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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/10/2018 3:43:30 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6251 Days of Glory, February 10, 2018

God said:

How're you doing today? What's your horoscope? That is, what I mean is, not really your horoscope. I mean: What are you gearing yourself up for today? How are you going to capitalize on Today and more than that, make Today the best day of your Life. Chum, let's go for the Gold!

Let's go for a glowing day today. A baseball over the fence day. A Glory Day. The very best day so far in the Midst of Your Glory-filled Days. A Bonanza Day. A Day of Hand over Fist. A Day of Sunshine. A Day of Insight. An Outstanding Day. A Day of Dreams Coming True right in front of your eyes. A Heart-warming Day. The Best Day Ever.

Why not? While you are at it, do some somersaults. Limber up.

A New Kind of Day. Spring has sprung, and you are young. What a Day. Life is Play. Let's have some fun under the Sun.

Let's fly high on the occasion of Today.

The pay-off for today is hats-off.

This a day to be remembered for its Wonders.

This a day to set a trend of Joy right and left.

This is a day to make well of. Heigh ho.

This a day to let go of symptoms. That is, unless We're talking about symptoms of Joy. Mount them up. Joyful Days, Here We Come.

No longer do you sit on the fence. Today you leap over the Moon. You peek over the stars. The stars are medals I pin to your jacket. Know your merit. You are a star in your own right. There are no nights that are not starry-eyed.

There are no lacks for a sentinel to report. Every star ends in diamond points. You pluck diamonds from the stars and you toss the diamonds to the High Heavens. You toss yourself along with the stars, and you land exactly where My Heart is. You cannot miss.

Today and this evening are that kind of Prize, aren't they, aren't you?

Hey, you whirl the stars. You discover you are a star that shines to brighten the Universe. Good going, Kid.

You know Whose Light you shine, Beautiful? You cheer the Heavens and all the Glory in Heaven and on Earth. You sing to beat the band. You are the band. You are the music sung and all the music not as yet sung. You are the Universe you celebrate. Celebrate today. Take the roof off the sky. Take your hat off like a ceiling. There is no distance between you and starlight. Your eyes reflect the stars. Your eyes are stars in the firmament. There are no dimmers. There are no weights to carry, or they are weightless like True Love unlabeled, and that's all there is, Love ever mounting in the Sky for all to see like a new Sunrise or Sunset.

Who can really tell Sunrise or Sunset apart out of context. They both just risen as you are risen. You have reached the peak. You are the Sun that shines. You are the revelation you reveal. You are a torrent of Love. You blast Love all over the place, inseparable from the Love you are. I flung you Heavenward for all to see and all to be.

Where did you journey to? What happened to loneliness and all that which used to be called pain and suffering? Where do they hide now that they are no longer your medium, and you are no longer caught in their web?

Now you fly into My Heart. Disguise and pretense have flown the coop in exchange for a day like today. No more substitutes. Now full-fledged days fresh from Heaven for the Glory of All.

Come right up. Help yourself to this unprecedented day. It is all yours which means it is all Ours, One on One.

Three cheers. Hail, hail, the dawn has come.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/12/2018 3:33:37 AM

Greater Understanding and Peace

God said:

I get the idea that, for the most part, you like to hear from Me, that what I say may give you pause for thought, that something I say gets stirred in you, that something of what I say means something to your Heart. Some of you, of course, may out and out love Me.

Of course, it’s My Joy to write to you and gaze at you. I love to reach you. I love it when you sit up and take notice, when something I say makes you perhaps nod or smile.

It isn’t that you have to, of course. We don’t always speak the same language. Nor are you forced to. That is, I don’t make you.

I gave you Free Will in the first place. It matters to Me that you exercise Free Will. You don’t have to agree with Me. If you are emboldened to disagree, however, be gentle. Be gentle not for My Sake but for yours.

Never do I desire to turn you into a Yes Man unless you truly do see something in what I say that is meaningful to you. It is never My Will for you to agree with Me for the sake of agreeing.

Nor do I look for you to debate with Me for the sake of argument. You don’t have to take me so personally.

Your interpretation of Reality and Mine are simply not the same. Plainly, We see differently. We come from different points of view. This is perfectly allowable on both sides. What is, is.

We aren’t looking for a winner. We don’t feel obliged to prove either one of us right or wrong. You are not obliged to agree with Me, nor am I obliged to agree with you. Beloveds, at the same time, I doubt very much that you will bend My arm to the table. Of course, neither of us is out to strongarm the other.

Neither of us wishes to start a war or battle to the finish.

We offer our thoughts, and then We let go. We both have other purposes in Life than winning arguments. Let’s come out shaking hands, and mean it. Neither of us means to thwart the other or to show more muscle than the other. We are not opponents.

