If I told you we were living an illusion, would you believe me? That is what I was told when I started waking up. Waking up to what you are saying? Waking up to things are what they should be, there is so much more to life then what we see. So many things we have believed in are lies.
One thing that I have learned in my thoughts feelings, study, meditation, and etc. One thing I know in my heart of hearts is that GOD IS LOVE. In the Bible we are told of God's wrath. My question to you is, if God is love, how in the world can he have wrath? It is not possible. Right there is a big lie.
I also, have been doing a lot of thinking, studying about the Illuminati.. Do you know that the Illuminati is run by 13 families, The Vatican is a big one, the queen, the Rothchild's, Rockefeller's, to name a few. Ok, back to the Bible, where did it come from? Didn't Martin Luther come from the vatican, didn't he leave the Vatican's influence, or did he?(these have been my thoughts)
I have heard that the real Bible is in the Burton vault in Williamsburg, Virginia. What has been hidden from us for eons of time, what is in this Bible, why was it hidden. It seems like the more I learn the more there is to learn. So much is hidden, so much is non truth.
I like David Icke and have been watch him lately, he is a supporter for Occupy Wall Street.