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Patricia Bartch

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RE: Truth tellers
2/20/2012 3:43:13 AM
about steven colbert's show.... it is not cancelled etc... it is suspended because his mother is so very ill.

i like his program very much and i PRAY FOR HIS MOTHER'S RECOVERY


Stephen Colbert to Resume Taping Report Tomorrow

E! Online - 2 hours ago
After suspending production last Wednesday, Stephen Colbert & Co. are set to resume taping The Colbert Report tomorrow, Comedy Central's website confirms.
YouTube YouTube

y TIM MAK | 2/16/12 10:20 AM EST Updated: 2/17/12 7:49 AM EST

The late-night comedy program hosted by Stephen Colbert has suspended production for at least two days this week, possibly due to an illness in his family.

The Colbert Report, the home of relentless parodying of super PACs and the campaign finance system, will not air original episodes on Wednesday or Thursday.

“Due to unforeseen circumstances, the show will air repeat episodes on Wednesday, February 15 and Thursday, February 16,” Comedy Central Senior VP for Communications Steve Albani told POLITICO.

Albani would not comment on the specific reasons for the suspension, saying Comedy Central was “not providing any additional details at this time.”

It is expected that the suspension of original production will not be indefinite, and that the show will return soon.

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the suspension in production was due to an emergency in Colbert’s family, citing people familiar with the show. The Huffington Post reported that the family member in question was Colbert’s mother, who is seriously ill and was the reason for the show’s suspension.

Asked whether this report was correct, Albani declined to confirm or deny. “We’re not going to comment on any speculation,” he said.

Colbert and his wife, Evelyn McGee, have three children, according to a profile on celebrity parents on the website.

According to Third Beat Magazine, which covers comedy, the Colbert Report’s audience received a notification email announcing the cancellation of live taping.

“Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have canceled our taping for the date of your ticket reservation, February 15, 2012,” the email read, according to the magazine.

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Helen Elias

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RE: Truth tellers
2/20/2012 11:34:41 AM

Hi Kathleen

You do a very good job of explaining 'forgiveness' and 'wrath' of God ...much better than I did, that's for sure.

If you find this a bit long to read, then just read the last few paragraphs.

I once studied a book called "God Calling". It was about 2 women who met daily with the Lord. They would come together to pray and talk to Jesus who they invited to be in their midst and conversation. Jesus came and talked to them every time. They wrote down what He said to them. Later it was compiled into a book called "God Calling" which was written in a devotional style with a conversation for each day of the year. You might be able to find this book in a used book store or a Christian book store.

The Lord Jesus told these women to forgive others and He told them what to do ...He said they needed to ask God 'to bless and prosper' those whom they needed to forgive. At first, this is difficult to do but as I practiced, it became easier. Sometimes it is still difficult.

We need to remember, too, that the same hurts we feel are those that we sometimes inflict on others.

I recently had an argument with a long-time male friend. After the call was finished, I got over my anger quite quickly and I forgave him and asked God to bless and prosper him. I didn't give it much thought after that. We had argued before so to me it was not such a big deal.

Then he did something really stupid. He up and died of a stroke in one day! That was about 3 weeks after our argument and I hadn't got a chance to talk to him about it. Even though I forgave him, I was in no hurry to tread into that area again, so I ignored him. After he died, I began thinking that even though I did not consider my words, nor his, such a big deal, maybe he did. We had said some cutting words. When someone does that to me, it doesn't bother me all that much but I began thinking that maybe it had bothered him and was more serious to him than it would be to me. Let me explain in the next paragraph.

There is a man, Gary Chapman, who writes books about the "5 Love Languages" that people respond to ...some peoples' love language is the giving of gifts, others might put a lot of stock in acts of service that you might do for them, others' love language may be touch such a hug or a hand on the shoulder, others' love language might be words what we say. I forget the last one. I have had actually had men fall in love with me a couple of times just because I would go out of my way to do something for them (acts of service). What they didn't understand is that I would have done it for anyone.

