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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/24/2013 1:49:45 AM
I just watched this video. Very good, and informative

Myrna Ferguson

16559 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
3/25/2013 5:25:06 PM
This is one of the best I have ever seen from Monty.
Sunday, 24-Mar-2013 20:28:41

Message from Montague Keen - March 24, 2013
My dear, life does not get any easier. The battle is raging between the light and the dark. It is especially hard for those of you who are sensitive. Be aware and alert. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security. The survival of the human race is what is at stake and this statement is by no means an exaggeration. It is absolute fact. Many of you still refuse to accept this statement as fact. You believe that if you refuse to look at the facts, they will just go away. This is the take-over of the human race we are talking about here. It affects every last one of you. There is no time for niceties. You need to face the facts as they are not as you would like them to be.
I wish that I could be the bearer of good news but your survival is what is important to me. You must know by now that when you come together to work with us in Spirit, the dark side will fail and withdraw from Planet Earth, never to return. They are the infiltrators, who pass themselves off as fellow human beings, though always as "superior" to everyone else. They manipulate absolutely everything that the ordinary human needs for his very existence. All this has been kept well hidden from you, but brave souls have stepped out of line and are making this information available to you. They are prepared to suffer the consequences for doing so. I beg you all, be awake and be aware, at all times!
You are mere meat to them. They have no souls. They succeeded in convincing you that they are just like you. This is absolutely not the case at all. The women of Ireland have awakened to this fact. They are a shining example of how to deal with it. They challenge it in the courts of law. There is no need for violence. It must be done with dignity and respect, in the sure knowledge that what you are doing is right and just. Stop seeing yourselves as victims. This is exactly how they want you to see yourselves, as victims without hope. You know in your souls that this is not so, for you are powerful beings of light having an experience on Earth. Your task is to rescue the Earth from the clutches of the Dark Ones. When you come together, you will realize this fact is absolutely true. Forget all the man-made divisions. You are all one. You cannot fail.
Meditation is important. Please try to find the time to go into your higher selves for inspiration. You are spiritual beings. It is time to reconnect with your spiritual side. This will help you awaken to the truth of who you are. Religions have discouraged meditation and some even forbade any connection with spirit. This is why you were lost in the wilderness of lies and deception for so long. It is time to remove the shackles that kept you in darkness.
The next few weeks will not be easy as the struggle becomes more visible. It will take strength of character to stand up for truth and justice. The Dark Ones have left no stone unturned in their plans to take over your planet. They control everything that is necessary for humanity to survive. You have unknowingly assisted them in this take-over. Now, you must assist your fellow man to survive. You must awaken to the extent of the deception. Listen to those who are speaking out. They are revealing the real facts. I am not suggesting that this will be comfortable for you, but believe me, it is necessary. You have no time to lose. The world is not as you were taught that it is, and this is a fact.
There are ships from friendly planets surrounding the Earth, awaiting the call of mankind to come to its assistance. They will physically come to your aid. They will NEVER INVADE the Earth: they must be invited. They come in peace and love. They are aware of what is needed and they will not fail you. They are your friends. They understand your plight and they sympathize with your predicament. You have nothing to fear but everything to gain. You will create a future that embraces all humanity, with no divisions of any sort. All will be part of the universe, just as it was in ancient times. You have become the protectors of your planet and all humanity. So much depends on you at this time. You have become the Army of the Light, whose only weapon is LOVE. There is no greater power than that of love. Love survives all.
Your future depends on whatever action that you take at this time of change. Arm yourselves with as much absolute truth as possible and refrain from being brain-washed by television and newspapers. Choose carefully where you get your facts from. Become wise by going into your heart and soul to check whether the information feels right. If it does, then go with it: if it does not sit comfortably with you, then reject it. Mistakes at this time could be very costly, so take time to consider everything carefully as your decisions affect others. Reject the distractions that will be pushed forward and used against you. This is no time for games of this sort.
My dear, we are aware of the difficulties that you are trying to deal with. We are endeavoring to find the solutions, then we will guide you. Support your friend. It is a painful time, but one that must be faced. Then, they can move forward without distraction or hindrance. It is never easy to face the fact that a situation was not as one believed it to be. Be there to listen, to support and to guide, through the hurt that is inevitable. Friends are very valuable at such times. Be there with open arms to listen and sympathize.
Go forward together into the light in the sure knowledge that it will overcome the darkness and all the evil will be removed. Exposure to the light is something they cannot deal with: it is their greatest fear.
My dear, all will be as it was always intended to be. Have no fear, the right people will be at your side. You know who you are, and why you are on the Earth at this time. We will not fail you.
Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/26/2013 2:03:25 PM
Hi Folks,

Being aware of how we treat each other:

Heavenletter #4505 Why Would You Compare Yourself to Another Anyway?, March 26, 2013

God said:

Whatever person you may feel superior to at any given moment, you may be sure that there is an area where that offending person exceeds you. If you happen to think the person is not so smart, there is an area where he is smarter than you. This is always the case. This can take many forms. The other may be superior to you in that he doesn’t look for fault. He may be superior to you in that he likes you.

