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Robert De Merode

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RE: Truth tellers
2/18/2012 3:25:25 PM
Good writing Helen, I do agree with the unimportance of the 9/11 facts. I do not agree however with the official story. This is similar to my non agreement with the official story about the Kennedy assassination just as nothing there can be rectified either. Just to round things up, I am also dubious about the many moon landings, but that is just another story.

However, if I do agree that the many Illuminati, Satanic and other obscure underground theories do exist, I would hurriedly remind, if need be, that this is not new, they have always existed in various denominations ever since man has exercised his freedom of worship. God is still in control as He always has and always will be. Period.

Now, to get back down to earth, those people who have a fix idea that 9/11 was an Al-Qa’ida operation are either those that have a political interest in it being so or are those that dare not move out of the politically correct box that is enslaving them. I am still awaiting the name of just one passenger in the planes that hit either of the two towers! In fact I'm still searching one element that would render the plausibility of any detail of that horrible day to make sense. The scam is just as gross as is the scam of a Kenyan born Luo bastard sitting in the Oval Office.

We all have the governments we deserve, whether on one side of the Atlantic or the other.



Helen Elias

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RE: Truth tellers
2/18/2012 3:42:00 PM

Hello Amanda

I am posting a video of Walid Shoebat's version of what the mark of the beast is ...according to himself. Keep in mind, he teaches that almost all prophecy in the Bible takes place in the Middle East. He also has an extensive book on end times. I would love to read it but until I can afford it, I will have to do with bits and pieces from YouTube. :))

For those who don't know who Walid Shoebat is, he was a Palestinian terrorist who became a Christian later on which is a BIG no no in Islam and is punishable by death.

You can tell if someone like him is making an impact when you see the Muslims post a pile videos of negative propaganda about him.

I will try to find the video of his testimony and post it in this forum in a separate post. It is very interesting. I think most here will enjoy it. Of course, some may have already seen it.


Now here's Walid's views and discernment on the mark of the beast. It is not at all what you would think.....


Hello Myrna,

I would like to point out the subtlety how tracking of purchases by Walmart in this 1st video looks innocent enough to the unsuspecting senses. One of the interviewed customers - said he did not care if they wanted to track his underwear..
He and others did not get that if e.g. Walmart can track your underwear and no one notices or cares - then they can track more of our daily lives.

People need to be more perceptive what is happening around them. We live in a planned distracted world which rules us by busy-ness, stress and thoughts/ plans/ school exam/ problems/ what to cook for dinner/ etc
phones ringing etc on their minds all the time.
They learn to tune out
TV adverts / billboards / important notices and often miss that very vital clue what is happening around them


Mass chipping of Americans has begun

Unless people are aware and alert - which many still remain ignorant and have no true concept of who is The Divine Head of God Almighty the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit 3 personalities in one.

God has not been taught in schools, taken away from public buildings and compromised even in churches. People as a whole do not seem to be perceptive of things happening around us and are oblivious.

The Mark of the Beast, U.S. Patent Office application for Skin Marking for RFID chip!

2017 Microchip New World Order Master Plan

Do your own research as there is a lot of information on Youtube and other sites.

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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
2/18/2012 4:08:19 PM

Hello Amanda and everyone

Below are videos with Walid Shoebat's personal testimony. Very interesting!


Part 1 - 9 minutes

Part 2 - 8 minutes

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/18/2012 4:31:41 PM
If I told you we were living an illusion, would you believe me? That is what I was told when I started waking up. Waking up to what you are saying? Waking up to things are what they should be, there is so much more to life then what we see. So many things we have believed in are lies.

One thing that I have learned in my thoughts feelings, study, meditation, and etc. One thing I know in my heart of hearts is that GOD IS LOVE. In the Bible we are told of God's wrath. My question to you is, if God is love, how in the world can he have wrath? It is not possible. Right there is a big lie.