Surely, neither of us wants to start a holy war because We each see Life from a different vantage. Nor do I want to take advantage of My advantage, do you agree? Nor do you want to take advantage of what We both see as your disadvantage. No offense.

What gain can there be in a fight to the finish for either of us anyway? Why would We want to partake in a duel? Not I. Not you.

Nor do We come from the point of view of: “Let the best man win.” Not good enough.

It is Truth Itself that wins the day. Neither of us has to declare ourselves a winner. Certainly, We are seeking to be True to a Higher Purpose than ego.

It is likely We both wish to be above a fight.

It is good to look at ourselves squarely in the eye. There is no need to declare a winner. We are not in a boxing match at Madison Square Garden. We are in Our Own Hearts. We can concede. It is fairly clear which one of us likely holds the cards and Whom the odds favor at the betting table. What are We seeking anyway?

As I see it, Beloveds, We are seeking Greater Understanding and Peace.

Nothing less, and there is no greater.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/13/2018 2:32:47 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6253 Before Beauty Began, February 13, 2018

God said:

Beauty alone is. There is nothing else to behold. There is no other story to tell.

Beauty automatically arises as five Senses and Greater than these. There is nothing but Beauty.

Even so, there is awe at Beauty. Beauty exists for all. Beauty knows itself. There is Beauty to behold. All Life holds Beauty. Beauty alone. There is no opposite. There are no opposites. There is no Fairest of All when All is Beauty.

There is no more than Beauty nor is there anything less than Beauty. Beauty recognizes Itself. Beauty exists on its own terms. The Whole Universe is One Great Big Sigh of Awe upon the Earth as it revels in Beauty.

Beauty gazing upon Beauty is worth more than a Song, yet there is no price on a Song. There are no prices for admission or seats. Beauty is more than an idea. Beauty exists for all fair and square, greater than a first-come first-serve basis or on any basis whatsoever.

The Sun shines. Air exists to breathe. No one owns a thing. There are no sales. No purchases. No prices, no costs. Truth is known, and all is priceless. There are no price tags. There are no bidders. There is no pittance. Priceless is not even a thought nor is there a ticket to be seen nor a paid seat in the whole auditorium.

The world has not yet thought of penance or any kind of payment or exclusive profit. There are no tight ships yet.

Freedom means freedom. Nothing is for sale, and nothing is estimated or bartered. All the best things in Life are free.

There is nothing less than Love. Love is all, and it is a lot. There is no price on Love nor on Beauty. Love and Beauty are priceless. They are the same. They are as good as Gold. There are no two ways about it. What possible sense could a price war make?

Numbers have not as yet not taken form. Will prices come out of thin air? There are no prices yet to be seen. No one has thought of rolling up prices nor of marking them down. There are no bargains. There and no two ways about it. All is as free as air until someone has the thought of capturing air and selling it at road stations along the way.

Not for one minute is a price put on Love. Immeasureless is everyday Truth. Monopolies do not exist. Words have not yet been thought of. Who would think of them and why? No such need has arisen. Beauty nonetheless is held High without a price tag. All is Free Will, and Free Will is for all and at a moment's breath.

Look, there are no numbers yet to count with. There is nothing to be considered as a gain. Naught can be lost.

All is Heart. Separation is not yet even a twinkle in anyone's eye. Love reveals its magnificence. Price has not yet been conceived. Comparisons have not yet caught on. The world is dominated with Love. There is nothing less than Love. Love is All.

Counting hasn't yet been thought of. Page Numbers are not yet taken into account. There are no summaries. There are no time constructs. There are no systems. There is nothing to be said. There is no making something out of nothing or vice versa.

Time isn't pushed ahead nor is time pushed back. Manipulating the world hasn't yet been discovered or put into place or named yet alone considered. There isn't yet a now or later or before or after. There is no misappropriation. No misapprehension. There is no naming of the guard. All is as it appears.

Ah, simply, all is Beauty on Earth for the asking.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/14/2018 5:20:13 PM

To Brew Tea, Let It Steep

God said:

There is value in doing somersaults. Of course, there is value in everything you do and become one way or another. Furthermore, I want to say that in addition to value in doing somersaults on a mat, there is also indeterminable value in doing mental pictures of yourself performing somersaults.

Something more goes on than at what may first appear to you.

Mental pictures aren’t just kids’ play.

You don’t have to be serious about something in order for it to be worth your while.

You don’t have to be paid for it in present time. You don’t have to be paid for it now or ever. You don’t have to be recognized by the world or even by yourself. Of course, I support all boons that come to you

It has been said in many ways that when one of Einstein’s discoveries was beginning to stir underground or subterraneously, instead of focusing on writing down an equation, Einstein would just as well go out on his sailboat under the Sun and drift around on the sea, and allow his brilliant mind to drift around as well. Einstein didn’t have to qualify as a great seaman for great thoughts to arise and lead his brilliant mind somewhere on its own.

