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Michael Caron

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7/29/2012 5:52:32 PM

10_1_136.gifThere are many reason why a person takes to the streets to beg for money. What we see that is most obvious is people staggering down the streets late at night with a bottle of whiskey in their hand. However, this is a minority. I don't believe that a person should brag about how much money they make, because it isa little like rubbing salt in an open wound. I have lived in homeless missions and I have slept under bridges, and when I have not been able to find day work I have gone through dumpsters to gather alluminum cans to take to the recycling distribution points for a few dollars. A great number of people that you see panhandling are people that have served their country for four, eight, or ten years or more, and have been discharged from the service because they have been wounded in the line of duty. After searching for jobs without success they do whatever they can to survive. The least intrusive is panhandling. Also, our Welfare system is set up in such a way that if a family finds themselves in a position where they need help from Welfare (To get back on their feet)they are at the mercy of the system. While on the system you receive Food Stamps, Clothing Allowance for your children, free clinics, job training, and many other things to help you get by. Once you find a job, you loose all these benefits and find yourself in worse shape than you were in before. The Welfare system is not there to help you get a job and get on your feet because if they helped everyone in their system receive gainful employment, they would be out of business. They are there to do everything possible to keep their own jobs. They will help you to enroll in any class that you want to keep the classrooms full, but when you finish that class or course they will be busy finding you another one to enroll in rather than having you apply your knowledge on a real job.

I served in the United States Air Force for four and a half years, the Army National Guard for four years and the Army Reserve for four years. I cannot receive any help at all from the Veteran's services. They will and have helped illegal immigrants by paying their rent, Lights, and even buying them automobiles. I have been told that I don't qualify.

I took early retirement because most of my jobs have been in the Food Service Industry. In every single job that I have had, I was lucky to get twenty hours a week while my Mexican co-workers worked an average of thirty to thirty six hours a week. My last job was at Boston Market which was about five miles from where we live.I knew every position in the kitchen. I trained all the new workers, the ratio was 10% American, 90% Mexican. Each time that I trained a new worker I would notice my hours going down. Finally, I was down to twelve hours a week. I am able to work as many hours as I want with no penalties on my retirement pension (which is very small), however if I make even ten dollars more than I now make, Shirley's Disabilty check is taken completely away. We don't live, in fact we don't actually survive because the rules and regulations that we have to live by are not set up to help anyone but the people that sit behind their desks pushing pencils. I have asked several organizations is they would have a used car, even twenty years old so that I may be able to get to food pantries or doctors appointments or even just to get Shirley out of the house now and then and I have always been told that either they did not have one or that I do not qualify.

For the most part, the panhandlers are out there because they cannot get the help that they need from the organizations that are set up for the very purpose of helping those in need. The truth is, if you speak English and you served your country don't ask for help. They don't have any intention on helping you at all.



The Huffington Post | By Ron Dicker
Posted: Updated: 07/23/2012 2:36 pm

No soup kitchen for this beggar. Shane Warren Speegle told Oklahoma City police he made $60,000 panhandling last year.

"Why would I go get a job?" he said to an officer who approached him earlier this month, according to

Speegle, 45, carried a 4-foot-by-4-foot sign requesting money for travel and food at an Oklahoma City he couldn't panhandle without a license, but Speegle suggested that a $200 daily permit was within his means, reported.

A $60,000 salary puts Speegle in the average-income realm of architects, appraisers and computer programmer analysts, according to It also puts Speegle comfortably above the U.S. median household income of between $49,434 and $51,413, BusinessInsider pointed out.

In Speegle's case, perhaps beggars can be choosers. In words that would stir up many hard-working Americans and the 8.2 percent who are unemployed, Speegle reportedly told the officer: "I'm lazy and I made $60,000."

The officer reportedly issued a warning to Speegle to leave because he had neither a permit nor an insurance policy. The cop returned 20 minutes later and arrested the still-pandhandling Speegle for soliciting from the street, reported. Speegle was taken to the Oklahoma County jail.

intersection, noted A cop warned him that

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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7/29/2012 7:07:27 PM

When I got divorced 2 years ago, I didn't ask my brothers or sisters for help, I asked my father if I could stay at his house and he said one word, "No."