Now back to my friend with whom I was arguing. It came to me after he died that maybe the words of praise or respect that people use were his predominate 'love language'. Since it was not my predominate love language, anything I might say, didn't mean all that much to me ...BUT maybe it meant a lot to him. The more I think about him, the more I am sure this was the case. So in the same way words of recognition may mean a lot to such a person, it makes sense that biting and sarcastic words might devastate such a person but not another. Fortunately, for me and for him, he is a born-again Christian and I know God will take care of his feelings since I didn't get a chance to talk to him in this lifetime but I will see him in heaven and I will apologize. Keep in mind, that this man said and did some things that weren't nice either. It doesn't mean, however, that I would not forgive him.

Why am I telling you all of this? It is not only to talk about forgiveness but to remind ourselves that sometimes we are as hurtful as those who hurt us.

I once watched a video of a young woman who was being interviewed about her experiences while raised and involved in Satanism. This young woman told of women being used to produce babies so that the Satanists would have these babies to sacrifice to Satan and killing them. Sometimes these babies were skinned while they were awake and alive (without sedatives) screaming in pain. Is this a time when God's wrath might be justified? The Satanists, the young women, and the babies were all loved by God but there comes a time when God says enough is enough as He did in the days of Noah and as He did in the days of Sodom and Gamorrah. There comes a time when God will discipline us or even kill us if we refuse to turn from our evil and repent (change our mind about God). I think we are going to see more and more of this in the western countries where people once paid heed to God and now want nothing to do with Him. He is a gentleman. He will not stay where He is not wanted. The less we get of God, the more we will get of Satan and the worse things will get.

I will look for the video and post it here if I can find it.

God's wrath is maybe something like the man who shot his daughter's computer to bits. It is tough love.

I have written all those words and I still didn't do as good a job of explaining what I meant as you did, Kathleen.

One brief thought ...our brains can only hold one conscious thought at a time. While we are blessing someone, we cannot be hating and cursing them.

I recently heard an interesting comment. Someone said that when we bless others, God blesses us with what we blessed them. If we curse someone, the curse can come back on us. That same person said that if the person we ask God to bless does not merit that blessing (according to God) then the blessing comes back to us. I don't know if this is scriptural or not but wouldn't that bit of knowledge suddenly make it easier to forgive everybody and ask God to bless and prosper them a lot? :))

God is blessing you all.



Hi Myrna,

The words in the prayer are..."Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

The word "trespass" implies that people are deliberate in their actions, not doing things as a mistake, but on purpose, they know they are treading across something that isn't theirs to walk over, either other peoples feelings, or being physically hurtful to other people or themselves.

So to forgive, truly forgive, we need to recognize that deliberateness for what it is, and be truly willing to let it go, and that is very difficult. You're right about forgiveness needing to be a full feeling from the heart, because trespasses are deliberate, done with knowledge of wrongdoing, not mistakes.

I think the wrath of God is based in His protectiveness of us, as His children, as a parent feels wrath toward anyone who threatens their children. God may feel wrath toward some people because they threaten His other children or threaten themselves with bad behavior. Therefore, His wrath could be based in love, protectiveness, anger toward anyone who's destructive toward other people or themselves.

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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
2/20/2012 5:38:10 PM

Hello everyone

Here's the videos I mentioned in my previous post about a young woman who was involved in a Satanic church .....a fascinating story.

Former Satanist's Testimony [Part 1 of 2] - 9½ min

Former Satanist's Testimony [Part 2 of 2] - 10½ min



Hi Kathleen

You do a very good job of explaining 'forgiveness' and 'wrath' of God ...much better than I did, that's for sure.

If you find this a bit long to read, then just read the last few paragraphs.

I once studied a book called "God Calling". It was about 2 women who met daily with the Lord. They would come together to pray and talk to Jesus who they invited to be in their midst and conversation. Jesus came and talked to them every time. They wrote down what He said to them. Later it was compiled into a book called "God Calling" which was written in a devotional style with a conversation for each day of the year. You might be able to find this book in a used book store or a Christian book store.

