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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/12/2013 2:32:12 PM
Hi Helen,

You can believe what ever you want to. What you believe doesn't make it fact, it is what you believe. I have also heard this "nothing is at it seems" So time will tell if I am right about Elvis or not. It is not because I can't except him as being dead, it is just the fact that I believe what the video says. Like I said I have heard more then once over the years that Elvis is alive.

As far as Monty, he channels to his wife. I fell that to be truth too. So it is up to each of us, what we want to believe.

"Things are not as they seem"
Helen Elias

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RE: Truth tellers
4/12/2013 4:19:26 PM
Hi Myrna

The man said the video was a mock up (mockumentary) which I take to mean it is like a spoof on the possibility that Elvis is still alive. He is saying it is like fiction so how can you believe what it says. If a person wants to waste 2 hours of the latter part of their life listening to it, that is ok with me but don't tell me it is true when even the people who made the video say it is a type of fiction.

It is a mistake for us to believe what we WANT to believe. For example, I believe there is a hell, not because I want to believe that but because God's word says there is a such a place. I would like to believe that there is no hell but Jesus talked about it more than once so there must be such a place. I would like to believe there is no hell because it is not what I want for anyone. People live forever ...either in heaven or in hell. Eternity in hell is a terrible thing. Heaven on the other hand is filled with love, peace and joy ...and all good things. If I love my neighbor as myself, I must warn him.

Myrna, do you know how to be saved from hell?

Penn is a performer and a magician, if I remember right. Penn also is an atheist. Listen to what he has to say about Christians in this video .....I know he is not the easiest guy to look at but you don't have to watch him, just listen. Yes, he still calls himself an atheist which is good because it makes me and others pray for him all the harder :)) just as I do for you. In this video he is a 'truth teller' and he probably, for the most part, tells the truth but that won't save him. A person who says they ALWAYS tell the truth will lie about other things, too. (5 minutes)

Hi Helen,

You can believe what ever you want to. What you believe doesn't make it fact, it is what you believe. I have also heard this "nothing is at it seems" So time will tell if I am right about Elvis or not. It is not because I can't except him as being dead, it is just the fact that I believe what the video says. Like I said I have heard more then once over the years that Elvis is alive.

As far as Monty, he channels to his wife. I fell that to be truth too. So it is up to each of us, what we want to believe.

"Things are not as they seem"
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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
4/12/2013 5:35:23 PM
Myrna and Helen,

I just cannot understand why some people believe to be the only owners of the truth.
Imagine a circle representing the universe, and God in its center. People from every belief, even atheists, are on its periphery. They are in no way evil, but they are all divided into separate blocks by their beliefs. When the time is ripe for it, do you think God will only let the Jews, or the Islamists, or the Christians, into His realm in the center of all things? Or will He, as the Father of them all, rather let everyone enter?

When dealing with these matters, w
e should only be guided by Jesus' parables.

He spoke also this parable to certain people who were convinced of their own righteousness, and who despised all others. "Two men went up into the temple to pray; one was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed to himself like this: 'God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get.' But the tax collector, standing far away, wouldn't even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner!' I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted."

Did Jesus approved of the Pharisee? No. He did support the Publican.

And He also supported the good Samaritan, not the Jewish priest o the Levite:

Jesus answered, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. By chance a certain priest was going down that way. When he saw him, he passed by on the other side. In the same way a Levite also, when he came to the place, and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he travelled, came where he was. When he saw him, he was moved with compassion, came to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. He set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, and gave them to the host, and said to him, 'Take care of him. Whatever you spend beyond that, I will repay you when I return.' Now which of these three do you think seemed to be a neighbour to him who fell among the robbers?"

He said, "He who showed mercy on him."

Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do."

On the subject of hell, the truth is that there is more than one hell in the Bible.
In the time Jesus lived, there were many different beliefs regarding hell or hells. In fact, there are two clearly distinguishable hell-like places described in the Bible. In the New Testament, the words that are translated as hell are the Greek words "Hades" and "Tartarus", and the Hebrew word "Gehenna". Additionally, we are informed about a place known as the "Abyss", and the existence of something called the "Lake of Fire". It is these five terms, and their corresponding descriptions, that have influenced and defined the modern Christian conceptions of hell. (See Hades and Gehenna: Two Hells).

So which one is the hell that you, Helen, are talking about? In the time Jesus lived there were so many beliefs regarding "hell". Actually there were vague conceptions regarding "inferior worlds" where sinners would be punished for their transgressions as there also
were several heavens or, rather, "paradises" where the good people would be rewarded for their good actions. These beliefs were still held well into the Middle Ages and the Modern Age.

In my opinion, we must have faith in Jesus' words, not in our own expectations. But if we happen to be a Jew, does it mean we will not go to Heaven regardless our good deeds or, still better, our saintly behavior? Will a Buddhist not go to a higher world even if he or she is a saintly person and follows the Buddha teachings to the letter? What about a Taoist or a Hindu, are they deprived of any hope in a future life in a heavenly paradise? Absolutely not.

I sometimes think some people are up to a big surprise if they really get at the doors of Paradise. They might find their luggage is too heavy for them to be let in...


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/15/2013 1:25:38 AM
Heavenletter #4524 A Fallen Cake Can Be Delicious, April 14, 2013

God said:

There are many things in the world that are not as they seem, are they not? A cake can look delicious and be disappointing. A cake could have fallen and be so delicious. You can’t judge a book by its cover. You know all that.

