Hi Evelyn, Jessie is about the cutest little darling. Those Jack Russells are smart as can be. Remember when PBS had on the Jack Russell that was all dressed up in different characters, Can't think of the his name but it was so good. They had a lot lf history to the shows.
Ok about this Freddie Combs, no wonder he was so fat. He is just a lazy pig in my book. Any woman who would wait on him like that is getting just what she is asking for. I would have walked out that door and said goodbye see you later. I kind of felt all along he was a fraud. Where does he get his money? Any one that big can't work, even losing almost 400 lbs. He did it to himself, no one stuffed it down his throat. Boy something like this gets my dander up. How dare he ask for whatever, and make people think how good he his to his wife. Well maybe he has changed. He needs to do a good days work, then he would have something to yell about. So I will quiet down on this subject.
Have a great Sunday, Myrna