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Myrna Ferguson

16559 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
2/13/2012 2:31:09 PM
I suspected something like this.


Whitney Houston yet another victim of pharmaceutical drug industry (UPDATE 2)

(NaturalNews) The regretful passing of an American entertainment icon -- Whitney Houston -- marks yet another sad milestone in the devastating body count of the prescription drug industry. TMZ is now reporting that Whitney Houston was found not with illegal drugs, but prescription drugs that may have killed her or caused her to drown in the bathtub. (

Houston had "a plethora of sedatives including Lorazepam, Valium, Xanax, and a sleeping medication that was found in her hotel room," reports Radar Online (


Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
2/16/2012 2:00:00 PM

Hello Truth Tellers

I sent the following to my personal email list and now
you get to have it. :))

Hello everyone

Below is a CBC news video link about a 35 year old man killed
2 children and an elderly grandparent. He was said to be suffering
from a mental illness. Notice how they did not say he was taking
drugs. After all, we cannot be found blaming the drug companies,
now can we?

The students at Columbine were said to be taking psychiatric
prescription drugs.

The man who cut off the head of a fellow bus rider in Manitoba
was taking these
drugs. This crazed madman even held the
severed head by the hair and waved it to the other passengers.

Andrea Yates who drowned all 5 of her children was on
psychiatric prescription drugs.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Do a Search for psychiatric prescription drugs and you should
have no trouble finding articles that show these drugs' side
effects include suicide and homocide.

Most of the time the mental problems the SSRI drugs and
other drugs are supposed to aid could have been treated with
some simple vitamins and minerals. If you don't believe it,
keep on Searching.

A couple of years ago or so, I remember seeing an interview
with a young man who was diagnosed with Bipolar. He was
put on psychiatric drugs for a while until his Dad discovered
that a nutritional supplement might help his son. The son
on the supplements became free of Bipolar symptoms. I
won't forget what he said. He said while he was taking the
medications prescribed by a psychiatrist he was angry all
the time. He just wanted to hurt or kill someone he said.
Fortunately they found a harmless remedy just in time
before something really ugly might have happened.

Here's the latest news story of people to fall victim to what
probably was due to psychiatric legally-prescribed drugs.......

Please pass this on. Tell everyone about how the drug
companies are creating killing potions. Learn about and use
supplements instead.

I find that when I am depressed, all I have to do is take a
good multiple vitamin/mineral supplement high in B Vitamins
and the depression goes away ...even when it is quite severe!
For the most part, I rarely get depressed these days and when
I do, i realized I did not take my supplements. Yes, there are
nutritional supplements that work even for Bipolar and other
mental disorders.

And remember, if you are feeling testy or have bouts of rage,
it can be treated with natural products especially those high
in B-Vitamins and the trace minerals of which there are over
100 of them.

In addition to taking supplements, anyone with mental
disorders need pay attention to what they are eating and/or
drinking. The artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame,
Neotame, Splenda, sucralose, Equal and NutraSweet can and
will drive you nuts. They also cause things like MS symptoms,
fibromyalgia, Lupus, Seizures, Obesity and on and on!!!!

If you want to talk about this with me, please contact me. I
will be happy to hear from you even if you want to chew my
head off. :))

Remember to pass this on. Tell the world how awful drugs


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Myrna Ferguson

16559 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Truth tellers
2/18/2012 6:04:42 AM
This is so good. You know the old saying. "A Few good Men" here is one of them, Dennis Kucinich

10 Years Later: Dennis' Prayer for America

10 years ago today, Dennis Kucinich gave his "Prayer for America" Speech. Please watch the speech and use the form below to share this prophetic message, which even after ten years maintains a fresh sense of urgency.

To read the whole speech, click here.

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
2/18/2012 12:04:46 PM

Hello Myrna, Amanda and Bogdan

I am browsing thru the posts on this forum.

First I want to say I am not a "Truther". I am a truth teller and my aim is to tell the truth as much as I know what it is. But I don't know what a "Truther" is. If a Truther is someone who believes the conspiracy theories then I have to ask, "Which one?". There are too many questions not answered especially in regard to 9-11.

It seems anyone can take a story and twist it around and make it be what they want it to be. I do not come to conclusions about conspiracies quickly, if ever.

I am not quick to believe the conspiracy stories (and the reported stories either). When congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords was shot, for example, 3 conspiracy stories came out about why she was shot. Each story was different. I wish I had kept those stories but I didn't. I just clicked Delete with disgust. It was as if it was a testerone thing ...the person with the best story that sticks, wins.

There's no sense me asking anyone questions about 9-11, and I do have some, because I wouldn't believe what they told me ...not necessarily because they are lying but maybe they are believing someone's lie. For the most part, I consider these stories a waste of time.

The only thing I know about 9-11 is that 2 planes hit the World Trade towers, the buildings came down. There were people in the planes and in the buildings who died. 19 suicide hijackers also died that day. It does appear the buildings might have been purposely detonated to collapse the way they did. The third building that came down later on the same day is another scenerio that looks suspicious. Even if the conspiracy theories are correct what can we do about it?
Our time is better spent being watchdogs of the government and doing something about that rather than concentrating on 9-11.

