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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/28/2013 6:14:08 PM


Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 24-Apr-2013 02:42:38

As always I urge EVERYONE to QUESTION EVERYTHING and to do their own DUE DILIGENCE… Never just take my word for anything. That said, below is a synopsis of what we know is going on based on research and observation….
1. The Federal Government through the use of the Department of Education, creates, fosters and not only promotes but insists on a massive culture of psychotropic drug addiction among school children from as early as pre-school (not debatable I have firsthand knowledge and experience). This is done by first making it mandatory that innocent children be inoculated with vaccines known to be linked and causal to serious medical side effects but more importantly brain function side effects such as ADHD and Autism. Once the child begins to display the behaviors associated with those deliberately created side effects the school demands the child be diagnosed and medically treated with, yep, psychotropic drugs such as Ritalin. Today one in five American school children have been the successful victims of this campaign to drug, control and transform an entire generation.

2. When the use of vaccines doesn’t get the job done, the epidemically widespread use of chemical poisons will. The truth and scientific evidence abounds on the use of the poison, Potassium Fluoride yet most counties around the country have been bamboozled into believing it not only to be safe but necessary to the health of the public and the purification of the water systems. Even worse it has been sold to the Dental industry as a necessary component of healthy teeth when the plain truth is that it not only destroys teeth but can and does destroy the teeth of newborns before they even have a chance to break the surface of the gums, (again not debatable due to personal experience). Every day children are given high doses of this extreme chemical poison which is a toxic by product of the Aluminum industry by dentists. This is not peculiar to the government of the United States as even a cursory foray into 20th Century history reveals that other governments, those who waged massive genocide campaigns against their people used this same poison to render the people docile and malleable, ie; Stalin and Hitler for example.

3. Just in case psychotropic drugs and Fluoride don’t get the job done, even more dangerous poisons are introduced both blatantly identified and cleverly disguised as alternative sweeteners and food additives ie; Aspertame, artificial flavors and colors etc. These highly toxic substances are used in higher levels in manufactured baby foods and formulas approved routinely by the for profit FDA and Big Pharma. The additives are now secondary to the massive assault on our bodies by Monsanto and other corporations eradicating our agricultural capabilities with GMO’s, (the Europeans appear to be a whole lot smarter than we are now refusing to allow them).

4. The icing on the cake of destruction to the human body and ultimately all life on earth is provided by spraying exceedingly dangerous heavy metals down on us from the skies (Chemtrails); Aluminum, Berium, Strontium and even lead and now in Europe they have added the all-time favorite to the mix, Fluoride. All approved and indeed mandated by our either ignorant or complicit Congress and Military. Evidence now shows that particular practice has gotten completely out of control and if not corrected the damage done could well be the end of life on this planet in any form we know of. Naturally the excuse sold to Congress for the use of such moronic measures was weather control. It took probably less than ten seconds for the twisted individuals with heinous motives to recognize the value of the technology as a weapon and we now know without doubt that is routinely used as such. Playing God by humans never ends well.

5. Our Constitutional Republic is now and has been in the process of dismantling to be replaced by a Global Cartel Governance. It is no longer hidden and has become so blatant and out in the open that even politicians possessing serious IQ deficiencies like Joker Joe Biden attempt to sell the concept to the American public. When they trot out an idiot like Uncle Joe to convince you we need a NWO you can be pretty sure they think you are as dumb as a fence post.

6. History never lies because once a thing is done; the bell is rung and cannot be un-rung. History screams at us with undeniable clarity that Socialism, Communism, Fascism and all other forms of the “collective” ideology lead to utter death and destruction of the human condition yet those coherent adults who recognize what is taking place are declared crazies, domestic terrorists, tin hats, conspiracy theorists, bible thumping radicals, and the worst of all labels, Patriots! God forbid we believe in our Constitution and take seriously our obligation to defend it and our country from all enemies foreign and domestic. The truth is that we have no foreign enemies who are now or really ever have been a threat to this nation on our soil. Our enemy is our own rogue and out of control federal government and in far too many cases our state governments have completely sold us out to them. But our rogue and out of control federal government is not the real enemy either, they are but puppets to the puppet masters to whom the banking cartels who control the politicians and the corporations who fund the politicians and are the machine which grinds our liberty and freedom to dust. The old adage “Follow the Money” is always evident when searching for the truth of any given scenario our disgusting so called leaders aided by the worst excuse for journalistic integrity in the mainstream media in history, trot out for our inspection.

