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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/30/2012 10:12:50 PM
This is so true. Love those flowers, so colorful
By the way, that little dog I was talking about on PBS was called Wishbone. When I got awake this morning the name just popped up at me, Funny. At least I got awake laughing.
Silly me.


RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
10/1/2012 12:08:51 PM

Happy Monday Malorie, I agree, it would be wonderful if that day could be realized for real. Thanks for the post and have a great week. :)


Recently saw a great commercial for a soda. It had a rather uplifting song about us all being “one tribe”

It is very true, we are. We are the human tribe.

I loved the movie “Independence Day” I watch it every time it is on. I am especially moved by the scene toward the end where the president is giving the impromptu speech before taking on the attacking aliens about how we all came together, men, women, children, all nationalities from all over the world working as one.

What a stirring and moving moment in cinema. How wonderful if one day it was realized for real.

Not to fight over some terrible onslaught but because it would just be right.

We are one tribe, all human, 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 ears, but in all that we are the same we are also so widely different.

In so many amazing beautiful ways. It is our diversity that makes this world the fascinating culturally rich place that it is.

We need to embrace our fellow tribe members with love, understanding, kindness, respect and caring.

When my daughter was up north experiencing her first snow fall, she was excited and said it was like the earth was celebrating. :-)

Each and every snowflake is so different and as a whole what a wondrous beautiful celebration all these differences together make.

Celebrate life. Celebrate diversity. Celebrate being a part of human tribe.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
10/1/2012 12:12:50 PM

Hi Myrna, you made me laugh when I read this on this beautiful sunshiny Monday morning. I've lost count of the times I've racked my brain trying to remember something and then as soon as my head hit the pillow it would pop into my head but this is usually at night not so much when I awake in the morning. Our brains are marvelous things aren't they? Have a blessed week. :)

This is so true. Love those flowers, so colorful
By the way, that little dog I was talking about on PBS was called Wishbone. When I got awake this morning the name just popped up at me, Funny. At least I got awake laughing.
Silly me.


RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
10/1/2012 2:10:57 PM

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
10/1/2012 2:50:34 PM

I come from a very large family. 10 in total, 8 children, 5 of which were girls.

I am the youngest of the 5. As we were growing up, I looked at our family through my child's eyes, everything was simple, playful, happy, haunted houses in the hallway, playing in the hose outside, going to the beach and family vacations.

As I grew, it was not until the night one sister ran away that I began to see my family in a different light.
It was then that I realized that our family was not perfect. I was seeing things that would have normally been kept from me. Then another sister a few years later had a child, with no intentions of getting married and yet another sister had divorced a couple of times.
After time we younger ones began to realize that this all worked in our favor, as we felt there was not much we could do that would faze our mom and dad.

My sisters are special, each unique but each a part of me. With each I have fond memories of fun times and memorable moments. But we are all human and I do not always get along with them. While each of us is very much the same, we are all very different. We have our own minds and ideas on how things should be.
As sisters we have fought, we have made up. We have laughed at jokes that no one can understand. We have said some of the meanest things to each other. We have defended each other when others won't. We have done some of the silliest things together and there's so many stories to be recalled when we are together.
There have been close times and times when I have not spoken to them but through all the times I love them. No matter where they are they are always in my thoughts and forever a part of my heart.
Malorie Shannon Artist/Founder of Onyralu Artist and Creator of Clips

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