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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/16/2013 3:41:39 PM
I think and feel in my heart that this is the truth. Geoffrey West is one of the best reporters I have ever heard.

Geoffrey West: Boston, A Potential False Flag?

Geoffrey WestStephen: Cosmic Vision News anchor Geoffrey West has spent the wee hours of this morning gathering as much information as he could find that appears to show that the Boston Marathon incident is, in all probability, another tragic false flag. Is the speed with which such information now gets ‘out there’ – and the wider acceptance of such information – all part of our consciousness awakening? The messages from our Celestial and Galactic families have indicated that as the energies rise, the period of time between thought and manifestation would decrease. As Geoffrey points out in this article, the time between an ‘event’ and its corresponding truth has been decreasing, resulting in events related to the remaining energies of the cabal seemingly now being ‘exposed’ almost instantly.

Boston, A Potential False-Flag? Use HIGH Discernment With The Mainstream Media

By Geoffrey West, Cosmic Vision News – April 15, 2013

Just like in the Sandy Hook shootings, the crimes are being exposed much more quickly. It has taken over 12 years for North Americans to begin seeing the truth about 9/11. It took a few months for the truth to emerge last year about the fires and also the movie theatre shooting in Colorado. Sandy Hook was exposed in a matter of days. The explosions in Boston were exposed in a matter of hours. People now know where to look, and they are catching the lies.

There was a Facebook sympathy page created in Facebook two DAYS ago, but has since been pulled down. Another was created this morning, a full eight hours before the explosions were heard. (these may get removed soon) Sandy Hook also had Facebook tribute pages posted before the event happened. Read more…

He mentions Alex Jones next It did not work, here it is:

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/23/2013 1:17:58 AM
Here is Monty:

On this, the anniversary of your return to Earth, we in Spirit wish you a very special day with your family. You were blessed, my dear, with a caring and supportive family. I am happy to be part of it. It is my soul family.

We watch the chaos in your world. The cabal is becoming careless in its desperation to hold control. Because people are now awake and aware, they cannot be fooled so easily anymore.

The American people have shown courage. They released the EVIDENCE of what they had just experienced and they refused to accept the official line about what they were told had happened in Boston. This is a great step forward in the pursuit of truth. You must now ask yourselves why your TV and newspapers are not interested in the truth. Why do the authorities still insist that their version of events is the truth? How can you ever trust them again? It is obvious that they are a propaganda tool, to keep you in the dark and under control.

There will come a time, soon, when people will switch off the so-called "News" and you will show the cabal that you are no longer puppets; obediently accepting as fact all that they put before you. You are taking responsibility for your own lives and you refuse to be as sheep, obeying the orders of those who are trying to take-over Planet Earth.

When you come together and find your voice, you will experience a freedom and a purpose of such monumental importance that nothing else will matter. You will know, without doubt, that you are on the right track and that this is why you are on Earth at this time. You are the powerful 99%, who say NO to the take-over. Why would you hand over all that is rightfully yours so that you become mere slaves to the usurpers. Did they really believe that you would not be helped to see the Light of Truth?

It has taken much effort to expose the corruption of religion. Fear, through mind control, has been its greatest weapon. When you research for yourselves the truth of how such religions came to exist in the first place, their stories are exposed as a tissue of lies. When religions are removed, then mankind will come together and live as one. All that was stolen will be returned to the people and will be shared by all. Go into your hearts, then you will know the right path to take. You will guided by love and this will change how you perceive everything. The false reality will be exposed and discarded. Man will come together in truth and light. All will be revealed and you will learn about your planet and how man was created to inhabit it. You will learn that everything that man could possibly need is there in plenty, freely available to all. It is just a question of education. Once all the facts are placed before you and all that is corrupt is removed, then you will accept a new way of living life on Earth, free of stress and hardship. It was never meant to be as it is today.

Wars are instigated to cull the population and to create wealth for those who control you. All the so-called reasons for killing will be removed when the parasites leave your planet. You are facing a bright new future. It is up to all of you to come together and share your knowledge and expertise in order to create a world where peace and love reign. You will have help from those who are waiting in the wings in readiness for the right moment to make themselves known to you. Trust me, you are not alone in this great endeavour. You know in your souls that you can do it. You were chosen to be on Earth at this time. Look to the future, not the past: the past is over, but the future is your New Beginning. Mankind has waited a long time for this moment. Savour every moment of it.

