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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/30/2012 10:57:21 AM

Happy Sunday Myrna, I must say I agree with everything you say on both subjects. Have a blessed day. :)

Hi Evelyn,
Jessie is about the cutest little darling. Those Jack Russells are smart as can be. Remember when PBS had on the Jack Russell that was all dressed up in different characters, Can't think of the his name but it was so good. They had a lot lf history to the shows.

Ok about this Freddie Combs, no wonder he was so fat. He is just a lazy pig in my book. Any woman who would wait on him like that is getting just what she is asking for. I would have walked out that door and said goodbye see you later. I kind of felt all along he was a fraud. Where does he get his money? Any one that big can't work, even losing almost 400 lbs. He did it to himself, no one stuffed it down his throat. Boy something like this gets my dander up. How dare he ask for whatever, and make people think how good he his to his wife. Well maybe he has changed. He needs to do a good days work, then he would have something to yell about. So I will quiet down on this subject.

Have a great Sunday,

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/30/2012 10:58:51 AM

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/30/2012 11:06:40 AM
Inspirational Quote of the Day
Unrest of spirit is a mark of life; one problem after another presents itself and in the solving of them we can find our greatest pleasure.
Karl Menninger
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/30/2012 3:23:43 PM

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
9/30/2012 4:21:26 PM

Recently saw a great commercial for a soda. It had a rather uplifting song about us all being “one tribe”

It is very true, we are. We are the human tribe.

I loved the movie “Independence Day” I watch it every time it is on. I am especially moved by the scene toward the end where the president is giving the impromptu speech before taking on the attacking aliens about how we all came together, men, women, children, all nationalities from all over the world working as one.

What a stirring and moving moment in cinema. How wonderful if one day it was realized for real.

Not to fight over some terrible onslaught but because it would just be right.

We are one tribe, all human, 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 ears, but in all that we are the same we are also so widely different.

In so many amazing beautiful ways. It is our diversity that makes this world the fascinating culturally rich place that it is.

We need to embrace our fellow tribe members with love, understanding, kindness, respect and caring.

When my daughter was up north experiencing her first snow fall, she was excited and said it was like the earth was celebrating. :-)

Each and every snowflake is so different and as a whole what a wondrous beautiful celebration all these differences together make.

Celebrate life. Celebrate diversity. Celebrate being a part of human tribe.
Malorie Shannon Artist/Founder of Onyralu Artist and Creator of Clips

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