“Never” is a powerful word. I found that out when I was younger. When I used it in referring to my desire in wanting to have a broken bone.
Shortly after I did indeed “break a bone”. Fortunately it was a small one in my hand, It did however require surgery to put my hand back to normal function. At the time I thought this was God's way of giving me a little thumb on the head, kind of like an “oh yeah?”.
I feel that using “never” in that way and out loud is like asking for whatever it is I am speaking of to happen. It was like putting negative energy out that would just come back at me. So over time I have changed the way I phrase some things, to would “rather not” or “wouldn't like” :-).
On the other hand I say “Never say never” to people when they would assume that something would not be possible or not happen.
Because it is true that anything is possible. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Each day is new, surprising and different from the day before, even if just in little ways. We can manage what happens to an extent by choosing where we go, what we do and the people we are with. Even then we need to be open to things changing as they so often do. By being more open, more flexible then when things take an unexpected turn we can handle them with minimal stress.
Never say never ….......Go with the flow of each day, enjoy every moment whatever it may bring.
Anything and everything is possible, tomorrow is just the present waiting to be opened.