The Lord Jesus told these women to forgive others and He told them what to do ...He said they needed to ask God 'to bless and prosper' those whom they needed to forgive. At first, this is difficult to do but as I practiced, it became easier. Sometimes it is still difficult.

We need to remember, too, that the same hurts we feel are those that we sometimes inflict on others.

I recently had an argument with a long-time male friend. After the call was finished, I got over my anger quite quickly and I forgave him and asked God to bless and prosper him. I didn't give it much thought after that. We had argued before so to me it was not such a big deal.

Then he did something really stupid. He up and died of a stroke in one day! That was about 3 weeks after our argument and I hadn't got a chance to talk to him about it. Even though I forgave him, I was in no hurry to tread into that area again, so I ignored him. After he died, I began thinking that even though I did not consider my words, nor his, such a big deal, maybe he did. We had said some cutting words. When someone does that to me, it doesn't bother me all that much but I began thinking that maybe it had bothered him and was more serious to him than it would be to me. Let me explain in the next paragraph.

There is a man, Gary Chapman, who writes books about the "5 Love Languages" that people respond to ...some peoples' love language is the giving of gifts, others might put a lot of stock in acts of service that you might do for them, others' love language may be touch such a hug or a hand on the shoulder, others' love language might be words what we say. I forget the last one. I have had actually had men fall in love with me a couple of times just because I would go out of my way to do something for them (acts of service). What they didn't understand is that I would have done it for anyone.

Now back to my friend with whom I was arguing. It came to me after he died that maybe the words of praise or respect that people use were his predominate 'love language'. Since it was not my predominate love language, anything I might say, didn't mean all that much to me ...BUT maybe it meant a lot to him. The more I think about him, the more I am sure this was the case. So in the same way words of recognition may mean a lot to such a person, it makes sense that biting and sarcastic words might devastate such a person but not another. Fortunately, for me and for him, he is a born-again Christian and I know God will take care of his feelings since I didn't get a chance to talk to him in this lifetime but I will see him in heaven and I will apologize. Keep in mind, that this man said and did some things that weren't nice either. It doesn't mean, however, that I would not forgive him.

Why am I telling you all of this? It is not only to talk about forgiveness but to remind ourselves that sometimes we are as hurtful as those who hurt us.

I once watched a video of a young woman who was being interviewed about her experiences while raised and involved in Satanism. This young woman told of women being used to produce babies so that the Satanists would have these babies to sacrifice to Satan and killing them. Sometimes these babies were skinned while they were awake and alive (without sedatives) screaming in pain. Is this a time when God's wrath might be justified? The Satanists, the young women, and the babies were all loved by God but there comes a time when God says enough is enough as He did in the days of Noah and as He did in the days of Sodom and Gamorrah. There comes a time when God will discipline us or even kill us if we refuse to turn from our evil and repent (change our mind about God). I think we are going to see more and more of this in the western countries where people once paid heed to God and now want nothing to do with Him. He is a gentleman. He will not stay where He is not wanted. The less we get of God, the more we will get of Satan and the worse things will get.

I will look for the video and post it here if I can find it.

God's wrath is maybe something like the man who shot his daughter's computer to bits. It is tough love.

I have written all those words and I still didn't do as good a job of explaining what I meant as you did, Kathleen.

One brief thought ...our brains can only hold one conscious thought at a time. While we are blessing someone, we cannot be hating and cursing them.

I recently heard an interesting comment. Someone said that when we bless others, God blesses us with what we blessed them. If we curse someone, the curse can come back on us. That same person said that if the person we ask God to bless does not merit that blessing (according to God) then the blessing comes back to us. I don't know if this is scriptural or not but wouldn't that bit of knowledge suddenly make it easier to forgive everybody and ask God to bless and prosper them a lot? :))

God is blessing you all.



Hi Myrna,

The words in the prayer are..."Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

The word "trespass" implies that people are deliberate in their actions, not doing things as a mistake, but on purpose, they know they are treading across something that isn't theirs to walk over, either other peoples feelings, or being physically hurtful to other people or themselves.

