you don't quite land. You haven't quite figured it out to your satisfaction.

Oh, yes, how you would like to know all the answers. Life does seem to be a passing fancy, yet you do demand that Life be a Force worth reckoning with. You so desire Life to be worth a Great Ado even as you can't quite see what you've got while it's in your hand. You realize that Life is definitely worth Hallelujah even as you can't quite put your finger on what this could be. You insist your Life have a Grand Reckoning. You want to have affected the world significantly even as you can't quite imagine what kind of an Errand you have actually been on.

Still, it is of considerable interest to you that you do pass muster, whatever this might mean or not mean. It would be intolerable to think that your passing this way was only a short holiday. You cannot tolerate living a Life without great consequence. You will not allow this journey to have been for nothing or nothing less than something wonderful.

There has to be Gold to Life and to your specific Life. Life cannot be for nothing. Life must be for something worthy in words you can understand and feel good about. There just must be a Great Point to this Mysterious Infinity, and you want to know what it is across the board with no ands, ifs, and buts. You refuse that your Life be deemed meaningless. Almighty God exists, and you exist. At the very least, you are created for each other. You must be entwined forevermore.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/8/2018 3:52:57 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6250 Partake of This Day, February 6, 2018

God said:

Today is the Day I have made for you. Take it. It is yours. You want Me to fill your Day. Of course, you do. There are all possible kinds of Days to set before you. The Menu is Infinite. By all means, partake of this Day. Stroll as you choose. Your walking style depends on you.

Every day has a splendid Line-Up for you. Today is indeed yours for the asking. You are next in Line.

Every day is like a Day of New School Shoes for you. Every day is a Raffle never held before, and you are the Signer. You enlist in Today.

Come right up. Pick your ticket. Today is for you as no day has ever been before. The potential is enormous.

From what Angle of the Sun will you see Life today, Dear Friend. Upon which Possibility or Inevitability will Today depend? Upon which Opportunity never revealed before will Today ensue? Upon which Revelation? What Star shines on you today? Upon which Stone does your foot on the pavement? Which identified Century do you enter into or depart from when there is no such thing as time and yet time is paramount to you in this unusual place you find yourself in?

What is the Day you choose today like? Choose Blue Skies to do somersaults in! You are on a Rebounder today. The World is your platform. May Today be your jumping-off place. You are not glued to it. You rather jump on and off it and around the block.

All the Colors of the Rainbow are yours Today. Today is for you. We can consider today a Round-Up.

Every day is a sculpture carved, a sculpture revealed. You get on the Merry-Go-Round and rarely get off.

There never was a day like today. Come right up. Today has your name on it. Do you see your name in Blazing Light? What else can Today be in but Bright Light?

Today does not have to emblazon you. Today can also be an ordinary sort of Day. It doesn't have to be spectacular. Nonetheless, there is no day that isn't spectacular except as how you may speculate on it. Even a hum-drum day can take off and dance itself across the horizon.

Today is a Day for the Taking. Swing Today forward. Make it any kind of Dancing Day you choose. This is what you do anyway. You don't have to huff and puff and blow the day down. You don't have to knock it across the Sky.

Beloveds, a Day is more than Circumstance. A day is a Broadway Play, and you are the Presenter. You are a Player and a Displayer. You set up the Ramparts. You connect the Dots. You employ the Day. You describe it. You set the day forth. You set up the croquet set. You get your Day going. Sometimes your Day seems hit or miss, yet every Day unfolds in one way or another as it does. No two days alike.

You sign up for each Day. The Day may be set before you, yet you dribble the day on and off the court and peek at it.

You may vouchsafe that you will have meetings, expected and unexpected, yet there will be meetings on and off the Stage. You make Connections. What an arrangement you make every single Day of your Life on Stage and how you sport yourself around the Block.

Welcome to your Day on Earth Today. Embrace Today. Get a hold of it. Shine your Light on Today. Today is for Something. Relish it. Never was this Day around until now. You may have dreamed Today, yet it is your Dream you Dream Today. It is your Song you Sing. Sing Today Well. Today is your Day. Etch it on Earth. What Name will you Entitle this Day Today?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/9/2018 4:28:22 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6250 All Dreams Are Meant to Come True, February 6, 2018

God said:

Sometimes it seems endless to you all that can go wrong. You have seen it.

Again and again, I urge you to spend more time thinking about what can go right in Life. Take a second look. Steer your thoughts in an upward direction. What do you want to happen?? Who says that Greatness and Beauty must be out of sight for you while what you don't want rushes in before your very eyes.

I say: Set yourself up for treasures.

As I look around the whole wide world, I see many of My children dogged about insisting on - not their rite of passage -- but rather their right to discouragement. Discouragement isn't intended to be one of your inalienable rights. Get out of your own way. Let long-lasting Light Bulbs go on all over the world. If cartoon characters can have light bulbs go on as they do, why not you, My Beloveds? Go to a hardware store and pick up a supply of long-lasting light bulbs so you always have Insights popping up for you!

Look, if you see a long-waiting line and a short-line waiting for the bus as well, why on Earth would you choose the long line? Would you be apt to make reservation on a train that is going to arrive late. It seems to Me, time and time again you project the idea that your good fortune isn't coming. Get a move on. Board the train that takes you to your desires NOW.

Don't consider for one moment any of the erstwhile things that can go wrong and speculate about them. Go where the butterflies are. Project yourself where the flowers grow. Fly as the crow flies.

Be your own harbinger of Good Fortune. Whisper sweet nothings to yourself. Go for the best. Dreams do come true. Why not yours? You are My Beloved as well as anyone else.

I don't tell you to keep your nose only to the grindstone, nor do I tell you blindly to keep your Heart back either. Let your Heart leap forward! Catch a ride where you want to go. Surely you don't want to affirm that good fortune is averse to you. I say:

"Beloveds, move over to the sunny side of the street. Think! If you want Sunshine, don't turn your eyes in a northerly direction. Sometimes, Dear Ones, you make no sense at all. When you Change your direction to the East, anything can happen. Sure, you can lose your wallet. This also doesn't cast out the idea that your Heart's Desire is a stone's throw away. Where is it said that your thinking can only be wishful thinking. I say no.

"Mary had a little lamb. Leave the lamb alone, and she will come Home."

Your Desires also will follow you all the way Home. So, well may a Pied Piper follow you. Everything under the Name of Good Fortune can be enlivened as well. How you see makes a difference. Make your own difference. Do it now.

Let go of the down side, once and for all. Too often it is your predictive slant that holds you back. When you think that Good Fortune slips past you, introduce the idea that Good Fortune precedes you. Let Good Fortune be the taxi that takes you where you want to go.

Write your own scenario. If half of your lambs come home, you would have untold happiness. Bet on it. Bet on Me. Bet on you. I take you by your hand. Keep Me company. Take Me at My Word. See Me Sweep your blessings before you. You deserve. Wave your dreams in. See your Dreams coming True with Me at your side.

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