The negative is not more true than the positive.

Right now, I am referring to the put-down’s you give to yourself. I am referring to all the times when you think you are lagging behind everyone else or behind the times or slow on the uptake or not as worthy as someone else. You may represent yourself as the downfallen. I ask you to rise and be a bright light. A bright light does not bemoan its wattage.

In all matters, look for the good. Look for the good you can think about yourself. How does downplaying yourself brighten the world? You don’t have to be the other end of someone’s seesaw. Anyway, in life in the world outside of a see-saw, how do you raise someone else by putting yourself down? What kind of attention-getting purpose does that serve?

When you put yourself down, are you perhaps trying to beat someone else to it? Do you perhaps think you are being modest to put yourself down? Are you perhaps looking for a compliment? Do you put yourself down perhaps so that no one vies with you? Is it possible that you will say anything to prevent anyone’s thinking of you as a Pollyanna? Better to be a Pollyanna than a fault-finder. Negativity is not closer to the truth. Anyway, uplift yourself as well as anyone else. No one needs to point out or emphasize negativity. Negativity does well enough on its own. It doesn’t need your help. Stay away from it.

You can be modest without announcing your omissions or errors. You don’t have to brag about yourself, neither your merits or your demerits. There is no need to call attention to yourself at all. You are not on parade. You are not the leader of the band. You don’t throw darts on yourself anymore than you have to throw accolades. Slam no one.

You probably have been too centered on what others may think of you. Truly, dear ones, how necessary is someone else’s appraisal of you? Anyway, no one appreciates an appeal for approval. Are you perhaps wheedling for a loan of praise? What do you think you need it for?

Beloveds, you cannot keep up with what others think anyway. That another is not you does not make him more worthy than you. You are worthy to be My child. Welcome yourself. Be true to yourself. You are good enough for Me. Let that be good enough.

You are not here on Earth to earn brownie points, not from yourself, and not from others. You are not here on Earth on My behalf to earn merit. You are here to give service to the Universe. You have more to do than to wait for your ego to be served and your feathers smoothed.

What would you like to be on Earth here for? What can you do that serves the world and not your representation of yourself? Straighten your own shoulders. Perk yourself up by going out into the world. Enough thinking about yourself. Find something else to think about. If you are not presently proud of your God-given ability, take another look. You are here on Earth for a great purpose. Your purpose is not to put yourself down anymore than it is to pat yourself on the back. If you need some cheering up, don’t leave it to others.

There is a high road for you to take. Take it. Never mind if you trip and fall. Pick yourself up, and keep your eye on where you’re going. No more dallying.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/16/2013 3:18:27 PM

God said:

Never mind when you get embarrassed. Embarrassment can only be ego’s vanity. You are embarrassed because your slip was witnessed by others. You lost face. If no one had seen the scene of your embarrassment or heard about it, the careless error wouldn’t have been so embarrassing to you. It might not have been an embarrassment at all. It is not the error that embarrasses you. It is the exposure that makes your face red.

Look at embarrassment this way: It is good for you. So, you made a mistake. Big mistake or small, what does it matter? An error is not a fall from grace. Nor is it human to err, yet there is plenty enough of error in the world. Errors will come and go. With or without error, you are My beautiful child. I do not point at you or scoff for any error you make. An error isn’t much. It is a trifle. Move on from trifles.

The beauty of embarrassment is that it brings you back to Earth. The beauty of embarrassment is exactly that it takes you down a peg or two. You love to see yourself as someone greatly admired. You don’t want to be caught in the act of an unimportant lapse. You don’t want laughing eyes upon you. You want to be fool-proof.

It is you who reacts to the embarrassment and calls it overwhelming. You are the one reacting, and it is to yourself that you react. Your preferred self-image got tarnished in front of the eyes of the world. The truth is you are a wonderful human being. You can let go now of that self-image you have liked to purport yourself to be. Only on Earth can you feel like a fool or be thought one. Only on Earth. Unthink.

Mistakes are relative, beloveds. What importance is given to mistakes is also relative. Why wring all the juice from what is called embarrassment? Embarrassment is its own error. Here you go. From mistakes, great discoveries are made. Mistakes are something off the beaten path, and that from mistakes, great discoveries are made. At the very least, in each mistake you make, you discover that you are fallible. You can be fallible and still be mighty.

In another land or time, what is one man’s embarrassment could be another man’s pride. And is not embarrassment another side of pride? How much does pride have to do to your credit or discredit? You have bigger things to be than either proud or embarrassed. Pride is vanity, beloveds. Vanity is not something to be proud of.

I say you are an angel, and you are sure that angels don’t make mistakes. True, angels don’t have all the free choices that you do. Angels are all set. They don’t have the freedom to make mistakes. Only human angels are free to make slip-ups. Mistakes are not crimes. They are haste and waste. They are mistakes and are not worth any shade of redness in the face.

This is not the first time you have been embarrassed, and it is very possible that you will live through deeper sorrow in life than embarrassment. You may well already have gone through greater. What does your greatest error amount to now? It seems a lot less now. It was always less than it seemed, beloveds. If all the eyes of the world seem to be upon you because of an error, how much does it matter the error you made or what others happen to shake their heads at.

You can laugh at yourself too! Why not?

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