I also, have been doing a lot of thinking, studying about the Illuminati.. Do you know that the Illuminati is run by 13 families, The Vatican is a big one, the queen, the Rothchild's, Rockefeller's, to name a few. Ok, back to the Bible, where did it come from? Didn't Martin Luther come from the vatican, didn't he leave the Vatican's influence, or did he?(these have been my thoughts)

I have heard that the real Bible is in the Burton vault in Williamsburg, Virginia. What has been hidden from us for eons of time, what is in this Bible, why was it hidden. It seems like the more I learn the more there is to learn. So much is hidden, so much is non truth.

I like David Icke and have been watch him lately, he is a supporter for Occupy Wall Street.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
2/18/2012 5:24:33 PM
Hello Helen,
I definitely will not bite your head off, because I agree whole heatedly what you have written.
The theme of today is Good is Bad while bad is good for you. The Govt is trying to outlaw natural whole foods, milk, vitamins, minerals etc while pushing their GMO's, processed boiled milk that has lost all its nutritional value, demonize vitamins and minerals because they cannot take out a patent on God made products.
Their huge billions of dollars are made from pushing their synthetic dangerous, toxic poisons upon the population to keep us dulled and drugged into a stupor and cannot comprehend what is going on around us while soft killing us in the process.
Satan is in control of this world and christians have to push back and not take, eat all these toxins and poisons and expose them, while educating as many people as we can.

Hello Truth Tellers

I sent the following to my personal email list and now
you get to have it. :))

Hello everyone

Below is a CBC news video link about a 35 year old man killed
2 children and an elderly grandparent. He was said to be suffering
from a mental illness. Notice how they did not say he was taking
drugs. After all, we cannot be found blaming the drug companies,
now can we?

The students at Columbine were said to be taking psychiatric
prescription drugs.

The man who cut off the head of a fellow bus rider in Manitoba
was taking these
drugs. This crazed madman even held the
severed head by the hair and waved it to the other passengers.

Andrea Yates who drowned all 5 of her children was on
psychiatric prescription drugs.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Do a Search for psychiatric prescription drugs and you should
have no trouble finding articles that show these drugs' side
effects include suicide and homocide.

Most of the time the mental problems the SSRI drugs and
other drugs are supposed to aid could have been treated with
some simple vitamins and minerals. If you don't believe it,
keep on Searching.

A couple of years ago or so, I remember seeing an interview
with a young man who was diagnosed with Bipolar. He was
put on psychiatric drugs for a while until his Dad discovered
that a nutritional supplement might help his son. The son
on the supplements became free of Bipolar symptoms. I
won't forget what he said. He said while he was taking the
medications prescribed by a psychiatrist he was angry all
the time. He just wanted to hurt or kill someone he said.
Fortunately they found a harmless remedy just in time
before something really ugly might have happened.

Here's the latest news story of people to fall victim to what
probably was due to psychiatric legally-prescribed drugs.......

Please pass this on. Tell everyone about how the drug
companies are creating killing potions. Learn about and use
supplements instead.

I find that when I am depressed, all I have to do is take a
good multiple vitamin/mineral supplement high in B Vitamins
and the depression goes away ...even when it is quite severe!
For the most part, I rarely get depressed these days and when
I do, i realized I did not take my supplements. Yes, there are
nutritional supplements that work even for Bipolar and other
mental disorders.

And remember, if you are feeling testy or have bouts of rage,
it can be treated with natural products especially those high
in B-Vitamins and the trace minerals of which there are over
100 of them.

In addition to taking supplements, anyone with mental
disorders need pay attention to what they are eating and/or
drinking. The artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame,
Neotame, Splenda, sucralose, Equal and NutraSweet can and
will drive you nuts. They also cause things like MS symptoms,
fibromyalgia, Lupus, Seizures, Obesity and on and on!!!!

If you want to talk about this with me, please contact me. I
will be happy to hear from you even if you want to chew my
head off. :))

Remember to pass this on. Tell the world how awful drugs



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