The man I was planning to marry after my divorce had been hit by a car and had serious injuries and I also couldn't live with him at that time.

So I had to push myself as hard as possible to start earning as much as I could online.

The only reason I mention income amounts is to show that certain businesses DO work the way they say they do, and people CAN earn online if they put full focus and a lot of effort into it.

My father needs help with my Mom now because she's bedridden with Alzheimers and Dad is going to be 80 in a couple weeks. I asked him again a few months ago if he'd like for me & my son to go live there and help, since I also have financial means now, and again, he said "No." The cost of full-care nursing home for Mom would be $4,500 per month, she's very heavy for Dad to move her around and take care of her and change her clothes, and it's obviously taking a toll on him, he looks 10 years older than he did last year.

Sometimes even when we start gaining a little more or a lot more than we had before, relatives still are not happy with us, sometimes people just like to dwell in their own thoughts and not even give a word of..."you did good." It would be nice though.

I have full heart, I'm a polite houseguest and a strong person and I can tolerate his personality, I'd really like to help my Dad and Mom, but two times of "No" doesn't make me want to offer again. That makes me think twice about saying the words, none of us like rejection, even if offering and helping is the right thing to do.

(Online amounts of income: Working online works for people who work it with their focus, determination, need to live without being looked down upon, and need to have confidence no matter what other people think/say, working with blinders on, like a racehorse, focus straight ahead, not on what other people are doing or not doing. Most people don't work like that = most people don't earn like that. Where did I get it from? Watching my disabled sister push herself all her life, push herself to walk to take public transportation all over Philadelphia and get her university degrees and become an instructor. We come from the same parents, we're made from the same strength, "If she could, I can!" Those are my daily words. I can, I do, I don't stop, I don't worry. There are 7 billion people on this earth, or maybe 8 billion, who's opinion do we worry about? All or none. If we don't listen to some of our relatives, why listen to billions of strangers?)

Mr. D

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7/29/2012 8:19:37 PM

Only You Can Make It Happen!

Dedication to what you believe in and the desire to make it work is not so easy for the average person. There is more to following the rules and training that comes with online programs and being a affiliate and promoting someone's design that is not yours. I must say that they are pretty smart to get others to advertise for them and to build their empire. So really, if it is working for you then you have put the work into it. But I must add, it must be really frustration to the amount of people that have joined to find out that they will never go anywhere. I myself tried these several of these things before I came to one little discovery. It is not my niche so to speak.

Most of this stuff you have to be a master of safe-list, traffic exchanges and looking for impulse buyers that thinks that sounds good, They will try it as looking for ways to make money. Clicking on ads to earn credits to send to people to click on ads to earn credits to send to…. well, you know what I mean as you have to.. People are not coming to you get a job or because you are listed as an expert in making money, as most affiliate site owners will not come up in generic searches. It is only the hard work of doing ads, clicking, ads, posting, blogging, articles , just to name a few, and doing it over and over again.

I have found a different way to do things. I have people coming to me for my service as an expert in my field. All Marketing, Websites, Graphics, Designs, Income, and Email Management List are all owned and complete control by me. Not one person can take the site down, go out of business, or decide to take things off line, and that my friends you have no control over when the owners decide to move on and take it all away. So if you are building income from others designs, power to you, but remember just like working for someone else, they can also take it away at anytime. I know, I worked hard to build myself up with a company and into superintendent position making over 60,000 a year and had it pulled fro under my feet with nothing I could do for something stupid.

Mr. D

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7/29/2012 8:29:19 PM

On The Lighter Side Of Things.

One of Many Projects that I put together for the

Wood Working & Craftsman Side of my Business

Mr. D

840 Posts
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7/29/2012 9:09:19 PM

This is not a Advertisement as most of you know that my business

is in the Kalamazoo Area. I am just sounding off on showing different

display designs and showcasing work projects. I have just updated

and now can create over 2,000 new design templates and presentations

with new flyers, business cards, and just so much more.

Creating almost anything…and working on the testing side of it.

Great day to you all and remember today,

is a day to ask for forgiveness and to be thankful for life.