It is time to prepare for the future. Educate yourselves, as armed with real facts, you will then be equipped to make the right decisions.

Food production is of the greatest importance. Look to hydroponics as much of your soil has been deliberately contaminated. There are ways around everything. It is just a question of knowing which path to take. We will guide you.

The importance of water needs to be understood. This, too, has been contaminated. It will take a little time to put all this right. Just trust that it will be done. Help is at hand.

You have survived so much already. You have been attacked in every possible way and they have failed to wipe you out. Man is a strong species, he is meant to survive. All will become clear when you have the facts.

My dear wife is celebrating her 76th birthday today. She needs to prepare to receive her guests, so please understand that we must finish for today. My wife assures me that the information about what the Irish people have done will be made available here for you to study for yourselves. Remember . . . together you will succeed !

Veronica, my dear, enjoy your special day. We are all with you in Spirit.

Our love is with you. Your adoring, Monty.

The Montague Keen Foundation

In Love, Light & Laughter


"It is the nature of the ego to take, and the nature of the spirit to share." (Proverb)
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/23/2013 1:20:15 AM
I think this says it all..................
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
4/24/2013 4:55:15 PM
Hi Myrna, this is scary. Just to learn about it has frightened me.

There’s Something Superbuggy About Most U.S. Meat

After testing samples of ground turkey, pork chops and ground beef collected from supermarkets, federal researchers found that more than half contain antibiotic-resistant forms of bacteria or “superbugs,” including salmonella, E. coli and campylobacter.

Maybe it’s time to take a break from the hamburgers and buffalo wings, if you eat meat?

81 percent of samples of ground turkey found in U.S. supermarkets were found to contain superbugs along with 69 percent of pork chops and 55 percent of ground beef. The meat was specifically tested for the presence of enterococcus bacteria, which can indicate fecal contamination, develops resistance to bacteria and then pass this on to other bacteria. Two species of the bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, are the “third-leading cause of infections in the intensive care units of United States hospitals,” according to the New York Times.

Federal researchers also tested chicken breasts, wings and thighs and found that these contained bacteria. 9 percent of the samples were contaminated with a variety of antibiotic-resistant salmonella that resists antibiotics and 26 percent contained antibiotic-resistant campylobacter, which causes an infectious disease.

The data was collected in 2011 by the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, which is a joint program of the FDA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control. The New York Times also points out that, while the government published the findings in February, it took the appearance of a report entitled Superbugs Invade American Supermarkets by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to bring more attention to the report.

Antibiotic Use in Factory Farm Animals

In the U.S., most of the 8.9 billion animals destined to become food per year are raised on factory farms. According to the Agriculture Department, 80 percent of the antibiotics sold in the U.S. are for use in animal agriculture, to promote growth, reduce and prevent illness and (ultimately) lower costs. Eating meat from animals given all those antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistance in humans.

Indeed, in China, excessive feeding of antibiotics to animals has led to the creation of drug-resistant bacteria that are lowering the effectiveness of antibiotics not only in animals but in humans around the world.

Some Say the EWG’s Report Is “Misleading”

The EWG’s report was partially underwritten by Applegate, a company selling organic and antibiotic-free meats, the New York Times points out. Academic veterinarians (who themselves work with the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance and also with the International Food Information Council, which is partially funded by major food companies) have said that the EWG’s report on the federal researchers’ findings is “misleading.” Randall Singer, a professor of veterinary science at the University of Minnesota points out that we cannot automatically trace antibiotic resistance in humans to consumption of animal products and that “antibiotics are used to keep animals healthy, period.”

The likes of the CDC have do note that antibiotics have been overprescribed to children; such overuse can also decrease their effectiveness.