Left alone, an idea might pop into his head, and Einstein would cry out: “Eureka!” and start writing an equation on the surface of the waves.

Einstein didn’t have to push for a singular answer. The equation wasn’t urgent. Einstein was more like Me with the idea that all will come up all in its own good time.

Nor did Einstein have a wife who persisted in nagging at him -- not at all: “Albert, why don’t you get busy and look like you’re applying yourself?”

In his own way, Einstein certainly may have indeed been applying himself even as he took his own sweet time about it.

Surely, he knew that in order to brew tea, you have to let the tea steep.

Now, let’s get back to you and somersaults. Beloveds, you can replay your mental pictures of somersaults on the horizon of the sky or on a rainbow. You could be allowing a spectacular insight to leap to the surface and be on your way splendidly.

If you are a writer, why not picture yourself writing up a storm? If you are a composer or an artist, meandering can do its work for you. Picture any image you want.

Picture even My God-Given Grace, why not?

Whatever you long for, picture it. What cannot happen in this world?

You don’t have to own a sailboat. You have a great replacement. It is called imagination. Imagination may be a more powerful sailboat than a wooden one, for wherein in the world lies Truth after all?

You have many resources available to you than you may use for the good of All for one reason or whatnot.

Look rather for reasons to do rather than for why not to do. I have not laden you with responsibility to justify yourself. You are under no obligation to to replay your reason for living. It’s not your job to win people over to your way of thinking.

Beloveds, you don’t have to live all that much in your head nor must you satisfy any one else’s sense of reason. It’s okay to let Life ramble as it does according to reason or not.

There are many common questions that are asked in the world and yearn to be appeased, when, all the while, the answers can wait:

“Where did you go on your honeymoon?”

“When did you get back?”

“And what did your friend die of?”

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/19/2018 3:53:56 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6255 From Where Does Patience Come?, February 18, 2018

God said:

From where does patience come when you are chomping at the bit with impatience? Patience is hard to come by.

What is the cure for impatience? Patience, of course. The more impatient you are, the harder patience is.

Impatience is, indeed, an impasse. It's implied that you set this impasse for yourself.

You would love to be a calm person. You would gladly reform. You would kiss the feet of Patience if only you could. As it is, you are challenged. Patience isn't something you have a handle on. You don't enjoy impatience one bit. You would jail impatience if ou knew how. You have no use for shoddy impatience whatsoever.

Impatience has you by the nape of your neck. Impatience pounds in your heart. Impatience is a waste of time and energy. You would throw impatience away with all your Heart.

You do know better than to be impatient, yet what good does knowing do for you? Oh, yes, you understand the concept. All you have to do is simply relax, settle down, let go of this urgent mood you seem to swim in. You don't want it, yet you continue at its beck and call.

You believe the basis of impatience is a sense of helplessness. You envy anyone who isn't under the yoke of impatience. At the same time, all the Patient Griseldas in the worldrub you the wrong way. You want to get on with whatever it is that keeps you back. So far patience hasn't apportioned you your share. You could scream at patience for all the good it does you.

Impatience is like a skin rash. You don't ask for it, yet you are scratching all the time.

If you knew how to rise above impatience, you would be first in line. You feel like a fire-eater. No one in his or her right mind would choose to be a fire-eater. Really, have all the calm people chosen patience, or are they possibly just lucky? What is the real deal here really?

Where is the line you can stand in to give up your impatience. You didn't chase after it. You would leave impatience in the lurch if it were up to you. You have no assurance that patience is an option for you.

Has anyone really deep down changed from impatience to patience?

Is patience merely a con job, a promise held on high that turns to dust?

Is impatience your birthright? Or is it your cross to bear? You are out of patience with impatience? Can it be you are the only one in this boat?

To be patient is good advice, yet the advice is no good at all.

The best you can tell you are simply at the mercy of impatience. Is it for you to put away salt and pepper and calm yourself with sugar instead? Or thick sweet cream or cream puffs?

What can you offer to this tyrant impatience to allay it and get it out of your way?

You would take the cure gladly.

You have been yearning for patience all your Life. How can it be that you are inadequate to the task? It feels that you were cut off from patience at the onset.

It's possible you were patient back in the days of Santa Claus. You looked forward to Santa Claus. You anticipated his gifts. You were eager for them. You were ready. You don't recall ever tapping your foot impatiently in the early days of Santa Claus.

Hmm, you don't recall ever asking Santa for patience, however.

Beloved, have you ever asked Me to heal your rash? Let's see what I can do.

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