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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
2/18/2012 8:24:04 PM
I have gotten way past the Conspiracy 'Theories' and onto the Conspiracy 'Facts' and there are many Facts hiding in plain sight if you care to search for them, which I have done on my own and along with following links that people have shared on various social media platforms. The Global Elite have become so brazen they actually tell us what they plan to do next, because they either think we can not stop them or we are still asleep.
This is what and where I was able to put all the puzzle pieces I had together I had been gathering ever since I moved to the States and thought I was suffering from Culture shock that just got worse instead of better the longer I lived here, and I was finally able wake up.
Satan is the god of this world we call earth, ever since God Almighty maker of heaven and earth, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob etc threw Lucifer out of heaven because he wanted to exalt himself higher than our God. He along with his band of demons and many satan worshiper humans whom have managed for centuries to band together and infiltrate every facet of Government all over the world to bring in the goal of a Global Government or New World Order under duress, force, stealth, secrecy, lying, murdering, coercion, False Flag events - they don't care how they trap the masses as long as they can achieve their agenda. We are fighting in a spiritual war.
False Flag attacks have been used for centuries which scares people enough to let go of some of our freedoms to bring in laws to make us feel safe. 9/11 was another such false flag attack done inside and blaming it on Islam Bin Laden and extremists. - the previous successful False Flag had been the Oklahoma Bombing.
Some areas on British television were watching and listening to the reports that the 9/11 towers had fallen before it had happened...Oops!
Last year there was a big effort to get reports from professional builders, architects, etc that were experts in their fields of building high rise buildings and watching the falling down of Building 7 which was never hit by any planes and their thoughts on how and why it fell.. Then get these videos circulating around the New York areas because many New Yorkers had never seen film clips in their areas. There has been a lot more interest from these films as people have woken and are asking questions.
Ten years has gone by since 9/11 yet there has been no terrorist attacks upon the USA yet we hear all day and everyday by the Mudslinging Sellout Media fear tactics to keep people in a fearful state.
Consider the effects of people under huge fear stress all the time - they shut themselves up inside and they can not function very well, commonsense, reasoning and other cognition is impaired.
I try and do my best to share factual information which truth gives power not fear.
I agree J.F.Kennedy was assassinated because he did a public speech on the secret societies, he was going to end the Fed and bring back the gold standard and he was not in support of the Vietnam war and a few other things..the elite did not like this as it interfered with their plans and they always blame it on some 'patsy' they have chosen..
I agree Robert, God is in control..Amen

Good writing Helen, I do agree with the unimportance of the 9/11 facts. I do not agree however with the official story. This is similar to my non agreement with the official story about the Kennedy assassination just as nothing there can be rectified either. Just to round things up, I am also dubious about the many moon landings, but that is just another story.

However, if I do agree that the many Illuminati, Satanic and other obscure underground theories do exist, I would hurriedly remind, if need be, that this is not new, they have always existed in various denominations ever since man has exercised his freedom of worship. God is still in control as He always has and always will be. Period.

Now, to get back down to earth, those people who have a fix idea that 9/11 was an Al-Qa’ida operation are either those that have a political interest in it being so or are those that dare not move out of the politically correct box that is enslaving them. I am still awaiting the name of just one passenger in the planes that hit either of the two towers! In fact I'm still searching one element that would render the plausibility of any detail of that horrible day to make sense. The scam is just as gross as is the scam of a Kenyan born Luo bastard sitting in the Oval Office.

We all have the governments we deserve, whether on one side of the Atlantic or the other.



Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/19/2012 4:42:50 AM
A Message From David Icke...


A very clear theme is emerging that I can see in my own life and in that of many others who work in my field to a larger or lesser extent. We are seeing ever more obviously people who claim to be one thing revealing themselves to be quite another by their own actions. It seems that they can't stop themselves from doing so.

Good, it is about time their mask was lifted and how appropriate that they are doing it themselves while thinking they are harming others trying to do some good in the world. Poetic justice tends to 'do' irony.

I have been threatened with the same attempt to destroy me and my work and I absolutely can't wait for those involved to make themselves known (again) as they try to do so (they are only wasting their time - they have plenty - and exposing their true self, but they are too stupid and consumed by hatred to see it).

'The agents of the Monster are used to hiding and doing its will in solitude and anonymity. That day is ending. The agents of the Monster are being forced out into the open. Because a few brave humans have stood up to the Monster the beast is being forced to come out in the open, if for nothing else than to attempt to devour its enemies.


There is something in the air. Those of us who have been around for a while can almost smell it. It is the smell of the Monster. It is putrid and greasy. The Monster hides its ugly face from all of us.
It fears to show itself.