When it comes to posterity (our offspring) it will not be 9-11 for which they will be wanting answers. It will be about things like voting in a man who hates America with an obvious Islam bend who did much to make the US into a Islamic nation. "Why did you let this happen, you gutless wonders?" they will be asking.

In an Islamic nation anyone who is not a Muslim can convert or pay an extra tax and be humiliated or can be killed. Great choices, don't you agree?

Our offspring will ask about how did we manage to let the rich ruin our economy with their lies and thefts and not a one of them went to jail. They all got to keep the money they stole and even were given salaries and bonuses after the fact.

The questions will be about why did we give away our reserve bank back in 1913. Why did we say nothing when the government continued to tax us long after the war was over when they said the tax would not continue. If the US did not get tax revenue from the people, they still had other ways to make money since they would not need as much money if they hadn't given away the nation's reserve bank. There are SO MANY questions they will have and most will not be about 9-11.

Here's a few more questions that they might ask.......

Why were corporations allowed to get so big that they took over control of government? Why weren't these corporations broken up into smaller companies? There is legal provision and precedent for doing that is there not? Why were these huge corporations allowed in government as lobbyists, as employees/appointees and election contributors?

Why did we keep sending our young lads to war after war to fight for our freedoms and coming back maimed or in a box? Why did we do that when we ourselves are too afraid to even speak up against Islam? Have we no guts? ..but our boys and girls are supposed to have guts.

Islam is not a religion. It is an evil horrid ideology to take over the world and we are doing nothing.

Our children will be asking why did you let the Muslims infiltrate not only the government but also the schools from Grade 7 up on to the colleges.

Why did you allow the government and the law to ignore the constitution while the only constitutional law that was obeyed was the one about freedom of religion which Muslims threw up in our face whenever it suited them?

Why did you allow Muslims to immigrate into the US when you knew they're aim was to kill us sooner or later? It was a known fact. If you don't think they will kill you or your children or grandchildren, study what they are doing in other countries such as Sweden, Norway, Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Sudan, Nigeria, Palestinian Territories, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and many more. It is said there are 39 conflicts around the world and Muslims are involved in every one of them, killing mostly Christians, pagans and other Muslims. Any Islamic country that is not killing Christians is not doing it because they have killed them all already ....except for those that managed to escape to a safer country.

Another question our offspring will be asking is, "Did you write a letter or phone your representative? Why didn't you at least let them know you didn't want what they were doing? Why did you spend hours on the internet, in coffee shops talking about this problem; why weren't you at home writing a letter?"

Our posterity will ask, "Did you pray?"

That is the kind of truth I wish to tell. Please don't expect me to go to a forum related to this subject; this is stuff EVERYONE needs to know. If I had time, I would put it in every forum.

I leave you with this nice little verse out of the Koran, "..., when you meet the Unbelievers, smite at their necks (decapitate them); ...bind the captives (women and children who are kept as slaves and sex slaves) ....if it had been Allah's will, he could certainly have exacted retribution from them (himself); but he lets you fight in order to test you ...." Verse 7 "Oh you who believe! if ye will help (the cause of Allah), he will help you and plant your feet firmly."

You can find online translations of the Qur'an at these links....

First link.....
The following site offers 10 different translations of each verse in
the Qur'an

Second link....
10 Translations here ...

Third link .... Has 3 of the most popular English translations (YusufAli,
Pickthal, and Shakir)

Fourth link....
4 English translations ....Click on Quran > then on All Translations
This site also lets you Search the Hadiths by verses or by key words
for which you may be searching....

Have a great and thankful day! ...everyday!


Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for your kind works. When I saw that of the Bishop I just had to get the word out. I hope others will post too. WE all want and need the truth.


Hi again Myrna and Amanda,

Today I had those thoughts about the kind of world we are living in and realized that in a way we are responsible for what is happening around us. I have also realized that if my kids complain to me what kind of world they have to live in, they will be correct.

The least we can do is to ensure that truth is shared and that we are not hiding behind excuses. If my kids or grand kids (I don't have grandkids yet) ask me what I was doing when all this crap was happening, I will tell them that I was holding flashlight and made sure that the ugly things are for everybody to see which you are also doing with great effort and care.


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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
2/18/2012 1:44:06 PM

Hi Amanda

I think that many (not all) of the pictures were photo-shopped. They even had a picture of the box in which their Photo Shop software came.

For those who don't know what Photo Shop means, let me explain. It is a software program that lets you change photos and pictures or parts thereof. It does amazing things like changing colors of the hair and eyes, changes features of the face and/or the body. If you are very fat, you can make yourself look slimmer. You could easily change a hand to have one or two fingers up and the rest down and so forth.

Photo Shop is a great tool for various applications but I am afraid it will be used a lot to deceive people on YouTube and other sites. It's kind of sad that we will no longer be able to trust some of the videos we watch.


Hello Myrna

Here is a few short video's to add to your truth seeking

100% proof the illuminati control everything but are too blind to see

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