7. We know by photographic, audio and video testimony evidence that Sandy Hook was a false flag event coupled with an active “drill”. Thankfully the shooting was also false and thus far there is no evidence that there were in fact ANY fatalities
8. We know that at least three of the actors used in the Sandy Hook Drill/Event were also used in the latest Drill/Event in Boston.

9. We know that Boston was in fact an active drill which had a real disaster thrown into the mix to complete it. We also know by activity such as this the action was very well planned before hand and used to test the citizens reactions to the implementation of Nazi thug invasion under the guise of reasonable search for a 19 year old wounded boogey man. The dumbed down sheeple of Boston have failed the test of American awareness and common sense to the nth degree.

10. We know that the so called Saudi person of interest who was first “in custody”, then “just a person of interest”, then a “victim” is in truth a known terrorist given the highest tag designation 213B by the agencies responsible for tracking foreign terrorists. We know he was “allowed” into the country even though they knew who he was beforehand and given a visa to attend school in Findley Ohio but never even went there, instead was for the last six months living in Boston but who now suddenly goes from innocent victim to terrorist being deported!

11. We know that NONE of the video footage or photographs taken by the public and shared with the public even remotely support the official line now being taken to explain how their, announced over loud speaker drill went from “do not be alarmed it’s just a drill” to dual explosions and death and injury
12. We know that America is so dumb that nobody has even bothered to ask the obvious. In the moments after the explosions there were literally dozens of individuals running into the bomb sites wearing vests with bright yellow identifying strips “physician” etc. Gee how could so many physicians and countless other emergency personnel either be transported to the site or found within the crowds and suited up with those vests that fast? Does Boston routinely have a truck loaded with just in case vests and just in case physicians waiting at intervals along the route of the marathon held each year? Wow, if so what is the cost to the tax payer each year for that? Anybody care to guess?

13. Does one wounded 19 year old kid on the run justify the use of armored vehicles and forceful invasion of private homes holding innocent civilians at gun point? No way, no how! THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE IN AMERICA PEOPLE!!!!

14. What possible justification for the type of treatment the innocent Bostonians in the privacy of their own homes by the jack booted, fascists removing them like war criminals could there be? There is none. This is exactly the sort of action the Kings men were exhibiting prior to and leading to the American Revolution! Shame on you Boston for taking this lying down!

15. But wait a minute, there was no drill going on, they said so over and over. No? Well gee somebody please explain to me the purpose of this pdf entitled MARATHONS – A Tale of Two Cities and the Running of a Planned Mass Casualty Event…issued and distributed by Richard Serino, Chief of Department, Boston EMS, Assistant Director, Boston Public Health Nothing to see here folks, move along. Oh notice the date, then move along.

16. Is America stupid enough to allow this to take place in another city? I hope to hell not. It is time to organize, demand answers and fight if necessary to stop this out of control Communist regime. It is time to hold EVERY SINGLE ONE of our elected body accountable regardless of their level of participation whether it be reluctant or with zeal they are all guilty.

17. This is now so exceedingly clear to even the least educated American. They create drugged out zombies through the use of our educational and healthcare systems not to mention the VA, then use them to stage false flag events, then use them to justify the taking of our God given right to self-defense without hindrance, recruit the least qualified by intelligence level alone to law enforcement and then indoctrinate them into acting as government mercenaries, deliberately collapse our economy, destroy the middle class by rendering them homeless and jobless, turn the zombified new generation they have created loose on the unsuspecting public to stage flash mobs, home invasions and other terrorist acts, use constant barrages of accusations to keep us divided by race, religion, gender and class and what do we have? THE PERFECT STORM OF INVASION AND CONQUEST! All with not only our apathetic approval but our tacit cooperation!