So to forgive, truly forgive, we need to recognize that deliberateness for what it is, and be truly willing to let it go, and that is very difficult. You're right about forgiveness needing to be a full feeling from the heart, because trespasses are deliberate, done with knowledge of wrongdoing, not mistakes.

I think the wrath of God is based in His protectiveness of us, as His children, as a parent feels wrath toward anyone who threatens their children. God may feel wrath toward some people because they threaten His other children or threaten themselves with bad behavior. Therefore, His wrath could be based in love, protectiveness, anger toward anyone who's destructive toward other people or themselves.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/20/2012 7:05:58 PM
I wish I had the ability to write like Kathleen, you and Amanda, but I will try to do the best I can to explain some things.

First of all God has given us all free will, (that means the evil ones too) but the Illuminati has taken away a lot of our free will by keeping us in fear. It makes so much sense to me now, where a few years ago, I was blind to the fear that is heaped upon us. It comes from our Government, banks, police, insurance companies and large corporations & etc. We are not free as we have been lead to believe we are, no we are ruled by our Governments. War is money to the Illuminati. They are the 13 families running this world, and have been for eons of time. Look how are armed forces are today, the guys and gals are coming out with so much trauma, which is mind control and the horrid things they have seen plus living through. Look at the pharm. the meds they want to give to babies, and the flu shots, that are loading with mercury, that are useless. look at the schools how badly they are run. They are trying to take over our lives. This all ties together as the evil empire.(Illuminati)

What I have been trying to tell you about the Illuminati(Satan) is what this girl is talking about. The Illuminati(New World Order) has been running the world for eons of time. Now things are coming to a head. This girl is called a whistle blower, she is coming forward and telling about what has happened to her. You have heard of the Skull and Bones which is an evil empire and they make sacrifices in the fall of the year. This is one what she is talking about. There is a video on that that Alex Jones has posted.
Double click on the above and you will go to you tube for the rest of the series

Now I ask the question again, where is God's wrath now? We are all his people and he loves everyone the same.
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
2/20/2012 9:41:06 PM
Hello Helen,
I know and understand that God does not use numerology...The Illuminati does, they base their agenda's upon numbers etc.
I agree, God is in control and he is Almighty over Everything, but we are to be vigilant on what is going on around us as Satan was given reign of the world and he is doing an excellent job of confusion, division and many other things down here in deception.

I came upon this video that I watched yesterday, it is 3 hours long and was thinking at first to only post the link so anyone could go watch themselves, but as I see other video's posted I will pull it up properly.
The one thing that really annoyed me and so many teaching type video's is the background music especially when someone is talking - it is so annoying and distracting..!


Hi Amanda

These videos are just speculation based on numerology which is not of God. Why should anyone believe the person who put this video together? Is what he is saying, or at least parts of it, true? Maybe, but the twenty minutes I spent watching would have been better spent on reading my Bible.

This is just another example of how our imaginations can run wild if we let them. I agree that there is a spiritual war going on in the unseen realm. We need only watch what is going on in the world to see that ..what with all the evil going on everywhere in every arena. Things are so bad that only God can change things. I am often overwhelmed with all the 'causes' that need our support. I cannot keep up with it all. We need to pray. We need to be ready.


Hello Myrna, Helen, Robert, all.
We have spoken about Whitney Houston in these threads that her death from drowning in the bathtub after taking prescription drugs.
I had wondered how anyone can drown by falling asleep and slipping down as I thought that one would automatically wake up..Why was Whitney taking so many prescription pills?? I thought she had got her life back on track, she was staying in the Hilton Hotel to attend a pre-Grammy party that night and the Grammy's the next night.... The Party went on and was not canceled out of respect when it was learned she had died, it seemed to actually whoop up more in glorification.. questions, questions!
So these two video's came across my morning reading today and I also wanted to find out what the bible says too, to give you a fuller picture why I think there is merit in and why I believe we are in a spiritual war the Lord Jesus Christ and His bride (us) and Satan, god of this world.

Genesis 6 (King James Version)
1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

Matthew 24
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

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