None of us have actually ever seen the Monster, only the aftermath of its work. We know its there and we know it lurks in a million different places at once. More fearfully we know it lurks in a million people at once. It is difficult to tell who works for the Monster and who does not.

Although it is difficult to see the Monster, the enemy of all humanity, it is getting easier every day.

Now with the smoke of war on the horizon the Monster has been forced to show its teeth and claws. Will it expose its entire body next?

If so that is also when it will expose its soft underbelly - where the sharp stick gets pointed.

In the last few days a number of coincidental(?) events have occurred that bear discussion.

1.) Yesterday, out of the blue, Three of the four Republican candidates for President decided to not do the CNN debate. Ron Paul was the only one willing to debate. CNN canceled the debate.
Neither Gingrich nor Santorum have any money. Why would they renege on a chance for a national audience?

2). Judge Napalitano was coming out fiercely for Ron Paul on his great show Freedom Watch. He was fired last week by Fox Business Channel. It should be noted that the Judge was also fiercely anti-war.

3.) Stephen Colbert came out, in a serious manner, for Ron Paul.
Yesterday his show was ‘suspended’.

4.) Pat Buchanan was fired from MSNBC yesterday. He was against the current wars and would surely be against an attack on Iran. He was probably a secret Ron Paul supporter also.

5.) Jeff Rense, who runs a popular anti-war and anti-corruption website ( was unexpectedly and unfairly attacked by a former contributor, Henry Makow, a few days ago. It what can only be described as bizarre behavior by Mr. Makow, the attacks have zero merit. Interestingly, Makow was one of the few alternative researchers to trash Ron Paul and claim that he is an agent and a freemason. I have looked into the last charge and ­ so far- there is no evidence that Ron Paul is a freemason.

What is going here?

War is coming. The Monster is attempting to get rid of and/or silence anyone who is against the corrupt criminal warmongers that rule this country.

It is coordinated, performed by agents both covert and overt. And it is not over.

The second wave is starting now.

The good news is that we are smoking them out, one by one.

Now, if only the Monster would expose its belly. I have this stick here and ...

Helen Elias

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RE: Truth tellers
2/19/2012 9:24:07 AM
Hi Robert

Thanks for your reply. I have so many things I have to do that I won't comment further. I agree that God is in control. You would think that Satan would get the message.


Good writing Helen, I do agree with the unimportance of the 9/11 facts. I do not agree however with the official story. This is similar to my non agreement with the official story about the Kennedy assassination just as nothing there can be rectified either. Just to round things up, I am also dubious about the many moon landings, but that is just another story.

However, if I do agree that the many Illuminati, Satanic and other obscure underground theories do exist, I would hurriedly remind, if need be, that this is not new, they have always existed in various denominations ever since man has exercised his freedom of worship. God is still in control as He always has and always will be. Period.

Now, to get back down to earth, those people who have a fix idea that 9/11 was an Al-Qa’ida operation are either those that have a political interest in it being so or are those that dare not move out of the politically correct box that is enslaving them. I am still awaiting the name of just one passenger in the planes that hit either of the two towers! In fact I'm still searching one element that would render the plausibility of any detail of that horrible day to make sense. The scam is just as gross as is the scam of a Kenyan born Luo bastard sitting in the Oval Office.

We all have the governments we deserve, whether on one side of the Atlantic or the other.



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Helen Elias

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RE: Truth tellers
2/19/2012 11:56:19 AM

Hi Myrna

It is good that you are thinking about these things. Here's a few more things to think about, if you so choose :))

You made the statement, "...I know in my heart of hearts is that GOD IS LOVE. In the Bible we are told of God's wrath. My question to you is, if God is love, how in the world can he have wrath? It is not possible. Right there is a big lie."

My thoughts on this ....yes, God is love and yes, there is something called God's wrath. If the Bible says it, it is not a lie. It is not up to us to decide if God has wrath. We may perceive His wrath as a sinful thing and a perfect and righteous God cannot sin. Maybe it is our perception that that is wrong. We may not understand it but who am I to say that God's Word is a lie.

We are imperfect human beings; how can we totally and always understand a perfect and loving God who has a much higher IQ than what any of us do? What we think 'wrath' is might be something totally different than what it really is in God's eyes and if God is experiencing it. Instead of becoming indignant about something we don't understand, we should talk to God about it and ask Him to show us ...and He will show us sooner or later.