It is certainly troubling to know that so many microbes, and many that are resistant to antibiotics, are in our food supply. The federal researchers’ findings present some grounds to consider (if you do in fact eat meat) going meatless. Next week (April 22 -28) is a good time to try this out, as it is Compassion Over Killing’s U.S. Veg Week campaign. Some schools in Connecticut are observing the week by planning to forego meat on their plates.

Knowing that meat from the grocery store contains, well, something else (superbugs) along with the protein can make taking the pork chops out of shopping cart seem like a good idea.

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Why Cattle Are Bigger & Bulkier: Drugs

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/24/2013 11:53:44 PM
Hi Myrna, this is scary. Just to learn about it has frightened me.

There’s Something Superbuggy About After testing samples of ground turkey, pork chops and ground beef collected from supermarkets, federal researchers found that more than half contain antibiotic-resistant forms of bacteria or “superbugs,” including salmonella, E. coli and campylobacter.

Maybe it’s time to take a break from the hamburgers and buffalo wings, if you eat meat?

81 percent of samples of ground turkey found in U.S. supermarkets were found to contain superbugs along with 69 percent of pork chops and 55 percent of ground beef. The meat was specifically tested for the presence of enterococcus bacteria, which can indicate fecal contamination, develops resistance to bacteria and then pass this on to other bacteria. Two species of the bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, are the “third-leading cause of infections in the intensive care units of United States hospitals,” according to the New York Times.

Federal researchers also tested chicken breasts, wings and thighs and found that these contained bacteria. 9 percent of the samples were contaminated with a variety of antibiotic-resistant salmonella that resists antibiotics and 26 percent contained antibiotic-resistant campylobacter, which causes an infectious disease.

The data was collected in 2011 by the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, which is a joint program of the FDA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control. The New York Times also points out that, while the government published the findings in February, it took the appearance of a report entitled Superbugs Invade American Supermarkets by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to bring more attention to the report.

Antibiotic Use in Factory Farm Animals

In the U.S., most of the 8.9 billion animals destined to become food per year are raised on factory farms. According to the Agriculture Department, 80 percent of the antibiotics sold in the U.S. are for use in animal agriculture, to promote growth, reduce and prevent illness and (ultimately) lower costs. Eating meat from animals given all those antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistance in humans.

Indeed, in China, excessive feeding of antibiotics to animals has led to the creation of drug-resistant bacteria that are lowering the effectiveness of antibiotics not only in animals but in humans around the world.

Some Say the EWG’s Report Is “Misleading”

The EWG’s report was partially underwritten by Applegate, a company selling organic and antibiotic-free meats, the New York Times points out. Academic veterinarians (who themselves work with the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance and also with the International Food Information Council, which is partially funded by major food companies) have said that the EWG’s report on the federal researchers’ findings is “misleading.” Randall Singer, a professor of veterinary science at the University of Minnesota points out that we cannot automatically trace antibiotic resistance in humans to consumption of animal products and that “antibiotics are used to keep animals healthy, period.

That last line is a lie. Antibiotics kills good bacteria too.

The likes of the CDC have do note that antibiotics have been overprescribed to children; such overuse can also decrease their effectiveness.

It is certainly troubling to know that so many microbes, and many that are resistant to antibiotics, are in our food supply. The federal researchers’ findings present some grounds to consider (if you do in fact eat meat) going meatless. Next week (April 22 -28) is a good time to try this out, as it is Compassion Over Killing’s U.S. Veg Week campaign. Some schools in Connecticut are observing the week by planning to forego meat on their plates.

Knowing that meat from the grocery store contains, well, something else (superbugs) along with the protein can make taking the pork chops out of shopping cart seem like a good idea.

Hi Miguel,

The media is feeding people about bacteria being so bad. You know but the fear into them.
But I know that not all bacteria is bad. We need good bacteria to fight off germs Why do you think the big thing is about raw milk. It has good bacteria, it helps the gut. Next we have antibiotics to kill all the good bacteria. We have been in cycle to kill all good things and leave the bad. It is the plan to make people ill.. So you go to the doctor for more pills, to help you because you have nothing to fight off dis-ease.

Even using veggies now a days is not so good, because of Monsanto junk. Now I have heard their are Organic companies selling out to Monsanto.


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