Facts are facts, of course. Nevertheless, what are you doing spending your time and energy on perceiving lesser areas in another. There are better uses of your time, your mind, your heart and so forth. Certainly, you have something worth putting your attention on. How little you may think of another is not one of them.

Indeed, someone may indeed have weaknesses you see, of course, and so do you have weaknesses that you may not see. In this case, arrogance may be a weakness within you that you don’t want to look at.

What are you doing comparing yourself with another anyway? Are you needing to build yourself up? What weakness do you reluctantly see in yourself that you must counteract by putting another down? Why eliminate some people from your list? Why are you keeping a list if only in your mind? You consider some of My children acceptable and others unacceptable. Who are you, dear ones, to dismiss another?

You do not have to accept everyone into your entourage of close friends, yet you do not have to erase them from your view. There is not to be an admittance fee to your heart. All are passersby’s anyway. The personality that is you and the personality that is another are here one moment and gone the next anyway. What are you thinking when you pause in front of this person to affix him with your critical eye?

Enough of affixing fault to another child of Mine. If you want to add light to the world, pin up Christmas lights rather than make targets of people who are not in your favor right now.

Consider for a moment if I were to ask you to introduce people to Me. How would you introduce people to Me? How would you introduce this particular person to Me? Would you say: “Here is the most idiotic child of Yours I have ever met?” You wouldn’t, would you? You wouldn’t even think of it in My Presence. Hey, dear one, I am always in your presence. You would wither in front of Me at your description of this person whose fault is that he doesn’t come up to your standards. What about Mine? What about Mine?

I tell you frankly that you can learn something from this person you lack regard for. For one thing, he may be humbler. He may be right here in your life to make you bigger than you allow yourself to be right now.

Sometimes life does give you second chances. You do admit that you have not always taken the high road in the past. How can you be so sure now that you are right? Right now you just think you are right and you stop there.

I give you second chances galore and a hundred chances and a thousand chances. Your whole life is made of chances, and now I ask you to give another one chance to be free of your indictment and to free yourself from calumny and a shadow you cast over yourself. Even when your assessment is correct, it is not right of you.

Myrna Ferguson

16559 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
4/12/2013 2:29:34 AM
Hi Everyone.
Some people do not believe this, but Elvis is alive. No I haven't seen him, but I have heard many times that he was alive. Now here is info to let the world know where he has been.

Listen to the 2 hour interview.

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
4/12/2013 9:23:07 AM

Hello Myrna

From what hear from you via this forum and others, I sense you are a very tender-hearted, well-meaning woman and I like you even though I don't agree with you on many points. Elvis being alive is one of those points. He is dead as a hammer.
There is no way he is alive ....except maybe in heaven.

The man who did that 2 hour Interview is going to make a killing selling CD's or DVD's to poor depraved mostly older women who want to dearly believe Elvis is alive. They cannot bear for him to be dead; it's easier to believe he is alive. I listened to the first song on the CD he offers and it is just an Elvis impersonator. There are a quite a number of men who can imitate Elvis almost perfectly.

As far as the Interview with Elvis is concerned, the guy calls it a mockumentary so he is admitting it a mock up. I give him credit for being truthful. I presume that a mockumentary is sort of like reading a fiction book. You know it is not a true story but you read it for enjoyment. There is nothing wrong with that but there are so many other good books that are true stories that need my attention the Bible for starters. Why would I spend 2 hours of my life listening to something that is not true.

The Bible has in it the most important truths such as salvation. You cannot be saved (to heaven) if you do not follow the Bible and Jesus. Everything anyone needs to know to get saved is in the Bible. It is not in New Age and other religions. It is not available through ANY religion, not even a Protestant or Catholic religion. It is only available through Jesus Christ. I don't say that; Jesus said that. He said no man comes to the Father except through me. Why not believe the Bible instead of all this other stuff.

How do you expect me to believe someone who posts recent letters, written in this year and last, from a man, Montague, who has been dead for 9 years? Like, how does he send those letters ...from the other side? Do they have USPS there?

Until later.......


Hi Everyone.
Some people do not believe this, but Elvis is alive. No I haven't seen him, but I have heard many times that he was alive. Now here is info to let the world know where he has been.

Listen to the 2 hour interview.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»

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