I think it is entirely possible to have wrath and not sin least for God. I am not so sure about that if it was me. :))

Turning to another subject ...I believe that there is the Illuminati and the Free Masons, etc., and from my exploration of those things, I am informed through videos etc that they are Satanists, demon worshippers and they even sacrifice babies to Satan. I pretty much am coming to believe all these things are true but at the same time, we need to question everything we see on YouTube and not jump to the conclusions of the producer of these videos. It is often their opinion. We have to ask ourselves, "Are they right about this or do they just have a big ego they are feeding ...or etc?"

Another thing I watch for, as a Christian, is whether the person I am listening to has jumped to conclusions and/or is accepting a bunch of New Age gobbledy goop. Very few people have steeped themselves in the truth before having looked into some of these self-professed proclamations.

There is a way to determine if something is true or not and the first step is to steep yourself in the truth. There is only one truth that I can depend on in this life and that is the Bible. Yes, there are other truths but before I can discern them, I need to know what the truth is FIRST.

Let me give you an example. In times gone by, when a bank hired a teller, they would only let her handle real money. Counterfeit money was never to pass through her hands for at least 6 months or more. Then some counterfeit was slipped in to test her. In most cases, the teller who was properly trained could immediately tell if a bill was counterfeit or not.

It is the same with reading and studying truth. If you study the Bible every day for a year or two and read little else in the way of spiritual stuff then when you finally decide to start listening to others or reading different books, you will immediately be able to tell if subtle untruths were slipped into the oration or the books. Many Christian books today are peppered with many New Age misconceptions that they learned from what they have read along life's way and did not even recognize it as New Age stuff.

About the Bible in the vault in Virginia, how do you know it is the 'real' Bible. How does anyone know?

We need to be careful of spending too much time in these conspiracies because then we suspect EVERYTHING. There is plenty of evidence, such as the Dead Sea scrolls, for example, that the Bible we have is quite accurate. Do you think God is capable of keeping the Scriptures intact for us? It never ceases to amaze me that people will so quickly accept someone's opinion or theory as truth but will not stop questioning the truth when it is staring them in the face. They often will listen to one video or read one book and then say, "Aha, that's it!" and they don't even investigate it further to see if it is true or not. The same is true with learning whether the Bible is authentic or not. There are all sorts of papers written, books written, and other information available about the writings of the Bible. If one studies them with an open heart and studies the good writings with the bad, you will learn the truth about the Bible. God sees the heart of such a one and guides them into all truth. So they don't just have God's written word and the words of other investigators but they also have God Himself giving them discernment and guidance as they study.

The heart that is sincere will probably learn the best but God has even changed the hearts of the haughty men or women as they set out to prove the Bible is wrong or is not the word of God. One such man is Josh McDowell. His is an amazing story.

I am just throwing these thoughts out there, if you will, and do not mean to offend anyone.

God bless and prosper you all


If I told you we were living an illusion, would you believe me? That is what I was told when I started waking up. Waking up to what you are saying? Waking up to things are what they should be, there is so much more to life then what we see. So many things we have believed in are lies.

One thing that I have learned in my thoughts feelings, study, meditation, and etc. One thing I know in my heart of hearts is that GOD IS LOVE. In the Bible we are told of God's wrath. My question to you is, if God is love, how in the world can he have wrath? It is not possible. Right there is a big lie.

I also, have been doing a lot of thinking, studying about the Illuminati.. Do you know that the Illuminati is run by 13 families, The Vatican is a big one, the queen, the Rothchild's, Rockefeller's, to name a few. Ok, back to the Bible, where did it come from? Didn't Martin Luther come from the vatican, didn't he leave the Vatican's influence, or did he?(these have been my thoughts)

I have heard that the real Bible is in the Burton vault in Williamsburg, Virginia. What has been hidden from us for eons of time, what is in this Bible, why was it hidden. It seems like the more I learn the more there is to learn. So much is hidden, so much is non truth.

I like David Icke and have been watch him lately, he is a supporter for Occupy Wall Street.

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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
2/19/2012 6:00:12 PM
Hello Myrna, Helen, Robert, all.
We have spoken about Whitney Houston in these threads that her death from drowning in the bathtub after taking prescription drugs.
I had wondered how anyone can drown by falling asleep and slipping down as I thought that one would automatically wake up..Why was Whitney taking so many prescription pills?? I thought she had got her life back on track, she was staying in the Hilton Hotel to attend a pre-Grammy party that night and the Grammy's the next night.... The Party went on and was not canceled out of respect when it was learned she had died, it seemed to actually whoop up more in glorification.. questions, questions!
So these two video's came across my morning reading today and I also wanted to find out what the bible says too, to give you a fuller picture why I think there is merit in and why I believe we are in a spiritual war the Lord Jesus Christ and His bride (us) and Satan, god of this world.

Genesis 6 (King James Version)
1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

Matthew 24
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

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