18. We know there are now only three countries who have not been totally taken over by a Rothschild central bank. Gee no surprise they are considered our enemies. We are nothing more than the giant weapon to be used against those countries still smart enough to stay out of Rothschild control… Cuba, North Korea and Iran… WHO ARE WE being led to believe are attempting wage war with us again? And who among the three are our oh so honest and smart media pundits trying to convince us has certainly been punished enough and it’s time to lift the sanctions and restrictions on them, yeah time to open conversation, tourism and trade… and where is Rubio from (just a point of interest there).

19. Oops forgot something. According to Michelle Obama we have to re-write history. I really didn’t think I could ever hear something so blatantly ignorant coming from the mouth of the wife of a U.S. President but yep she sure did say it. Well looks like that’s in full swing economically speaking. Of course they were very busy taking care of the educational side of things during the first term by removing founding fathers and other important historical figures from our children’s history books to make room for the Impostor in Chief, his clueless wife and Opra Winfrey! "We are carrying these major changes all the way back in time - which for us means to 1929 - so we are essentially rewriting economic history," said Mr Moulton.

20. Now the number one Commie stooge NY’s Bloomberg has stated that we are going to have RE-INTERPRET our Constitution in order to JUSTIFY the stripping of our liberties in order for Big Loving Brother to protect us!!!! I SAY GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR HOMES, OUR RIGHTS AND OUR GUNS! WE CAN PROTECT OURSELVES!

21. The people of these cities had better stand up right now and tell these bastards to stay out of their cities with their false flag planning events. FOR GOD’S SAKE look at the facts! Every single recent event coincided with a so called drill! Read the PDF given to the emergency organizations in Boston before the bombing linked above in #15… But PAY CLOSE HEED TO THIS ARTICLE…

22. THIS would explain why the FBI were manipulating and using the brothers who have been credited with the bombing instead of the Saudi they are now protecting but exposed as a VERY, VERY, VERY bad dude!

23. We all know the old saying, “When first we practice to deceive”… it always leads to accidental truth when the original lies become too numerous… it would seem so…

24. Why is the mainstream media totally ignoring the trial of the serial murderer abortion doctor? Hmmm ya think these facts might have something to do with the silence except on FOX?

25. Right around the one hour mark on this interview a woman who was reporting the night of the Boston Bombing directly from what she was monitoring on the POLICE AND FIRE SCANNERS, says… “THIS WAS A COMPLETE PSY-OPS”, she shares how mainstream media was reporting fabricated information directly opposite of what was actually taking place with the suspects…

26. They are ACTORS trained to be used in these fake "terrorist" attacks like Sandy Hook, Boston and more. BOSTON BOMBING BAMBOOZLE The still shots showing further detail and comparison BTW since this was made CISPA was indeed passed while we were all looking the other way. Last week, while our attention was diverted to the Boston Marathon bombing manhunt, the U.S. House of Representatives sneaked in and struck a blow to civil liberties. They passed new legislation called the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, and it has substantial implications for online freedom. Now folks I have no real experience with emergency medical assistance as such although I have seen an amputated foot within seconds of the occurrence at an accident scene so I know what it looks like. However everyone knows I am a retired grandmother on a porch but what am I retired from? The entertainment industry, spent my whole life in it. I have extensive experience with and a college education in the area of Theater Arts, make-up, set design, special effects etc. and have a wealth of experience in official city wide disaster drills and the simulation of fatal and serious injuries. I can tell you based on my experience that is NOT BLOOD (arterial blood all over the ground is not going to be maraschino cherry red!) in those pictures nor is the severed limbs on the guy in the wheelchair real. I will further state that I WOULD HAVE DONE A MUCH BETTER JOB OF EVEN MAKING IT LOOK REAL!

27. It is more than plain to see that when suspect two (supposedly now in custody and charged under federal law), was leaving the scene of the bombings HE STILL HAD HIS BACK PACK ON HIS BACK! On top of that the back pack which was shown in an earlier photo does not match the one containing the bomb. However the back pack this man was wearing and is now MISSING from his back as he flees the scene, was an exact match to the one claimed to have held the bomb..

28. Gordon Duff and Jim Fetzer and Colonel Jim Hanke USArmy retired, former commander of the JSOC… on how the false flag events are connected.

29. Gee would this be alright with you? Islamic Flag to Fly Over White House

30. I just can’t cay I disagree with this… Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Not Most Dangerous Criminal in US – Obama Is
Read more:

As New York State Senator, Greg Ball (r) said on Fox last night, “If this is the new norm, America had better wake up!”


"A nation...cannot survive treason from within...the traitor ...wears the face of his victims,...and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared......." Cicero, 42 B.C.E.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/28/2013 6:24:31 PM

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force operating on American soil have developed 'smoking gun' evidence linking the U.S. NSA (National Security Agency), elements of the Israeli Mossad and the Nazi German Deutsche Bank financed Kurt Becker cell out of Hamburg, Germany, as well as the Republic of Georgia to both the Boston and 9/11 FALSE FLAG psyop attacks on the American People.

Note: The Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force is the only entity right now protecting the American People's safety, their Bill ofRights and their beloved Constitution from clearly what is a continuing Nazi German"Operation Paperclip" attack on the American People, which is designed to be completed by May 1st with MARTIAL LAW being declared on U.S. soil.

Remember, the corporate-fascist, extortion-friendly, crooked bank controlled U.S. media are direct enablersof the Nazi-controlled U.S. government.

Note: Today a CNN alleged terrorist analyst, Peter Bergen (of foreign British ancestry), suggested that the U.S. government should consider taking down websites across the United States that are trying to tell the American People the truth. If that is not a precursor to MARTIAL LAW, folks, then what is!

Suggestion to the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force: Maybe you should take down CNN's website as to end their lying and propaganda, accordingly, allow the American People to bring forward the truth.
P.S. Stay tuned for our next emergency intelligence briefing at any moment. Remember the two Russian Chechnyan suspects who are being accused of staging this Boston FALSE FLAG event are Department of Homeland Security patsies.

The Ties That Bind Washington to Chechen Terrorists
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/28/2013 6:50:26 PM
It is time for everyone to know the TRUTH of what is or has happened to all of us

Portal 2012

Posted: 24 Apr 2013 04:57 PM PDT
The Secret Space Program

Time has come to finally release some intel about the secret space program. The hidden purpose of the secret space program was to set a stage for the Draconian/Reptilian takeover of the planet. The takeover attempt has failed and soon the Light forces will clear the last vestiges of the Draconian control of this planet - the Cabal.

The secret space program has started in Germany immediately after the end of World War I:

In 1934, many races of the Draco empire contacted the world leaders and made secret treaties with them, offering them advanced military technology in exchange for enslavement of the mass human population. This was the main reason for the great progress of technology in the 30s. All those projects needed financing and financing came through confiscation of privately owned gold through Gold Reserve Act of 1934.

During World War II, Draconian forces attempted an open takeover of the planet through Nazi Germany. That attempt failed with the victory of the Allied forces and Draconians settled for a more covert approach.

They imported about 2000 leading Nazis to the United States through Operation Paperclip and many of those Nazis still form the backbone of the shadow government that runs the affairs on this planet.

After the war, hundreds of thousands tonnes of Yama****a gold were put into trading programs which provided financing for the construction of the massive system of underground military bases worldwide. Those bases were build to set the stage for the Draconian invasion which was planned for the year 2000. In the 50s, the secret space program extended and also involved bases on Moon and Mars. Construction of the bases under the surface of the Earth was ongoing and in mid 90s there were about 120 bases in the United States and about 400 bases worldwide.

Additional funding was needed for those projects and actually every human on the planet contributed about 25% of his salary to these secret projects through siphoning off taxpayer money:

The secret space program and construction of the underground bases was operated by Rockefeller / Kissinger / Bush / Rumsfeld / Halpern / Cheney military-industrial complex through corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, Rand, Sandia, Wackenhut, Morton Thiokol, Raytheon, Blackwater…

The man behind the curtain of the secret space program was John Dale Halpern. His front company Halpern, Denny & Co. still controls Halliburton, Monsanto, Raytheon and Academi (former Blackwater).

The secret space program involved the development of many advanced technologies as you can see here:

After much progress has been made by the Light forces in the early 90s, the Draco alliance has decided to invade sooner and instead of the year 2000 their invasion started in late 1995. At the target date for the invasion, January 11th 1996, they decided to crush the very few people who were aware of their plans. On that particular day they killed Phil Schneider and also attacked me and some other key people. Phil Schneider was speaking openly about the underground military bases :

Between 1996 and 1999, about 500 million Reptilians have entered humanoid cloned bodies inside those underground bases. After 1999, the Resistance Movement has started clearing those underground bases and removed all Reptilians except for a very few individuals on the surface of the planet. Deeper portions of those bases were cleared in 2003. After that, the progress of the Light forces was massive.

Between 2008 and 2011, the Pleiadians have increased their presence in the Earth orbit to the extent that NASA was forced to shut down their official manned space program because they could not prevent the leaking of the evidence of Pleiadian presence otherwise.

In 2012, the Resistance Movement has removed the vast majority of the physical gold from the hands of the Cabal. This has crippled the Cabal's operations extensively. Now they hide the last few trillions of their money in Lichtenstein. Due to the fact that they need 2-3 billion dollars daily to keep their show running, they could last for 2 or 3 years if their resources would be left untouched, which, of course, will not be.

In early 2013, the Resistance Movement has cleared all underground facilities of the Cabal through Operation Underlord. Now they have nowhere to hide and they are concerned.

Tomorrow, on the day of the lunar eclipse, the top members of the military-industrial complex will meet in a secret location close to Bush ranch in Texas to discuss the situation. They will find no solution.

Victory of the Light is near!

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In Love, Light & Laughter


"It is the nature of the ego to take, and the nature of the spirit to share." (Proverb)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/28/2013 7:26:58 PM


Foster Gamble, The Global Domination Agenda

gda-pyramidFoster Gamble has taken a very complete look at false-flag attacks throughout history and the global domination agenda of the Illuminati, New World Order, etc., however you want to see them.

I don’t post it here because (1) it is quite long and (2) many are wanting to ease into their “New You,” as Linda Dillon calls it. But I do recommend it for those who feel their mission is connected to remaining aware of the subject.

Foster Gamble, “The Problem / Global Domination Agenda,” at

I don’t agree with all Foster has to say,and he only looks at part of the subject, but he’s done a great job nonetheless. Extract:

WHAT is the Global Domination Agenda?

The global domination agenda is a plan by powerful private bankers to take over all our primary systems (money, energy, food, media, etc.) and to establish a sole global authority – with themselves in charge.

They use the media, central banks, multinational corporations, governments, major foundations, and international agencies such as the IMF and World Bank to implement their strategies. So far they have successfully brought down countries across the globe, including Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Tanzania, Indonesia, Brazil, Poland, Mexico, Bolivia, Thailand, Iceland, the Soviet Union, Japan, Greece and scores of others.

They are now attempting to dismantle the U.S. by collapsing the dollar and making sure Americans are in debt they can’t repay.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/28/2013 7:47:49 PM

GE Trees May Be Even More Damaging to the Environment than GE Foods

April 27, 2013 | 112,676 views | + Add to Favorites
Visit the Mercola Video Library

By Dr. Mercola

Genetic engineering (GE) of our food supply amounts to a massive science experiment being performed on mankind, without consent or full disclosure. Although the biotech industry continues to claim GE products are safe, the truth is that no one knows what the long-term effects will be, because no one has done the necessary studies.

The loudest proponents of GE are the ones who stand to profit the most, and they don’t seem terribly concerned about the human or environmental costs.

What do we know for certain? We know genetic engineering is riddled with unpredictable effects... so we should expect the unexpected.

You may not realize that this reckless genetic experimentation is not limited to your food supply. Besides being used to create drugs and “Frankenfish,” they’ve also created vaccine-containing bananas, goats that produce spider silk in their milk, venomous cabbage, chemotherapy chicken eggs, and even glow-in-the-dark cats.1

As creepy as some of these things are, the application that may have the greatest potential for global disaster are GE trees created to serve the desires of the paper industry.

Deforestation is already an enormous problem, and the last thing we need is to further stress our precious native forests and the flora and fauna that depend on them.

The documentary featured above discusses how GE trees may adversely impact ecological systems on a grand scale, with potentially catastrophic effects. A Silent Forest: The Growing Threat, Genetically Engineered Trees is hosted by Dr. David Suzuki,2 an award-winning geneticist and author of 52 books.

'The Greatest Threat to Native Forests Since the Chain Saw'



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